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Everything posted by JohnCasper

  1. Congrats. Great results. Singapore is a pretty impressive place for many reasons. Also know for the lowest crime rate in the world.
  2. I agree with Melvin. I had my surgery 8+ years ago and I’ve experienced no discernible hair loss. My wife is a hair dresser and cuts my hair often and she has seen no noticeable hair loss.
  3. Great hair TommyL. ! It will also be 9 years this year since my surgery. Congrats.
  4. Looking good. You have a lot to look forward to in 3-4 months. Keep us posted.
  5. These are fun to see! I'm surprised Dr. Lorenzo's name hasn't popped up more. Thanks for sharing these before/afters.
  6. Nobody likes those initial numbing injections. I recall only feeling the first 5-6 and then the anesthesia kicked in quickly and didn't feel the rest.
  7. Very interesting article. Thanks for sharing. Dr. Cole makes a very strong case for FUE vs. FUT.
  8. Nice video Melvin. Three common issues guys spend way too much time worrying about.
  9. I know its hard to be patient but hang in there, growth is on its way. Don’t be discouraged. You will be fine.
  10. I few initial needle stings and the rest is painless. A comforting medication prior (such as Valium) and the entire day will seem like a couple hours.
  11. Absolutely have a consult in person with a reputable surgeon on this website. Melvin (Forum Moderator) knows all the good ones!
  12. I usually compare it to getting a novacaine shot at the dentist. The doctor will most likely start with a few and wait for it to start working. You typically feel these but the following shots are masked by the existing anesthesia and you really never feel them. You will be fine....don't worry.
  13. I know many of you have seen this picture that I've posted many times but it seems relevant again here. This picture was taken 2 years after having 5,125 grafts removed. The donor area marked provided about 1,750 grafts.
  14. I agree with "BeHappy", the staggered or asymmetrical hairline looks very good. Happy growing to you.
  15. Dr. Vories uses a 0.8mm punch which is hardly noticeable with a shaved head. Take a look at this photo taken just prior to my second surgery. 1,750 grafts were used in the area outlined.
  16. Had my surgery at Carolina Hair Surgery. Fabulous results and I believe their current rate is $4 per graft. You can see my results at my website listed below.
  17. Good question regarding where you live. You won't find any surgeon in the United States for the cost your wanting to pay. Where I had my surgery...Carolina Hair Surgery is about $4 per graft.
  18. Norwood 7 is quite the challenge. Congratulations to you and your doctor. Thanks for sharing your journey.
  19. It's still a bit early and keep in mind covering that crown area with 2,400 grafts is always going to be challenge to get good coverage. Looks like you're doing well. Provide us more pictures in about a month or so.
  20. Good for you. Looks like really nice results. I’m sure you’re very happy so far with your progress. You’re a young guy so I’m sure you will keep an eye on any natural hair loss down the road. Sometimes these surgeries can be tricky with young guys who are still losing hair. I’m sure you will stay on top of things. You may not need a future surgery but start putting a little bit of money aside each month so you will have some savings 5-10 years from now for a 2nd procedure. Hopefully you won’t need one.
  21. You should get fairly good coverage with 2,200 grafts especially if you had a lot of 3 hair grafts. Keep us posted monthly so we can see your progress. Check out my website (archives 2012) if you want to compare coverage and typical results. I posted narratives and photos and videos every day for the first 30 days and weekly after that. Best of luck and please keep us posted.
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