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Everything posted by Sean

  1. Nape, beard hair, chest hair will clearly look unnatural in hairline. It may even shock your other hairs. If you have eyes staring at your scalp after a so called repair with these hairs, then you know that the hair quality looks terrible.
  2. 1- entity based awards or memberships do not mean jack shit, some known docs can screw up on you and try to deny or ignore you later 2- you can get screwed if surgery protocol and other key items are not done right 3- if you do not research and wait, you can set yourself up for trouble later A lot of money is involved and you must decide if you want doc to do the surgery or techs
  3. Dr Wong seems to be a great guy. Ive spoken with him. I kind of feel they are top notch possibly in Canada and as well as North America in general. Especially the west coast folks, you have Dr Baubac, Dr Diep and H&W. Their work probably stands out especially when it comes to yield and tru lateral slit work. You got some clinics that may tell you they will do lateral slit but then your hairs (if some grow) are in all different directions and you just look and wonder how the hell do you get out of this situation. There may be updates soon. Hopefully, will see what happens. But I highly recommend folks to video record their journeys from the very moment you talk to a doctor in person and do this like a blog so you do not get blamed later for this and that or there is no denial from a doc or change of stories later. If you are considering H&W, I think it it a safer option vs some other docs. Best of luck
  4. Toppik works well if the transplant isnt too terrible but lacking som density. If your area is far more damaged and you lack more density then toppik can look unnatural and seem caked as you end up over applying to give it density. Totally blows but what can you do when you get screwed over
  5. Impressive indeed. This is a homerun. This is why it is important to sit in the right surgical chair . Some doctors do not deliver like this, even those that are consider up there. This doctor seems to put out great work. I cant turn back time but im hopeful something can be done to remedy the damages on my scalp. Seeing work like this makes a person hopeful.
  6. This is a substantial change where you can call it a true success. No sign of recession nor unnatural look to the front. Sometimes you wish can turn back time and sit in the right chair. You guys at Hasson Wong are putting out top notch work.
  7. I can feel the pain man. Dont lose hope. There may be a way around this. Donor destruction is real and due to wreckless extractions or those close to each other, also can be due to tools used. This industry is extremely dangerous. Smp in the right hands may help, however, if you can show the donor only it may help see where this can be treated. More and more consumer/patient protective agencies need to take notice of these things. I am sure your situation can be remedied in right hands. Do not go to any beard or bht or body hair surgeon for this at tge moment as it can make things worse. Right now, a good track plan from a good smp clinic may help.
  8. Quite honestly, 11 months was enough time for shockloss to come back. You can see a distinct pattern or halo here at a certain length. There isnt much you can do to remedy it but grow your hair out. Extraction in a wide spread pattern is better vs a compressed extraction zone. This is the type of krap i face and options are limited unless you go in again for hair transplant and have them extract in zone above or side to it to taper the density. Or if you are completely done with restoration concerns, then smp in future may help address it. Type of tools and extraction protocol plays a big role with donor damage and few docs admit to that—-and that's if an actual doctor is doing the surgical extraction vs a tech. Wish you the best of luck man.
  9. Melvin,wow, that was straight styled by dried lipogaine? Does it leave oily effect or is it rather full? As oily effect tends to make hair look thinner. How much is a bottle?
  10. I am very surprised you got an earlier date with him. Hope to see your progress. Minoxidil i would avoid for like 2 months or so at least or what the doc says. Same thing with the gym. Some docs like keeping things in scalp gentle for first few months while some may give you diluted amounts if minoxidil and corn huskers solution. It all depends on the doctor.
  11. Less is probably less riskier as higher graft counts and out of body extracted graft time can minimize yield overall. If you want to play it safe, 2500 grafts would probably be a better option. Is it stick and immediately place graft or is it extract all grafts then wait to reinsert them?
  12. It just keeps getting better and better. Can see the difference as time progresses and it is definitely a positive response. My god, most folks wish their hair is as good as that and at the level of naturalness even after an expensive transplant. You did this with just meds. This is just too awesome to see. Priceless research and thread here.
  13. That is worrisome. It is the purpose of any forum to critique. A forum is used to engage in user feedback and response and it isnt a one way streak. Sometimes comments may be a painful thing to swallow. It is up there for a reason. Not to have you accept it blindly. Ask real patients with no agenda as to how they feel for feedback. This result you posted definitely is worrisome. I get more feedback on folks needing repairs and it isn’t just with the surgeon indicated here. There are disclaimers people are afraid of, but shouldn’t be. Courts understand the nature of disclaimers and can see unfair intent in them. Like I mentioned before, if you are raped, but then told to sign another disclaimer to not hold person responsible for the harm caused, the people and law will still hold that person accountable as per law. Elective procedure or not, it is duty of a surgeon to fully inform and not withhold anything. Lets hope the folks having repair issues now can get the proper care soon and can move on with their lives.
  14. Yes, Because remember this—- the time your graft is outside of your body, and hitting oxygen vs blood. If you have a 3000 graft procedure and your surgery is taking 10+ hours, then those grafts based on their texture and strength are risking follicle death. They may not grow if they die prior to placement. Now, you do 1000-1500 grafts but under 6 hours they are in your head again - the follicle death risk is greatly reduced. The weaker the hair, the faster it can die.
  15. Dr Keser is really really good too when it comes to hairlines. He is based out of Turkey. He does manual extraction and does smaller procedures per session to maximize graft survival. Dr Cuoto is up there too but he is booked out for such a long time. 3+years it is crazy. Very hard to get in his chair.
  16. Amazing hair. I do not see an issue at this current time. Relax and enjoy! Do not try to fix something that isn’t broken. You are lucky you have great hair. Will it change later? Who knows, but right now, you are good to go and do not need anything. Best of luck.
  17. If you are looking for yield , symmetry, and DISTINCT change, you do have great surgeons nearby. Have you seen Dr Ball’s work with Maitland? London or Hampshire I believe.
  18. Wow, it looks to be ahead of schedule and the probability is that this is going to be a great result. It already looks good at this stage. Again, was this done with complete manual extraction? Were any motorized drills used to extract grafts or was it a manual punch? Thanks.
  19. 2600 grafts went a long way! Natural and conservative, however, key point here is it is a distinct change and noticeable successful distinct improvement. Ive seen some other docs post similar cases but the outcome is as they say so subtle that it is next to questionable(and for the money spent, not worthwhile)— here on the other hand it is distinct face enhancing improvement for the better. Great work!
  20. I can see the concern but not to worry, i think this is fixable. Im in a similar boat but my see through effect goes in like 3 cm more and looks more see through. No doubt surgery and the entire process is painstaking and time consuming. A doctor should try their best to prevent reruns or repairs. You lose so much time and energy and etc. Thats why i can understand the pain. I would get few consults and see how many grafts are needed to repair this. Contact top surgeons that have free online consults. Hope you get this situated and hope you can move forward smoothly. Best wishes
  21. I meant last resort in the sense to try meds first and see if you tolerate them. Finasteride, nizoral, minoxidil combo after speaking with physician. Also get a blood test to determine if there is underlying issues for patchiness in donor. Vitamin d deficiency? Thyroid tsh levels? Etc. Or is it something else- a dermatologist can help determine this. it seems to be diffuse and hair type looks Asian. This itself is very delicate hair type for FUE and may not withstand high speed motorized devices nor suction based devices for graft extractions. Might I suggest to get few more online consults with docs that have dealt with this hair type- ex Dr Diep, Dr Wong, Etc to start. aside from that, please realize you have varying degrees of hair in front that may be shocklossed permanently if you implant in between those fragile hairs. Definitly should try meds if you can for an entire year to see where you stand. option 2 could be using toppik or temporary smp as filler. Consider surgery last as if you get something done and it doesn’t turn out ok, you have very limited donor. the right docs may be able to help but i would take a conservative approach to this. last thing i want is for you to be a repair patient. I really hope you have all your goals answered. It is tough, but I definitely do not want someone to go through what I an going through. Best wishes
  22. High risk to have surgery at this stage. Ive been in similar shoe before. Transplanting into native hair can lead to permanent shockloss and extra scarring needing repairs. Id agree with Folks that posted above, wait this out and see how you progress. Right now it is too early to be in the surgical chair. Best of luck with everything
  23. You got some good choices listed. Pretty tough list to choose from. Definitely weigh the pros and cons of each. Review their surgical protocol. Review grafts estimates. See if you can meet non clinic presented patients—- maybe forum members of each? Hope you get the adequate restoration goals you desire with the doc you pick. Hope you get a result so that you do not have to search again and can be at peace. Best best wishes.
  24. Woa, who did your other procedure? Where the hair is thin in front and thick behind it. Dr Bloxham is a good man. Hoping you have a great result. It is a little trickier to do some repairs due to impacted scar tissue in recipient zone but im sure Dr Bloxham has a method to this. It would be interesting to see this result come in months ahead. Your repair area isn’t too bad and I think doable. Best of luck and happy growing!
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