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Everything posted by home1212

  1. good luck buddy, the nervousness and fear combined are natural feelings, I was extremely nervous but also looking forward to finally putting this thing that was bothering me for years behind me - you will feel an overwhelming sense of relief when its over (guaranteed) - and you'll see its never as bad as you think, especially with great docs and clinics, they make you feel comfortable and always attending to your needs - best wishes on your journey, its definitely worth it!
  2. really nice improvement with more to come ...
  3. execllent work & incredible result with only 2k grafts Dr. Vories- congrats, your patient myst be very happy
  4. good supplements for your hair ... Saw Palmetto Glucosamine Chondrotin w/MSM Super B Complex Hair Streghtening supplement to include Biotin w/Folic Acid In addition to the above, I also use Rogaine foam, and recently went from 2 times per day to only 1 application in the morning..
  5. there is no "best" between Konior & Shapiro - they are equally "top elite docs" - depends on what your looking to achieve, ie. aggressive vs. conservative restoration, etc. - you should be consulting with both docs and maybe a 3rd alternative on your list who might surprise you - (ie. Hasson & Wong, Rahal, etc.). and then see how each different doc addresses your specific needs, how do they plan for your restoration? in one or multiple sessions? how many grafts do they recommend to achive your goals? how they each address your needs and concerns? etc. then you decide who is the "best" for your situation - in this top class of surgeons, they're all superior - it depends which one suits your needs ... that's a decision only you can make ...
  6. that's some great progress and a wonderful transformation harin! I know how if feels want to have things a little better or "perfect", but a hair transplant never is .. but you've come such as long way from where you started.. in fact when I look in the mirror and am not so happy with my density or anything else, I always take a look at my "before" pic to put things in perspective, and it usually puts a smile back on my face! I wish you continued success & growth over the next several months..
  7. absolutely stellar result from Dr. Wong - the fact that you were also a "repair" case, makes his skills and artistry really stand out - he was definitely on my short list ... congrats to you, you should be thrilled!
  8. congrats, truly amazing, aesthetically natural looking and beautiful actually!
  9. 100% agree with you. Before getting my HT, I also did not want to shave my head. But after you realize what you need to do to heal, and spray the grafts, put antibiotic creme on your strip scar or FUE donor site - you want it to be free and easy. Shaving is not only better for the surgeons and techs who have to work on you, but in the end its better for you as well. Just from my experience.
  10. Thanks Stig. Amazing to read a quote from Dr. Hasson on FUE - "I never imagined that FUE grafts, if extracted properly, could look so close to those of strip. Nor could I have predicted that the donor area could look so pristine and almost perfect only 1 week after the procedure." Dr. Victor Hasson
  11. When I first scheduled my FUE procedure with Rahal last year, I was under the impression that he was using the ARTAS robot to do the extractions. I later came to find out before my procedure that he discontinued use of the ARTAS because he found his manual motorized extraction method provided better yields. I've had 2 FUE procedures with Rahal where his lead tech used a motorized manual extraction tool. In the hands of a skilled technician, he was very quick, efficient, and random in the extracting grafts from my so called safe zone. Personally, I've only heard negative press from doctors/clinics about ARTAS. It seems that when starting out to do FUE procedures, a clinic might chose the robot because they might not have the in-houses skilled techs or doctors in some cases to do the extractions. Like H&W who only recently got into the FUE game with ARTAS, I would be interested in seeing how much of their practice turns from FUT - their bread & butter - to FUE, and how long they stick with ARTAS.
  12. When things go wrong - 100% the doctor and clinic are responsible - the techs work for the doctor ... Who else would be responsible? Even if a tech or techs make errors - the doctor is vicariously liable for the actions and errors of his employees -
  13. there is no doubt that the mega-sessions being done today are definitely a "team effort" and approach, without execellent technicians, doctors could not accomplish these large sessions successfully - however where I tend to disagree with you slightly is in that it is the doctor who builds & trains that team to work in unison, efficiently and artfully, under HIS supervision and under his FINAL quality control - I point to my specific example of Dr. Rahal with whom I've had 2 procedures now - his lead tech was trained by him personally and has been working with him for over 10 years, Dr. Rahal is in and out of the operating room when techs are doing implantation, etc. checking on their work, sometimes making minor adjustments, and lastly he sees you last to go over everything before you leave to ensure everything is as HE planned out with you - your mandatory postop followup the following day is also a visit with the DOCTOR so I think you minimize who is ultimately in control of the entire procedure and therefore who normally takes the majority of the credit (rightfully).
  14. a high NW pattern like yours probably requires more than 1 surgery - no one "mainstream" will do 5k grafts via FUE in one sitting - you have to attack your situation in stages or zones of your hair loss - ie. frontal zone first, then mid-scalp to crown, etc. and depending on your donor you may not have enough grafts to do a crown restoration - so yes, what was said earlier is absolutely true - you need a plan of attack for high norwoods - its not as simple as one surgery and you're done
  15. Has anyone heard of doctors doing clinical trials with stem cells to regrow hair? Does this treatment have any future validity to it?
  16. By 12 months that right side will catch up and will blend in thickness/density with your native hair as it appears your left side has already. I had the same issue, one side had quicker growth than the other - it all blended together for me by 8 months or so...
  17. I've seen several H&W cases with unbelievable graft counts and they all seem to have the same high strip from above the ear (temple) to above the ear (temple) - seems a bit extreme to me especially if you recede beyond that point, the graft counts tend to be high in all these case but I too wonder how safe it is to extract grafts beyond the safe zone?
  18. cool, having read your responses in this thread I would never have known you've been researching hairtransplants for over a year - especially when you make a naive and sarcastic comment that you don't feel you should be paying for a "magic trick" - when in fact you are doing exactly that - you're paying for the "illusion" of density - you gain absolutely no more hair than you already have - so essentially yes! its a great magic trick..... good luck to you! sounds like you'll need it.
  19. the elite FUE docs are in Europe, there are several in North America including Rahal, Konior or Shapiro that do both FUT and FUE, but if you can't travel you're not only limiting your options but you'd probably end up with a subpar result - i'd say hold off until your situation changes - my opinion
  20. I am from the NJ area and I thought it was good to stay local so I consulted with Dr. Feller in NY, however I too wanted an FUE procedure and as we all know Dr. Feller does not give you that option. I eventually traveled to Ottawa Canada - a short hour flight - and had my FUE procedure with Rahal. The dollar is still relatively strong so the currency conversation works in our favor.. Just something to consider ...
  21. if you're looking for full coverage? that's probably unrealistic, but take a look at tons of cases on this forum where people - including myself are high NW - pretty bald on top and crown - take a look at my profile and pics, with only 3500 grafts I was able to restore my frontal zone and mid-scalp up to the crown - density was not my objective, coverage was - and you could achieve a similar result - like others have said, you may think you'll want to wear a hair system the rest of your life, you may not?? but you don't need 10k grafts if you choose a natural, conservative plan for your hair restoration with a repuable HT doctor
  22. Hair transplants taking existing hair from your donor and move it to balding areas - so you're not cloning or getting more hair than what you already have... most people with hair loss and everyone in general have a "limited" amount of grafts that can be transplanted out of the "safe zone" - NO ONE HAS AN UNLIMITED amount of of hair to "genuinely resolve the issues coming with hair loss" as you stated, therefore your knowledge on the topic is limited and your expectations are probably unrealistic .. I agree with others that a HT procedure is probably not for you.
  23. same here Matt - my objective with my HT was not to have a full head of hair at 46 now 47 years old, I wanted hair restoration to rebuild a very conservative hairline and frontal zone so that I didn't look "older" than my age .. since I was a high NW, I wasn't worried about crown restoration or high density, it was purely about an aesthetically pleasing, natural result. Dr. Rahal totally got it right for my situation ...
  24. I hope no one has holes drilled in their skull for a HT! but all the incisions in your scalp will cause redness due to the presence of newly formed blood vessels and inflammation from the placement of the new grafts.
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