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Everything posted by BaldingBogger

  1. Dude forget the clinic posted results and only look at patient posted results experiences.. that's a much truer reflection rather than cherry picked clinic presentations
  2. I've heard good things but haven't researched him all that much. What you want is to minimise as much risk as you can and have a Dr who will do as much as the procedure as possible themselves.. Clinics also like , Lupanzula spring to mind too in hands on Doc's.. The 2 things that always made me steer clear of clinics like ASMED are they use way too many grafts for area covered .. Not entirely sure if you get what you pay for really. Also technician led surgeries for me a no no. Not doubting they can get good results but too many variables.. Theres another clinic where the Dr caps it at 500 grafts a day but gets top notch results each time so could be 4 day surgery but high chances.. Cant recall his name now .. hopefully someone can chime in
  3. Theres no way ibruprofen would have affected your growth. The biggest cause of poor growth is poor handling of the grafts and trauma to them in the transplantation process via handling or scabbing. Also you weren't the unlucky one to have poor growth. Online forums are probably not a balanced reflection of the quality of results. Theres way more sub par results out there that kept off the forums with patients getting touch ups and not updating forums. Although consistency appears to be improving in general there are still no guarantees with either FUE/FUT. At least you don't have a strip scar if you ever wanted to buzz down.
  4. My Personal opinion is this drug is poison for some and a potential time bomb so steered well clear.
  5. I do think there is liberty in coming clean and saying you had a transplant. However i went the route of keeping mine quiet and completely got away with it with work colleagues , friends and that was such a kick too knowing i had managed it successfully. Part of doing that was taking good amount of time off and concealing loss well before. Yes people can move on and not mention it much but some can't and depending on the group of people you are with they can be brutal. Particularly banter with groups of guys that you would not hear the end of the teasing. Therefore no regrets keeping it quiet my side!! Although i do think HT's are becoming more socially acceptable than it was.
  6. Recall was at work when the Bloomberg terminals started flashing about a plane hitting the WTC.. Just recall vividly those early minutes of total confusion and everyone thinking it was a bad accident. Then the next plane hit and everyone knew what was happening.. A guy i worked with had left the Cantor Fitzgerald office just 6 months before. I was also just saying earlier its crazy, lots of 18 year olds wouldn't have lived through it. I bet kids these days can't believe their eyes the first time they see the 9/11 footage.. Nothing like that ever captured on live TV in history. Regardless of who was ultimately responsible it was an unbelievable loss of life and RIP to all those who lost their lives.
  7. Yep foundation make up can help for sure.. Just use when needed and wash off when at home though to let skin breathe... I used pure Aloe Vera , Witch Hazel and Aveeno which was good for reducing redness.. Sleeping well and lots of anti inflammatory foods and vitamins all help too in how quick you heal.
  8. Awesome Results, Lorenzo is the best in the business for me.. Sounds like you have crazy donor capacity too... Your temples look good so you can use what's in the bank to touch up anything or add density. Congrats
  9. Its important to clarify what the Dr's mean precisely when they say no Concealers as they may be referring to heavy make up based products like Dermatch which i would agree to avoid for a good while post surgery. Clinics have told me before they have had guys cake stuff on like Dermatch each day and not washed it off properly and its led to sub par results. However once you are healed i would see no issues using hair fibres. And within vast research i did on the topic most Dr's (with a few exceptions that i don't really understand the logic) seem to say hair fibres are no issues after a few weeks once fully healed. Ive use them myself 3-4 weeks post surgery with no issues along with many i spoke too. Just only use them when needed and wash them off as soon as in house to allow scalp to breathe. They can be a life saver if you want to conceal the surgery post op
  10. Most of what I've read says Hair dye is OK at 4 weeks once everything has healed up nicely. So would think you're fine. Ask your clinic.
  11. you could also use some light non liquid make up on red areas for a little while until your native hair grows out to cover it .. Get on MSM , vitamin B, Biotin etc to speed up hair growth ... Make sure to wash make up off each night and only use it when needed, office etc.
  12. Looking very good.. You will have a good few months of hair thickening ahead so plenty to come too as that can be equally impactful on the final result. Did the Dr say what kind of donor you have available? The good thing is you have been conservative in your graft numbers so you should have donor in the bank to protect against future loss.
  13. Looks good and looks like its coming in nicely for the number of grafts used. Am sure if you went to some of the Turkish clinics they would have used double the number of grafts. Keep us updated
  14. David Silva i believe had a follow up procedure the following year to correct the initial one in which noticeable gaps where left between hairline and transplant. His result now looks pretty impressive. He could be subject to future loss though so hope he has conserved appropriate donor in the bank. Money obviously won't be a problem!
  15. I think you should wait till 18 months at least before you have another surgery. You weren't virgin scalp so growth takes longer on repair scalp and even more importantly hair calibre thickening can take longer at this stage which can make a BIG difference. You could end up wasting more grafts in areas not needed. If i were you id wait another couple years to see how everything levels out.. Your young also and should be considering your crown loss and future loss. Your hair looks good as is. Just my 2 cents.
  16. Hey how is everything looking post round 2 now? Looks like you were on track for a nice restoration
  17. It completely depends as everyone has different healing characteristics. I had minimal redness so come 2-3 weeks just looked like i had a short buzz cut.. Then either keep it short till growth kicks in or use some nano fibres to get you through the first few months I found the 'ugly ducking' phase nowhere near as difficult as some.. Take 3-4 weeks off work.. After a Good month you will just look like you had a buzz cut... You won't really know how you will look though until post op as everyone is different. For those with Fair skinned redness tends to stick around for quite a while which can be unfortunate.. In those cases Short term pain and all that.. However in my case no-one at work ever suspected anything or said anything .. Just thought i had buzzed down which is normal in summer etc..
  18. 5000 FUE with 0.8 punch super close up. Donor shaved 0 guard few days prior so this about a 1 guard. Everyone is different with different donor charateristics and punch size is key. I wouldn't go over 0.8 or 0.9m. Only 1 hair dresser ever commented had i had a procedure as in normal life its even less noticeable and he only knew as he had a HT himself. When i tell the rest they are impressed. My donor is night and day though compared to having a FUT strip. If you don't plan to have the option to keep your hair short though may not be an issue for some. I love keeping sides and back short or buzzing all over.
  19. The 2% ratio of side effects is total horse $hit. Its far far higher than that.. Every drug has side effects and some people will just get the sides milder than others and not possibly notice them or be bothered by them for a multitude of reasons... Any drug that alters your hormonal system is powerful and should be very carefully considered. Unreversable side effects are a confirmed situation by the manufacturer. Thread very carefully and if you are going to use it. Get all of your base line blood and test levels checked BEFORE you start so you have baseline data.
  20. For me the unpredictability of Hair transplants meant FUE was the only viable option for me. Particularly comparing reality to those posted online. So many sub par results out there which don't make it online and clinics quash with touch ups. Buzzing the hair down with FUE was always a get of jail option to keep in my back pocket. In saying that not everyone is an FUE candidate particularly if your loss is extensive.
  21. Ronan Keating has had a couple of hair transplants. So have some of the other guys in Boyzone.
  22. I’d be very careful with scabbing. I had a small very scabbed area in my first procedure in which resulted in poor growth in the small area....
  23. My guess is this will improve over time as the hair cycles and mimics the texture more of the surrounding native hair. I found that with some of my transplanted hair initially. Overall tremendous results. Congrats
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