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Everything posted by BaldingBogger

  1. That is pretty top drawer hairline and temple work from Lupanzula. I don't think he issue is the coarseness of the transplants in the temples. I think its more the colouring that makes it stand out a bit. The temple hair is clearly darker than the greying sides making it stand out a little. The average joe would probably not notice anything mind. The execution of the transplant is top notch. Could have maybe done with sticking a few grey hairs in the temple area so it blended more with the patients greying sides. However i would not mind colouring my hair once a month with temples like that. Eventually it will all grey anyway!
  2. Interesting thread. Anyone any opinions on Dr Feriduni's or Dr Luapunzula's temple work?
  3. I must also say I am shocked at this. The work I have seen from Dr Bisanga has generally all been of a good standard. With the occasion sub par result of course most clinics have. I would be very interested to the clinics explanation on this as to how this could have happened? Are they recent pics of your temples? And when did you have the work done? Those temple pics look like they belong in the ugly duckling stage. Not good
  4. Used nanaogen after my Ops with no negative affects. They can be really good tool whilst waiting on growth to kick in. Just wash off at night or when you get indoors. Let scalp breath
  5. Billic's result is starting to look real good. Any one know where he had it done? This is a very recent pic.
  6. Congrats .. Looks like clean work.. How is the growth coming along? Was Dr Bisanga happy to perform the FUE with a non shaven recipient area.? Or did you specifically request this.?
  7. Personally I think he had a flap procedure done some time ago. Based on the weird angles his hair appears to grow at. He seems to require the comb over affect in the temples to disguise somewhat. Yet his mid hairline appears decent.
  8. Have had over 5000 FUE Can shave down down grade 1 or unguarded. To the untrained eye it would not suspect HT. Performed correctly on people with acceptable density similar results should be expected Will post pic when get a chance
  9. Thats one hell of a home run for 4000 grafts... Its nice to have an environment around here these days without all the Anti FUE propaganda of last year!!
  10. Its extremely common occurrence which I think is caused by people who buzz Their hair off totally need time to adjust to having no hair as buffer. What hair you had there previously used to act as a buffer between your head and objects so when your hair would feel an object you would instinctively move your head away to avoid contact. My advice is for HT patients to buzz down weeks in advance to get used to having no hair and becoming cautious to objects and head bumps.
  11. I think this puts to bed the discussion recently whether Roony was using concealers! Was clear that he was. Also I believe Stokes is using concealers based on some thinning I spotted in a live game recently. I'd be interested in seeing stokes true result . Vast improvement on him anyway. Like a different dude
  12. I used Concealers for 10 years so have a good idea what they look like in photos and real life. In my opinion none of those pictures show overt evidence of concealer use. A simple video as the Dr stated will clear this up anyway,,
  13. Insane result. I have never seen such a result with high graph numbers in one session . This Equals any strip megasession. Patient appears to have high lateral humps which help along with thick donor. Simply incredible and kudos to Dr Vories who seems to be pushing the envelope in FUE session sizes and results. Look forward to seeing more.
  14. Feel for you buddy. This is the reason I did not want FUT. Only FUE. We will see more and more FUT patients with this issue as their loss progresses. Unable to shave down with the tell tale transplant scar. In your case you could try FUE in to your scar to try hide it. I'd consult with sown reputable FUE clinics on this.
  15. Totally gutted at Princes passing. Considered him a musical genius!! Was always interested in his hair which looked impeccable over his career. Does anyone know if he had work or was wearing a piece? If natural he was very lucky in that dept too.
  16. Hi Shanson. Congrats I think your work looks great. Even as is after the first op but understand your wish to fill the temples. For the 2nd op you say it was 500 Grafts. Was this 250 each side or 500 each side?
  17. Try and forget about it until 12 months. Just take monthly updates. FUE takes a good 12-15 months and hair can really thicken up around the 12-15 month mark
  18. Plenty of time left. You will find the transplanted hair will take up to 18 months to thicken if not more. I found a lot of growth at 12 months which looked good lying flat. When styled back however it looked sparse. It didn't start looking full after this until up to 15/18 months when styled brushed back.
  19. Absolutely I had to do a double take when I read this. I think this needs to be cleared up by the mods urgently. Having multiple aliases is a breach of the terms of the forum and in the past members have been banned immediately for this. Why would any legitimate poster have multiple aliases? Unless they were trying to promote clinics or influence other posters.?
  20. FUT is far more invasive and the risk of complications far greater with scar stretching , nerve damage and permanent shock loss. The inability to buzz ones head close after also is a major drawback and the far longer recovery period. FUE is a fantastic procedure just make sure you choose a reputable clinic with a long track record of results. Belgium is a great place to start. The unreliable FUE results we see are coming off 2nd rate clinics and thrown together outfits in Turkey etc . They are not a true reflection of the FUE procedure.
  21. I'd consult with some of reputable clinics in Belgium and get your donor evaluated. I do not agree switching to FUT is guarenteed solution like is being suggested here. As relayed in the same advice no HT is guaranteed to grow successfully. So you could end up with a massive invasive FUT scar and still no growth if your grafts did not take. A far worse position and unable to shave your head down! Given the number of grafts you have already has taken its quite possible you are no longer a HT candidate unfortunately. I do not agree with 4000 mega sessions in general particulary from turkey and they are not a reflection of the general success of the FUE procedure. Research FUE results from the Belgium clinics for a better idea. In saying that the likes of Dr Vories are pushing the FUE boundaries with some recent cases with these high numbers. I need to see more evidence though over a longer period of time. Ps your pictures are really odd. You need to grow the top out to evaluate the yield properly and taper in the back and sides. It's impossible to tell your true state from them. Can you post any with a normal hair cut and top grown out? Best of luck
  22. Yep Joe hart I suspect is already using concealer's. Some pics here from a holiday couple years ago show him in a far more advanced stage of loss than he appears to be on match days. It really is getting a bit farcical him being the poster boy for head and shoulders . Pretty soon it may just be shoulders !!!
  23. Anthony stokes procedure looks amazing but i suspect he's wearing concealer . He's sported the same full look from around 6 months post op
  24. In the interests of fairness here How about asking Hairjo to start commenting on other things and stop the incessant shilling on Dr feller threads? If he is a genuine poster and here to help I guess he will have no issue with this. Ever since Hairjo profile was created the same day of Dr Fellers MFUE and anti FUE marketing campaign his posting history is only defending and shilling all things feller. He's clearly connected to the clinic as many members have pointed out. It's concerning this seems to be ignored. The reality is Dr feller makes outlandish and arrogant posts on here consistently so genuine posters are going to take issue with them.
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