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Everything posted by home1212

  1. don't be so down on yourself especially immediately after a procedure, you can have doubts, things probably don't look so good, etc. you need to have patience and give yourself time to heal, self doubting and fear can cripple us, don't let it get you or especially make you depressed. What's done is done, but always try to look on the bright side and be positive, you have months of healing ahead of you before you should make an assessment of whether your procedure was successful. And no, 600-1,200 grafts, given you're not too far advanced in your hair loss, are not alot of grafts in the overall scheme of things. Don't worry unnecessarily, be kind to yourself, and I'm sure you'll be fine!
  2. couldn't agree with you more about Dr. Rahal! congrats on your result - looks amazing
  3. you have to ask your doctor for a graft count - maybe 600 "holes" were made consisting of 1-2-3-4 hair grafts which were later dissected down - ask your doctor for a full graft count
  4. HLS2015 is correct about one thing, no one wears their hair that short after getting a HT! if you grew out your hair, you'd probably notice minimal to no hair loss but for your crown ... I'm alot older than you and if I were in your shoes, I would not get a HT at this point. Try medication, natural supplements, DHT blocker shampoos, etc. Once you go the surgery route, there is no turning back and while your hair loss progresses, you will be chasing it with additional surgeries down the line. You will never replicate the hairline density that you currently have. Hold off and see where your hair loss pattern goes before going the surgery route at such a young age ..
  5. Yes Matt exactly! I couldn't think of the exact term that was used for the treatment but it's chelation - done intravenously. I've heard about it from a doctor in the NY area who speaks about it often on his radio show. Thought it might be something worth looking into. So you were obviously tested and it showed elevated levels of certain heavy metals??
  6. Looks fantastic! Very happy for you.. picking a top doc always increases the chances you'll have a great result. Congrats and enjoy!
  7. I've heard alot about heavy metal detoxification doing wonders for alot of ailments. Do you know of any doctors, clinics that test and actually do this? Something I've always considered. Excellent point!
  8. Try the Regenpure line. There are 2 bottles the DR which contains the ketacazanole which is a DHT blocker and the NT which is the nourishing shampoo. I've used them since my 1st HT and I think they're great. You leave in the DR for approx. 5 mins and then follow up with the NT right after almost like a conditioner. The combination makes your scalp and hair feel very healthy. Does it regrow hair? I'm not sure about that, but it certainly does a good job of purifying the scalp, less inflammation, etc. They come in 8oz bottles about 20 - 25 bucks each, so not inexpensive. I order from Amazon you can also get on Regenpure.com
  9. I also don't think any reputable doctor will only do 1,000 grafts at a time on you since they'll have to be concentrated in a particular area - sometimes densely packed based on how low you go with your hairline & what you're trying to achieve overall. Grafts are not "sprinkled" over the entirety of your balding area, they're concentrated in a particular area to give the best natural grouping appearance. 1k grafts focused just on your hairline for example would look completely odd given you would have less density and progressive hair loss behind it. For your 1st surgery, most doctors will focus on your frontal third zone - by framing your face - which is the most important aspect of any HT surgery. You would probably need anywhere between 2500-3500 grafts - just to accomplish that, without touching the midscalp and crown. Again, multiple consultations with recommended HT surgeons is key, but I think I'd be safe in saying you'll hear something similar to what I've just stated here.
  10. Feller will undoubtedly not do FUE for your case - he's basically a strip surgeon who uses FUE as an adjunct to FUT - which is the main reason I didn't go with him - and yes his FUE pricing of $10 per graft is expensive - I traveled to Ottawa and had my FUE procedure with Rahal.
  11. DO NOT HAVE ROBOTIC OR ARTAS FUE .. most well respected doctors have discontinued using the ARTAS robot in their practice because they felt they could achieve better results with a manual FUE extraction procedure - that includes Rahal and more recently H&W. Just do a quick google search of FUE vs FUT - it's the 2 basic procedures being offered now in hair transplantation surgery. FUT is the traditional strip surgery method which many claim to be the gold standard because you move the most amount of grafts in the most efficient method by cutting a strip of your scalp from the back of your head which is then dissected into follicular units of 1 - 2 - or 3 hair grafts to be implanted in the recipient sites. This is the more invasive procedure because you will have a linear scar in the back of your head. FUE is where grafts are taken one by one from your donor area via a manual or motorized punch for transplantation to your balding area. This is more time consuming , less invasive and quicker healing time - as you have small little holes or dots spread out all over your donor area or what they call the safe zone. You can't get ad many grafts in one sitting as you can in a traditional FUT surgery - so sometimes for significant hair loss patients more than 1 surgery is required . Again - DO NOT GO ROBOTIC or ARTAS! yes Feller is a highly respected and top knot here surgeon on his field as well as the others I mentioned. Get more than one opinion for your case .
  12. try Regenpure DR and NT - its 2 separate bottles. The DR contains the ketoconazole which is the main ingredient in Nizoral and the NT is followed immediately after using the DR with more nourishing ingredients - great combination. I use it 5 days a week.
  13. start out with some consultations, in person and online, and get several recommendations from surgeons you are considering... You have Dr. Feller in your back yard, send some photos to Dr. Konior, Shapiro, Rahal, H&W - see what they propose in terms of a restoration plan. I assume most will want to tackle the hair-line and frontal zone first although H&W could likely do your entire case in one sitting with their mega-sessions. Also depends on whether you want FUT or FUE. Pros and cons to both including cost. Others have also traveled internationally to some great surgeons in Belgium or Turkey, don't know if that's in your game plan.
  14. looks absolutely perfect - even the white line at the hairline looks like an area of the head that didn't tan if he had longer hair and then shaved it bald! great job..
  15. I chose Dr. Rahal for a reason, his reputation and skill. I traveled to Ottawa to have surgery with him. The airfare is negligible compared to what you would have to spend or worry about if you had a bad HT from an unknown physician. Never, ever limit your choices based on geographic location.
  16. do you have a pre-op pic? that's alot of grafts packed into that frontal zone -
  17. really fantastic, natural result ! personally I would have went a bit more conservative with the hairline given his age and fact that he'll likely have continued hair loss and recession behind the transplanted frontal band - just my own opinion, otherwise the work looks top knotch
  18. looks fantastic and absolutely natural, wonderful work and continued success in more growth! congrats
  19. it definitely looks like its subsiding, and when growth kicks in at 4-6 months it will be even less detectable, i truly understand and sympathize with your situation, but you'll get over this "hump" and I hope you'll be happier soon with your final result
  20. really impressive result, naturally and aesthetically beautiful, congrats!
  21. If you get a HT and the density is not matched 100%, angles of grafts are wrong, there's some plugginess or spareness in some areas, you'll end up looking worse than you do now. For a 42 year old, your hairline is better than 90% of men out there. You sound like you want to turn back the clock and have the hairline of a 24 year old - unrealistic expectation. Any surgery involves some risk - it doesn't sound like you're taking that into consideration. If I were you, I'd be very content with your current hairline. If you're that bothered by it, then I say do your research and get with a reputable surgeon who delivers consistently excellent results and make sure you understand what you're getting into - best of luck.
  22. quite frankly, if I were you, I'd still hold off on getting a HT your hair loss is not severe except for some recession in your temples and there is no apparent diffuse thinning across your scalp based on your pictures - unsure if you're a NW2?? also, based on some of your questions about density, styling, etc. your result could end up not meeting your expectations and therefore a HT may not be for you at this time..
  23. how about prioritizing your issues by addressing the hairline first. Once you have a very soft nice natural looking hairline where you can wear your hair straight back or up, the crown may not bother you as much. Or at least consider leaving the crown for another procedure down the road? just a suggestion. best of luck and based on the surgeons you're considering it sounds like you'll be in good hands
  24. 4 weeks off is an excellent amount of time.... concealing the redness after a HT depends on where you're getting work done, ie frontal zone, midscalp, crown, etc.? will the recipient area be shaved? size of procedure? etc. FUE healing time is definitely much quicker than FUT as well, which was one of my primary goals - to get back to work ASAP, best of luck
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