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Everything posted by JohnCasper

  1. Hang in there and be patient. More growth is on the way. Thanks for the update.
  2. Thanks for sharing. I'm glad there is a good option to hide those obvious FUT scars.
  3. Melvin, thanks for producing this video. I wish everyone would take a look at it. Great examples of late growth.
  4. Looking good now. You should see big improvements in the coming weeks. Keep us posted. Keep growing!
  5. Super job on the hairline. Congrats! I know your patient is thrilled.
  6. Awesome results. Glad your patient had great donor areas. I had over 7,000 grafts done 9 years ago when that was a huge number of grafts.
  7. Based on the pictures I agree with just about everyone who has responded. I was a solid Norwood VI and had about 7,000 grafts performed in two surgeries. I did have very good donor area which made my decision much easier. You may want to visit my website and compare yourself. MyFUEhairtransplant.com
  8. Give it time and don't aggravate the area with a razor or trimming. It will heal. 700 grafts is not many. Did you do a touch-up job in the frontal area with the 700? Just curious.
  9. Looking good. I'm so glad you are pleased. I know the medications are popular but I've never taken any medication for hair loss. Maybe I'm one of the lucky ones but there's no visible change in my hair loss since my first surgery in 2012. My wife is a hair dresser and checks it often. Best of luck to you.
  10. Yes, we're very curious to see how you have recovered since January.
  11. Some people experience very little or what seems like no shock-loss after surgery. Personally, I never noticed any discernible shock-loss.
  12. Looking forward to seeing pictures down the road. Happy growing.
  13. Well said “Zinedine”. 7,000+ grafts for me and so glad I chose FUE.
  14. Good interview. I was a Norwood VII and yes, it is a personal preference regarding the permanent scar. I’ve had over 7,000 grafts with FUE. I never considered the linear scar with FUT and got great coverage. The debate continues but the interview was very fair and very insightful.
  15. I absolutely agree with Melvin and Karen81. It would take a trained or experienced eye to see those FUE scars. They exist of course but are barely discernible from several feet away especially with a small extraction “punch” size (ex. 0.8 mm).
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