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Everything posted by home1212

  1. I agree with most others that your hair looks great right now, the temple recession is not obvious or glaring, although I know what it feels like when something bothers you! I have a small spot in my hairline that bothers me and you just seem to obsess over it... that being said, I would try and take a wait and see attitude if you can. If it bothers you that much, FUE for the temples would be best and it shouldn't be many grafts, except I would research surgeons who've done alot of temple restoration, its a particular skill as well. Konior, Shapiro, Gabel, Rahal, etc. Get a few opinions and consultations and make your informed decision from there. Good luck - fortunately, you're not in a bad place!
  2. I've had 2 FUE procedures with Dr. Rahal. I'm now a 48 year old male who had extensive hair loss and was a NW 5A to 6. My first procedure was in 2014 where Rahal did a 2,000 graft restoration to my frontal zone. The second, a a year later in 2015, where he did another 1,500 grafts to add another band of coverage right behind the frontal zone. My crown is still relatively untouched, so since I've had some excellent experiences with Rahal, I've decided to go back for another 1,000 to 1,500 grafts to add some more coverage and shrink the size of the bald crown. I certainly know it won't be full coverage, but given where I started, I would be really happy to just decrease the size of the bald crown. I've attached a pic for any comments or suggestions. I know Rahal will make it look natural and I'm very confident in his skills. I'm from the NJ/NY area and decided to go with him because he would do FUE rather than FUT for my case. I liked the fact that he did my cases in stages - no large 3k or 4k graft sessions, to ensure graft survivability and growth.
  3. really nice work, and what an excellent available option to have, thanks!
  4. a contender for best HT transformation of the year! congrats
  5. HTsoon, I think your crown coverage looks great with more maturing and thickening of hairs to come. Very happy for you. I've always been impressed with your commentary on this forum, in my opinion you're one of the most educated patients with real insight in the HT field, always providing positive useful opinions to other members. So its a real pleasure seeing your own case be as successful as you wanted it to be. Congrats!
  6. really nice improvement, keep seeing great results from Dr. Diep's patients, congrats!
  7. let me fill you in on a little secret - you're going to want to enjoy your hair when you're 48 or 58 as well! my point being you have a limited donor supply, plan for the long haul and now just for now - best of luck to you
  8. you're still young, unclear if you've tried meds to stabilize your hair loss as it will inevitably be continuous and progressive, with that in mind I'd go very conservative with your frontal restoration, remember you will be chasing or trying to keep up with whatever hairline you chose as you lose existing native hair behind the transplanted grafts. You need to have a "long term plan" for your donor management and not just jump into a HT for the sake of it as you will require future surgeries - please keep that in mind and bring that up with your doctor when you're consulting etc.
  9. fascinating case, hope you achieve the result you're looking for, keep us updated and best wishes healing and growing!
  10. I went FUE with no mega sessions involved - 2 FUE sessions totaling 3500 grafts with Dr. Rahal, completely satisfied. That being said, I believe FUT is probably still the best route if its your first HT and you're trying to maximize graft count and growth yield. For me, I was already way beyond that, in my late 40's, repair case, and looking for the least non-invasive, quickest healing procedure. If those FUE pros are on your priority list as they were for me, then you're making an INFORMED CHOICE to go FUE which worked out well for me.
  11. home1212

    great repair job Dr. Wesley
  12. honest and great write up, I think everyone's experience is different, mine with Rahal was excellent to the point I did 2 FUE procedures with him for a total of 3500 grafts and not only was it successful but life changing for me. I hope you achieve a successful result, that is what you're looking for, and best of luck healing and growing!
  13. the photos posted show you were a high NW before your first procedure, although the post op photos aren't that clear, its appears you got a decent result and your hairline looks very natural - you should be content with that. You now are talking about a 2nd procedure which you state you can't afford. Then you shouldn't even be considering it. Don't take a loan from family or friends or even a financial institution if you can't afford it. You will cause yourself only more stress by having a financial obligation to worry about after your procedure. Be content and have realistic expectations about your hair loss situation. The crown is not as important as the hairline and frontal zone. I have a bald crown and don't worry about it at all. Maybe I'll address it at some future point, maybe I won't. The positive side about waiting is also there may be other progress in hair growth in 2-5-7 years where you won't have to have a surgical procedure. My simple advice is be humble, content and most of all patient.
  14. to each his own ... I'm glad both procedures are available for people to chose what's best for them as opposed to a one size fits all / cookie cutter approach - there are pros and cons to both procedures
  15. You use the word "sparse" which tells me you were seeking your equivalent density between your native hair and transplanted hairs.. Did you discuss your expectations and density with your surgeon and the fact that you would be wearing your hair so short when it grew in? The fact of the matter is you'll probably never match that density as grafts cannot be packed so tightly as it may compromise their growth. As others have stated the obvious, you should let your hair grow out and you'll probably be happier with the result. Good luck.
  16. congrats on your procedure, I had 2 FUE procedures spaced out a year apart to do the frontal restoration and then the midscalp to crown - must be nice to get it out of the way in one procedure albeit over 2 days! work looks good and I really like the attention to the hairline design. best wishes healing and post updates of your progress when you see fit!
  17. ANY and EVERY doctor can be transplanting hairs in between native hairs .... the good ones don't have a high transection rate
  18. You are exactly where you need to be - the outline of that new hairline is there and once all the new hairs grow, thicken and mature, you're going to have a smile on your face! yes the new hairs can be very "wirey" until they grow out, thicken and mature - give it a few more months, of course you can already see where you're headed, its looking good! I would just keep everything short and uniform for the time being until it all blends together and then let it grow out evenly, good luck growing.
  19. Rahal will shave your recipient area, in fact he insists on it .. IMO for your case I think Arocha or Konior are your best options and you can't go wrong with either.
  20. congrats on your procedure Operator, I really like the conservative hairline, it will serve you well for years to come, good luck and heal and grow well! keep us updated with your progress as the doctor's work looks great!
  21. you guys hit the nail on the head .. love the psychological insight and perspective you both have
  22. i absolutely LOVE seeing successful "repair" surgeries! having undergone a repair myself, I know the anxiety and stress the patient was under with having to conceal the unnatural hairline, the repair process just returns you back to a sense of normalcy and you are finally at some peace! so thanks for all you do in this respect Dr. Bloxham! great job
  23. that's certainly a large area to cover even in a mega-session. would have loved to have seen the FUT scar and how far or close to the ears they would have had to come to get that many grafts. result speaks for itself.
  24. there was a post on here recently where a guy bumped his head pretty hard and lost several grafts in the area that got dislodged shortly after his procedure and there was no noticeable difference when his HT came in several months later. I believe he had his procedure with Dr. Konior. I don't think you have anything to worry about or stress over with the loss of 1 graft, it happens, don't lose sleep over it. Heal well and continue to do your post op regimen and you'll be fine. Best of luck to you and congrats on your HT.
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