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Everything posted by Sean

  1. It could be, depending on texture and caliber of your hair. Higher the density, the greater the risk a surgeon can put you through.
  2. FUT does leave scar but its a hit or miss on how you will heal. FUE can also decimate your donor hair and leave density reduced patches and rectangles if such high grafts are extracted from already weakened donor and done wrong beard hair has very unnatural look and really low yields when transplanted to scalp. Can also shock existing hairs as it is thicker you are better off trying meds you can tolerate for a year and see what happens. Fin or minox. remember, once you are cut or extracted, you cant go back. my life has been turned upside down and I didn’t have low donor issues prior to all this mess. Now, i am trying to get things resolved. Just be careful, try not to fall for any traps. Best of luck
  3. How’s it going? Hope your goals were answered and things ended up well for you.
  4. Keep in mind, the scarring for debs case may be similar to dusts. The difference is in the picture contrast and illusion. That is there is more bright light making less contrast between the hair, the scars and the non-scarred tissue. The only way to know is if deb takes photo in similar light as yours. This is how folks may think donor scarring may be entirely different due to picture contrast, but it may be similar in actuality.
  5. Try getting consult from Dr Mwamba in brussels and Dr Bisanga. They do have some AA cases they can probably show you to see if it is similar to your hair loss. Get ideas and consult from bunch of surgeons. Best of luck
  6. Crimes can happen anywhere. Watch video of young bloggers visiting Turkey. Turkey is a tourist destination. I was more alert in costa rica where bandits were known to rob tourists in A town called Jaco. wherever you go, just be aware of your surroundings- best of luck
  7. There is a Paid membership process to be part of forums or organizations dealing with the hair industry. He needs to be approved and pay funds to a be part of this. I guess he is doing well since he is booked out quite long.
  8. Dust, thank you for more Information especially regarding the pricing structure to clarify and validate your points on that end. I agree with your concerns this far, lets hold out for another 2-3 months and re-evaluate the concerns at hand overall. Then, It will pretty much will confirm if healing timelines were different for everyone or if something was wrong as expressed earlier, by you, the patient. For now, in the meantime, try to keep yourself healthy and keep your hopes up at least. I am hoping it resolves for you somehow. Eat healthy and do as much as you can to relax. Thanks for sharing your experience.
  9. Dust, hang in there. Keep really good documentation and get opinions across several forums. Keep screenshots as well. Id recommend reaching out to other known surgeons to see what they say with their professional opinion in like 2-3 months. See if you can go for in person consults. If you have a professional opinion, it may help you in long run in many ways. Is the doctor willing to work with you in case of issues? These types of things are good to know. best of luck
  10. Hope a cure comes soon so that folks who are now Hair transplant repair patients can be fixed adequately. Allergan should team up with Replicel
  11. I thought I made a comment earlier on this thread? I do feel only time will tell what happens. I face similar krap in donor. If it doesn’t heal by month 8 then the halo will remain in donor. The extractions should always be spread out and not follow a compressed extraction pattern. This is how donor decimation can occur. Again, only time will tell. I am still struggling with issues caused by doctors.
  12. Man, this is just awesome. This is what a person should feel after surgery- peace and comfort and enjoying life as the goals were met satisfactorily. A person should not have to become a hermit due to the damages caused by doctors. Congrats Gatsu! You are free from hair worries now.
  13. do you want to be the only surgery of the day? Do you want only the surgeon to work on you?
  14. Look amazing and natural— no wonder your doc is extremely booked. The doc is certainly doing it right. You picked the right doc! Congrats. This is about to be a killer result.
  15. If that is 3500 fue then it is possible they made more attempts To get grafts that look healthy to them. I do not like that extraction compressed pattern as i faced similar krap. All you can do is wait and 8 months will clarify your situation to see if you have hair that grows back. Key thing is when it grows back, it doesnt look like a faded rectangle at the end. Mine apparently didnt heal and i ended up with density drops and halos aside from other bs. I hope it works out for you but its too early to tell how it will look. Best of luck
  16. $8000 will be rare in North America for fue. But this is based on how many grafts you need. if something is done unethically or improperly or what have you, in North America you may have very little recourse after shelling $8,000. If you end up needing repairs after the first surgery, you may be held hostage to the situation financially as it may cost you way more then what you paid to get repaired. Trust me on that one. it is smart of you to think financially, but research who will do it for you for a good rate. You may have some docss offer incentives to share photos or come on cancelled surgery days which were meant for other patients at a discount rate. Key thing here is to look and evaluate a doctors ethics and their surgical protocol. Is the doctor performing a surgery on you or a tech? Who are you paying thousands of dollar for to do a surgery? Are the tools safe for extraction for your hair type? What is the doctors yield capability and what density are they planting at? How much saline will they inject? Do they use acell? How many surgeries do they do daily or are you the only patient? How many grafts do they do daily? Will they break up your procedure if it is high number of grafts? Right now I am trying to get my situation fixed and my shit wasn’t done in Turkey. I am in immense pain and suffering due to it all and it is something that Id rather not have anyone else go through. So, be really careful and whoever you go to, tell them you will document them online without any preconditions and see who will accept you. This is a good way to filter out folks who are trying to hustle you. best of luck and be safe And best wishes
  17. There are surgeons in North America but very few that can offer the type of service, cost, and ethics elsewhere. Dr Wong seems to be quite ethical, if youve ever spoken with him, you may notice it. He seems to be patient oriented and may be willing to help assist folks that also had failed surgeries by other doctors. To basically repair their work. You have Dr Feller, but it was reoprted here that he isn’t practicing anymore and Dr Bloxham is doing surgeries. You have Dr Lindsey who seems to take on repair patients of other clinics as well. You probably have another few surgeons here that consider patient safety first rather then try to risk patients with unnecessary scalp damages and issues. On international forums, youll find a lot if docs that also do work themselves but in limited quantities. Example- Dr Keser and other surgeons who do extractions and placements themselves.
  18. Those prices are wow. Dr Karadeniz has been vetted it seems and is offering reasonable pricing. 6000-7000 hairs will vary though depending on what type of grafts the extract. You can have grafts with ones, twos, threes, some four hairs but it all depends on hair texture, caliber, punch size used, techniques etc. pretty tough decision but go with who you feel more comfy with and who's plan works in line with your goals.
  19. 2500 grafts can go a long way here. Choose your surgeon wisely and be cautious of donor decimating surgeons. You want to use minimal grafts to achieve maximum yield in the right hands and not by techs but a surgeon. Best of luck
  20. Distinct natural looking change esp considering only singles and doubles were used. Great work as it looks natural and i do not think a person will stare at this persons scalp confused at the hairline. This looks natural and hairline looks like it flows well.
  21. 7 years later and you still have the temporary pigment? Is the skin suppose to Completely clear of pigment? If you completely razor shave, do you see the pigment stand out more?
  22. If im being honest, There is no gaurantee if the halo will remain or not by month 12. I got a very similar pattern and it was due to extraction pattern. Mine never fully repaired and i got this bullshit rectangular halo cut out continuing years later. You will know for sure by month 8-9 of where this is headed. I really am frustrated but hoping there is a way out this mess. i wish you the best, but youll have to wait till 8-9 month to guage healing and regrowth.
  23. Fantastic- distinct noticeable change thus resulting in a worthwhile goal producing transplant that surely left the patient happy
  24. thats terrible- but without pics it is hard to see damage done. Before and after pics usually help. If you need repair and good work, you may need to seek surgeons that are ethical. I got a list, but it will depend based on magnitude of your hair loss
  25. Dr Baubac and Dr Mohebi may be good docs to consult with. Also, Dr Wong above California seems to be really good at repairs and also seems ethical.
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