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Everything posted by Sean

  1. Hope it works out for you. Approach it carefully, you do not want to end up as someone who is stuck with multiple repairs. It is the worst feeling and messes up your work schedule.
  2. IMO, You should print all documentation including postings and see an outside doc that does not know the doctor. You should say you got a hair transplant and not mention from whom and get pics reviewed and current state evaluated. See if you can meet a dermatologist for consult and discuss the issue prior to meeting that doc. Document your progress clearly month to month for your own records. Get your med records and photos from clinic for your own records. Hope things turn out as you expected them. Best wishes.
  3. At 26, you can see recession in those pics. I would wait until hair loss has at least stabalized. Imo, some docs may have you on meds and rogaine to see how you would respond first. Imo, Waiting till 30-35 may help you make a better decision to avoid any uneccessary donor depletion or damages to native hair density. You really need to see where your hairloss is headed especially if it keeps changing every 2 years. Be very careful and approach this very carefully. Wish you the best and hope you get what you seek.
  4. My nonprofessional opinion thinks this looks like necrosis. Definitely have it checked asap. Where is the doc? He needs to give you medical advice based on the pics. Lack of judgement or advice in a Situation like this can be no good. It can cause more harm and become a liability for doc. The doc that worked on you needs to confirm if that is necrosis or not in writing. Any delay, it can be a problem and Hospital docs can confirm what it is. Time is of the essence.. I hope your situation improves. Best of luck. Things like this really upset a lot of folks.
  5. if you heal well with scars/sports injuries etc in general, imo, you probably have good physiology. Even then your “physiology” could be blamed in case of bad scar or etc. by some docs or their agents. Sometimes it is good to ask a negative question for private answer. You will probably generate more honest responses. You can ask if users had any unsatisfactory factory scarring or results from docs you list or any other doc and to pm you privately if they dont want to answer publicly. Definitely see if you can consult with any FUT surgeons that have dealt with many repair cases as they probably have experience with scars and scar repair. This procedure is one that can make you or basically fuck your life up. Best of luck on your procedure and wish you a great recovery.
  6. Man, this reminds me of the start of my journey. You have a decent hairline. 2000 grafts can make it look worse or any procedure can due to all that native hair. It is very risky unless you actually lose hair completely in that zone. Your native hair can be shocked permanently thus making density look worse than it is. Some of my goals were close to yours and chasing repairs is the last thing anyone wants. Please approach it very carefully and best of luck!
  7. Ive known folks that have gotten full refunds, partial, touchups, etc. It is more common than most may think. Most may not be reported per agreements with doctors or clinics. As far as regulation goes, there are factors that can force refunds. Ex: technician extractions as they were not surgeons, marketing fraud, emails stating one thing but doing something else. Etc etc etc
  8. Impressive indeed. It actually even looks better than some norwood 3 cases that recieved about the same graft by other surgeons. Great job here!
  9. Globally, depending on where you go, you will say anything between $2 and up. Cheaper surgeon doesn’t necessarily mean poor quality. Ive known some who paid premium and are getting multiple touch ups now or chasing repairs etc. Best of luck with your journey.
  10. Wah kia baat hay. Excellent work with the number of grafts. Great coverage!
  11. Lorenzo, Noce to see you back. Hope your doing good.
  12. If you have very fine and ailky hairs they may not yield as good with FUE extractions as they may not survive the extraction and pulling process. That’s especially if yoi are having then extracted from your donor. Be relly careful. This is a tough decision but proceed carefully with any surgery. You do not want to become someone chasing repairs trying to get issues resolved. Most people wish they can turn back time. Best of luck.
  13. Ive spoken to a few folks that have gotten refunds etc. Gaurantees are given by some doctors. Some doctors have even trademarked their gaurantee.
  14. Hold on, he said “your finer provides low quality donor supply”? That is a problem. Finer hairs, weaker hairs probably have a harder time surviving FUE and yielding better with FUE. That’s what some docs apparently are not mentioning. Can you take a pic of the donor?
  15. KO, definitely hoping things turn around for you. Hope you get a response from clinic. Regarding, SMP, not much is known and docs are just interested in this fully untested market for the scalp. There was a news story that broke the other day, Old tattoo to blame for woman's 'cancer' - CNN I was looking into it to but kind of uncertain now after that article.
  16. Great work! At least there is some hope to temporarily resolve failed surgeries. How long does a result like this last? Nice to see some folks able to be at peace. Great job hairthere!
  17. Great choices. Id advise you to see if you can meet actual patients with similar loss and hair texture from each surgeon. Aside from that, make sure the doctor is great with larger sessions and working in between native hairs. Smaller sessions probably give lesser risk imo. The larger the session, the larger the risk imo now. Sometimes you just wish you can turn back time. Best of luck to you.
  18. This is concerning. Hope you get a response soon KO.
  19. Even if you go with docs that charge more, you still can get damaged quite a bit. That’s a fact. There are recommended surgeons that charge less, it doesn’t mean they suck. What really matters is their surgical protocol and ethics. There are great priced surgeons in the US if price is a concern to you. You should definitely ask to see patients in person before you put down any form of a deposit anywhere for any surgeon. The last thing you want is to end up in a screwed up situation chasing repairs. Trust me, that is the last thing you want. Wish you the best. Good luck.
  20. Kiralay, Good luck to you. You have a valid concern. If you feel uncomfortable, go elsewhere. You do not want to be in a position where you get no where and donor is beig depleted at the same time. Let me know if you have ang questions via pm.
  21. Temple points are critical in framing the face. Make sure the doctor actually follows the type of temple points writtten and discussed and does not push their own advice or does something else at time of surgery. You do not want to become a repair case trying to fix framing and density issues later. It is the last fucking thingg anyone wants. Best of luck to you.
  22. Sometimes, having a very minute scar may be better than having halos, low ass yields, thin looking hairlines with ridging and pitting etc. fUE Seems to work for some well and for some not so well. Starting to think its good for all hair types. Results can also be related to a doctors surgical protocol.
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