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Everything posted by JohnCasper

  1. Glad your pleased with the results. Hope to see more pictures in a few months.
  2. GIve it some more time, I'm sure you may be quite pleased in the end. Looks like you have some thick donor areas on the sides and back.
  3. Looks like you healed quite nicely. How many total grafts?
  4. Looks great! Solid late term growth. Good for you, I hope you are pleased.
  5. I've never taken meds for hair loss so I defer to Melvin for that advice. But....I do think you are definitely an FUE candidate. I was a Norwood VI and got great FUE coverage. Good luck.
  6. Looks like it could be a fragment of medical gauze used to absorb fluids on your head during your procedure. Even if it were a graft it is inconsequential. On my second surgery I rubbed out 8-10 grafts during my sleep the first night. But after 2,000+ grafts implanted, losing a few makes no visual difference in the end. Send us an update in a few weeks or months.
  7. Can't imagine flying half way across the globe to save money on a hair surgery. I do know guys do it all the time so I guess the savings are great. Just can't imagine it myself. Best of luck, let us know how it goes!
  8. Very nice with 2,500 up front. Crown is looking good as well. Glad it worked out for you and thanks for the video updates.
  9. Wow! Very nice! So glad to see the updates! Super volume after 8 months. Congrats to you and your doctor.
  10. Get used to ingrown hairs/pimples. Perfectly normal. I had plenty of them. Try to restrain from squeezing them and just let your body take care of them....unless you get a particularly bad one that may be infected, which doesn't happen often.
  11. Its sometimes hard to discern differences when you're looking at it daily. Sometimes its better to have someone else take a close look and then ask them to look at it every 2-3 weeks or so to see if they see differences. Just an idea that has worked for others in the past.
  12. Very nice work and super density. Seven years later and still looks great. I'm ten years out and my wife (whose a hairdresser) says my hair still looks the same after all these years. Sure is a tribute to good FUE surgery.
  13. Ah... gotcha. Keep us posted. Hopefully that tightness sensation will dissipate in the coming days.
  14. We're pulling for you to keep growing. Looking forward to hearing from you later this month.
  15. Most likely it's your original hair falling out. You will be fine and will generate new growth in 3-4 months.
  16. Not sure what you mean about "tightness" in the donor area. It may be just the normal healing process. Also, the numbness may last for months.
  17. Looks like clean work by the surgeon. Best of luck to you and we look forward to more pictures in a few months.
  18. Glad you're happy with your results. Some of your experiences were similar to mine. Glad you are pleased after 8 months. Maybe you'll experience some thickening in the months to come. Thanks for sharing your experience.
  19. I respect your decision for FUT but I would challenge the quality being better than FUE. My results were fantastic with over 5,000 FUE grafts 10 years ago. Best of luck. I'm sure you will be pleased in a few months.
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