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Everything posted by JohnCasper

  1. Nice video Melvin! Good information for those a couple weeks post-surgery. Well done.
  2. Be gentle with those remaining scabs. Just be patient and let them heal and fall off on their own. I know its temping to touch them and to try to speed up the process but you're better off letting it occur naturally.
  3. Glad you seem to be pleased with the recent growth. Keep growing and send us some more pictures in a couple months.
  4. Typically, if grafts are kept properly hydrated they can stay out of the body for quite a while. Keeping them hydrated and inserting within several hours is important. Others may have more input on this.
  5. FUE typically doesn't require follow-ups. Make sure you want a lengthy linear scar the rest of your life. It may not show but who knows with hair lengths you choose down the road. Obviously I'm an FUE fan.
  6. Send us some pictures in a couple of months and I'll bet your pleased by then with the results. Be patient. It's looking better!
  7. 4,200 grafts in one day is a tough day for everyone. Grafts shouldn't have been out of the body that long if done properly. That shouldn't be a concern.
  8. I'm assuming the doctor harvested everything from a small area so you didn't have to cut all your hair so short. I would prefer a tight hair cut and getting grafts from all over. That's what I did for over 5,000 grafts. You may get 5,000 total hairs if you have enough doubles and triples but that's a generous expectation.
  9. I agree with Melvin, never let location dictate where you go to have surgery. When your spending thousands of dollars, what's $350 or what ever it cost, for peace of mind and confidence in the doctor performing the transplant. You can have a Web-MD online consultation if you don't want to do that in person or the location is an issue.
  10. You will be fine "Scream". You will only feel the first few injections. It's not that bad and the pay off in the end is exceptional when you see your new hair growing in a few months.
  11. I agree with Rahal... You will be just fine. Be patient and look forward to that 3rd or 4th month when you start to see new hairs poking through the skin.
  12. I agree with the others. Try to refrain from bothering the scabbing. It will heal nicely on its own. Ten days after surgery shouldn't affect anything under the skin. Just be patient and let the healing continue at its own rate.
  13. My head stayed numb for months. It will return, don't worry. Just be careful for a while if you bump your head, you will think it was no big deal but it could be a bit worse if you're still numb. Just be careful for a while.
  14. You will be just fine. Even if its a follicle it won't be evident after everything grows out. I pulled out about a dozen in my sleep the first night and there was no consequence.
  15. You will be just fine. Losing a few grafts will not be noticed at all... months from now.
  16. Go with FUE and avoid that long linear scar. The FUE scarring is hardly discernible months after surgery.
  17. You can't avoid the ugly duckling phase. Just accept it and get that second procedure done. I had my second surgery (2,000 grafts) 2 years after my first. You can see my pictures and videos on my website (listed below) if you want to compare my results. I'm sure you are having way fewer grafts transplanted so the recovery will seem easier to deal with. Your existing hair will grow quick enough and hide some of the recovery.
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