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Everything posted by JohnCasper

  1. I would never question a doctor's recommendation but I've never had any medication for hair loss/retention, etc. I had my surgeries done nearly 10 years ago with dramatic success. My wife is a hair dresser and cuts my hair regularly. She says that she sees no noticeable hair loss in the recipient areas. That said, I'm sure there may have been some natural hair loss but visually, you just can't tell. That said... with or without minoxidil, you may be just fine like many of us who chose not to take medications for hair loss. I've posted pictures on my website the past 10 years. My website is below. Keep us posted with your progress. Hope you're pleased after 5 months.
  2. Nice job on the tattoo! My wife is currently removing a rose tattoo. The blacks were easy to remove. The red was not so easy and the green has been very difficult to remove. She's had 5 treatments and they went deeper to get the green. It's looking good now. Just wanted to provide some insight regarding the tattoo. Your hair looks great....by the way!
  3. Very nice results. Thanks for posting those pics and video.
  4. You can expect that numbness to continue for a while. Keep us posted with your progress.
  5. Totally understand "Lakes9925". Hope all goes well going forward.
  6. Very strange. I hope you let us know what you find out. Let us know what the doctor says.
  7. Good responses by all. I would add that when I had scabbing I fairly aggressively massaged my head in the shower to remove the scabbing. Because my head was still very numb from the surgery I actually scratched my head with the hardened scabs unknowingly. It was clearly my fault in doing this but just be careful removing scabs because that anesthesia is present for quite awhile after surgery. They will naturally fall off eventually. As with all hair transplant procedures and expectations.....be patient.
  8. I bet it looks fine now. Curious to see some pictures though.
  9. You're a young guy, save your money and monitor any hair loss over the next several years.
  10. I'm curious to know if the anesthesia had completely worn off by the 3rd month? Some folks have that numbing feeling for many months and longer (including me). Glad you had a good massage experience.
  11. I can't imagine how envious guys all over the globe are feeling when they see someone who actually has the ability and courage to have hair moved from their head to their beard. Outstanding results Sir!
  12. Yes, post some pictures for us.
  13. Sounds like you had a rather typical experience. Looking forward to hearing from you and seeing progress in the near future. Happy growing...in 3-4 months.
  14. This website has lots of before and after pictures to compare. If you want to see what to expect from day 1 throughout the first 30 days post surgery you can look at my website which is a typical outcome. I explain what to expect and show pictures each day and each week or so for the first year. I also post bi-monthly pictures and updates. It's just another resource for you but its been viewed over 375,000 times so many folks have paid attention for quite a while. You should be just fine in your recovery but keep us posted. My website is MyFUEhairtransplant.com but go to the archives and September 2012. Good luck. Keep us posted.
  15. I've always been a proponent of FUE because of the large linear scar issue. I'm also curious about what you expect with the FUT strip. I'm not familiar with strips running vertical. Most of us are only familiar with the lengthy horizontal strip. I know being a women you have lots of existing hair now and in the future which should cover areas of concern. I know Dr. Vories has performed FUE procedures on lots of women. Do your due diligence on this website and I'm sure you will make the right decision.
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