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Everything posted by LonelyGraft

  1. Maybe it can provide nutrients to help hair grow faster or keep it more shiny but supplements like these usually to not tackle the root cause of male/female pattern baldness which is usually a mix of genetics and hormone levels. Also, 15 days is nothing and impossible to see new growth. Just the telogen phase of a follicle is somewhere around 3 months.
  2. Not saying there aren’t good doctors in India but please do not limit yourself to geographic location for a gaur transplant
  3. I’ve seen plenty of guys use it only once a day and get great results. Bernstein has many cases posted on his site. If you want u can try the foam in the morning which is very user friendly in terms of dry time and styling
  4. I see little sprouts although sparse. I think the growth is kicking in very soon. 11 weeks is nothing, you gotta be patient. Did u look into the tsal shampoo I mentioned before? Clear it by ur doctor first if u want to use it and start out with once a week.
  5. Dr. Soni ive asked this before but never got a response. Why is the combo of fut+fue performed at once rather than taking a larger strip?
  6. never heard of such a thing as blood being robbed from the scalp because of resistance training. with that being said, I'd follow his post op instructions as you already trusted him enough to get surgery from him. I'm sure staying out of the gym for 1 month vs 2 weeks wont make a big impact on your long term goals.
  7. I actually vaguely remember there are some clinics that have patients use conditioner on the recipient crusts post op to help them soften up and be washed away. I'd imagine if it were bad for hairs then they would not recommend that. At 3 months your grafts are def secure and some have likely started to grow already. Def follow up with diep if you are really concerned. I had scalp build up for a while too and the one shampoo that helped slough it off is neutrogena t/sal which has salicylic acid in it. The t/sal is pretty drying however. Might be worth a shot
  8. I'd def follow up with your hair transplant doctor to get their opinion on this. Have you had side effects the entire 3-4 months or did they just recently creep up?
  9. if you have a doctor you see for a yearly physical that will prescribe you finasteride I'd go down that route. Fill your rx at costco or walmart and its still cheaper than hims. I believe costco sells 90 pills of 1mg fin for less than 20 bux. 5 mg split up will be even cheaper. If you like the convenience of it being mailed to your home then I guess you can pay more....
  10. You need to look into medical treatment to see if it’s right for you. Read up on the “big 3” which is finasteride, topical minoxidil, and ketoconazole shampoo. These are the three treatments that have the most proof of stopping/reversing hair loss. make sure your scalp is in a healthy, non inflamed, non flaky state. try and reduce as much stress as you can and not focus too much on hair loss, it can really become an addiction if you let it. good luck
  11. Telogen effluvium usually leads to global thinning, not just one area. You’ll usually notice lots of hair coming out during showers and combing etc.
  12. Absolutely not. Only a fraction of the topical is absorbed systemically compared to taking a dose orally. I don’t think oral minox is the answer. I’ve only heard of dr path and his other Thai colleague laorwong recommend oral minox. Personally I think there are too many risks for something that doesn’t even address the root cause of mpb (dht).
  13. I’ve heard pure aloe Vera can help irritation and redness. I don’t have direct experience with it but many clinics recommend it
  14. He probably stopped paying to be recommended here. I know he markets heavily on another forum, hairlosshelp. The two Indian clinics mentioned here the most are eugenix and darling buds. Sometimes medispa posts here too.
  15. Isn’t head and shoulders a bit harsh to be using for postop care? I’ve read many clinics recommend staying away from Medicated shampoos for at least one month post op. Is there any reason to use a medicated shampoo?
  16. And also...how the heck do u not have any white hairs at 50, what’s the damn secret
  17. I know indian ppl that love to claim all kinds of oils (and some of them like amla smell like absolute shit) stop hair loss onion juice saw palmetto water filter shower heads scalp massage there was a no ‘poo (no shampoo movement claiming it helped hair loss) mall the people that claim healthy diet stops hair loss. Meanwhile homeless ppl who drink all day and eat McDonald’s have full head of hair theres so much bullshit out there I’m sure I can make this list 20 times longer
  18. It looks very good and dense so far with more time for improvement. Looks like the toppik wasn’t doing a lot.
  19. Just wondering why you are undergoing prp if your doctor doesn’t recommend it? Not saying you’re doing anything wrong just genuinely curious.
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