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Everything posted by BaldingBogger

  1. Recall it well in my concealer / single days. was such a nightmare as got called out on it couple of times when it was on the pillow and so on.. My advice is come clean post 3rd date and tell em.. before she starts gossiping to her friends wondering how to broach it with you!! Easier all round and it will be a relief you won't have to be paranoid about using it.. You won't have her friends hearing about your stained pillows and analysing your hair when you see them.. And she will also respect your openness and honesty Quick anecdote - Damn i ran out of a house one morning when i woke up belonging to this hot chick as i had no concealer and didn't want to be exposed... She was convinced i was married and it caused uproar lol
  2. One thing to bear in mind if working out potential mortality rates is the number of actual infections is far higher than those 'official' cases.. Many many people have mild to hardly no symptoms and never been tested and haven't been recorded at all in the statistics. My fear is the cure could be worse than the problem here. I think it would be more cost effective to use these funds to help serve and isolate more those at risk and are vulnerable but actually keep the economies moving in a more robust manner. This is an economic catastrophe no question.
  3. So true this is the UBER time to be having hair transplantation down time and ugly ducking stage!! Some good news at least for anyone in that stage
  4. The Virus is bad enough however the economic fall out is the big thing to worry about as we could enter a period of huge civil unrest and a breakdown in law and order. At some point things are going to have to start getting back to normality and the approach may need to be changed or we will be heading in to total meltdown. If one positive thing comes out of this that hopefully gets addressed it is how ridiculously unprepared our Governments are for a Viral pandemic. Why on earth China's borders and the virus epicentre were not locked down much earlier and closed down is either complete stupidity or there is something more sinister at work. Hopefully if anything like this pops up again in the world there will be adequate protocals in place to stop the global spread and pandemic going global far quicker.
  5. The fear will be if one of these Virus's mutates to a more aggressive strain.. You can see how quickly something like this could potentially cull swathes of people which is quite worrying. Theres a lot of things that quite frankly stink about it like the Wuhan Virology clinic but we won't go there. 'Pandemic' conveniently appearing on Netflix few weeks back.. Like it was written as an introduction for Coronavirus. If i was booked in for a HT i might consider moving it out a few months. I would hope most clinics would be sympathetic and flexible given the situation.
  6. When your in your 70's who cares at that point , just buzz it down short and it won't look out of the ordinary. You aint chasing no ass at that point so you can look back at the years you did with some decent hair lol.. Of course transplantation should always be age appropriate on the hairlines and never over aggressive .. However who knows what variables are at work above , their loss patterns won't not look to be the norm. Medication, health conditions could have hastened loss in those cases. In a lot of case the loss pattern is well established by the 40's and you could kind of decipher the future loss. Of course there will be exceptions but id rather look my best in the prime years that's for sure..
  7. I don't take meds but to be honest don't need them. I found minoxidil useless apart from irritating the shit out of my scalp. Also the hair i lost i lost and replaced with transplants and i don't have miniturisation in the rest of my hair and have high lateral sides with thick robust hair and I'm 40. Everyones situation is different though so no Yes or No answer.
  8. The likes of Trenbonol are notorious for hair loss and been known to shed people in weeks. That said those people are those prone to MPB. Thats the key factor. Anyway why risk it. Hair loss is probably the mildest side affect from steroids when you consider the cardiovascular and major organ impact.
  9. at 18 that would probably be thicker. that looks like the onset of MBP. Good news is you are on it early. You may want to look at meds to maintain if you get no side effects
  10. id be very careful with dermmatch... The Dr's i spoke too said avoid it ... Hair fibres worked for me.. using a very small amount when hair is short.. get on supplements like MSM to boost hair growth to get more growth to use fibres
  11. I wouldn't advise Dermmatch due to the smothering affect on scalp.. i used nano fibres from around 6 weeks onwards though with no issues.. Check with your clinic too
  12. Everyones different. Aloe Vera can dry some people out with sensitive skin.. I had great relief from itchiness with Aveeno brand moisturiser's. Its free from all parabens and agents
  13. Good topic, would be open to T repaclement therapy down the line if they ever dipped . However would not want to jeopardise hair situation. In saying that my hair on top now is mostly transplanted so technically could be DHT resistant. Wouldnt want to risk it too much though after 3 transplants
  14. Watch out for sharks.. that would be a bigger concern at that point 😁
  15. Wow congrats man, that is an absolute home run.. Your donor hair has given you really strong density and coverage. I like what i see from Cinik
  16. fantastic result fella. Congrats.. Did the Dr say how many grafts you have left approx? Hopefully you have the crown covered if you needed it down the line
  17. I did and 3 times with hardly any redness after 3-4 weeks. Some are better healers than others and will have different characteristics. Others have redness for months there is an element though of you won’t know what you’ll like till it happens. Everyone is different . If your fair skinned add much more time Fool proof solution is just tell people. Or if you can’t take 2-3 months sabbatical
  18. if you want to go unnoticed 3 -4 weeks off .. if you don't care id recommend at least 1-2 week.. you will feel wiped out for a bit and not be sleeping well the first week or 2
  19. This pain is more common than you think, i had it twice after first 2 op's.. Its worse at night as your horizontal and blood flow going back, and head on pillow i think and focused on it.. It came on me around day 5/6 and took a a week or so to leave. I remember it vividly and the reasoning i could find is its nerves in the occipital zone repairing themselves. It makes sense after you've had thousands of them ripped out. Vitamin supplements also help nerve damage , Vitamin B. It does pass and nothing too worry about it. I rode it out with Tylenol. I think its definitely more common that 1 in 20.. that's for sure.
  20. is there any documented case online of someone where the grafts grew without shedding? We always hear about this mythical 1% that their grafts never shed but i don't think i have ever seen such a case.. Sure 30% or even 50% not shedding is possible but never seen a documented case with the higher %'s grow straight away without shedding..
  21. Interested to know what clinics are charging $150 a bottle for? You can get saline spray in pharmacy for like a few pounds/euros/dollars! I believe regular irrigation of the grafts can help reduce scabbing. On my first op there was an small area of very heavy scabbing which didn't grow in well.. Think it may have been more than a coincidence..
  22. Lots of people use them and have successful results, me included. Make sure your scalp is fully healed.. 4/5 weeks out .. And wash off soon as you're indoors. Exercise common sense and don't cake the stuff on. You'll be fine i think some clinics are throwing patients an unnecessary curve ball saying abstain for months .. Particularly for those patients who want to conceal the surgery. Most clinics say they are fine from the research i did from about a month out I would steer clear of dermmatch though.. However have spoken to patients who used it and had no issues with growth whatsoever
  23. This drug is a time bomb in my opinion . Anything that alters your endocrine hormonal system, don't F*ck with it
  24. you should get some more calibre thickening on the hair shafts that did come in so i would give it full 18 months to fully mature.. that can create more fullness and create a denser look saving grafts down the line..
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