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Everything posted by aaron1234

  1. First off, you can't go on and off with Propecia and Minox for 14 months and expect to see great benefits. You have to be on them indefinitely. Yeah, two years of research not totally necessary unless you are really young. But an HT is a very emotional journey. Simply because if you sign up for one you are pretty much signing up for them for life because hair loss is progressive and you'll always be playing catch up. And after each transplant you WILL look worse than you did before it for at least 3 months. So you have to be mentally and emotionally prepared for the long haul. All that said, you've come to the right place. Study the patient blogs for each doc on this site. Pick your top 5-10 docs and consult with them. Don't look for the best doc in Tennessee - look for the best doc period!
  2. You can't beat a 4K strip procedure with Dr. Rahal. It's your best bet! You'd be surprised how thin a scar from an elite surgeon can be.
  3. Looks like good work Donald. You are in good hands for sure. Regarding the Fin: Maybe you should try a lower daily dosage. Like maybe .50mg a day. Hopefully the sides will lessen for you in the future because you still have a lot of hair to keep.
  4. Check with Dr. Meshkin. You may have an infection or folliculitis.
  5. IMO, you are a great candidate for a HT. Your crown looks stable and with the meds you should be set. 3K grafts in that area would do a lot of good. Of course, I'm partial to SMG but you are looking at all the right places. G'luck!
  6. Even though I'm not of a fan of the graft planting, the work looks pretty clean and refined. So hopefully you'll grow well. And then after that you can bring down the left side of your hairline and also get some temple work done. But do your research and go to a good doc next time around.
  7. If you are feeling a pull in your neck area then you should probably refrain from that activity. You do risk stretching your scar, even at 9 weeks post-op. Maybe focus more on cardio - biking, running, etc. You have to be your own referee with this. If it doesn't feel right then you should probably stop.
  8. It's sort of difficult to tell from the lighting of the pictures, but the inking seems to have effectively diminished the appearance of your scar. Do you have to pay for each session? Or are they considered touch-ups? Keep us posted. We don't have many examples of this kind of work.
  9. Not sure. Could be miniaturized hairs that you are about lose due to male pattern baldness. Or it could be the transplanted hairs that just sprouted and are underdeveloped at this point. Your doctor would probably be able to tell.
  10. You're in great hands! Good luck, though you really don't need it. Can't wait to see post-op pics!
  11. Maybe with a combed forward look. Yeah, that's definitely an uneven hairline. You are probably going to need repair work in the future. Start doing your research and saving your money. It looks like you really need temple work as well.
  12. Your hair looks pretty good right now. I don't know if I would even undergo another surgery at this point. Might be more risk (shock loss of surrounding native hairs) than reward. You are wearing your hair awfully short in these pics. This should make it look thinner - but still your hair holds up pretty well. Also, I can't see your donor scar even with your hair that short. So you are in a good spot. Have you ever tried dermmatch or toppik (or nanogen)? These concealers would be fantastic for someone like you. A small amount in your case would go a very long way.
  13. Looks good. It seems a bit thin but you are not helping matters with the drenching wet hair. Could you post some dry pics as well? Wet hair always reveals transplanted hair at its worst.
  14. Cooley is great! Of course, don't let travel dictate who your doc is - but you've got a gem right in your own backyard.
  15. I totally agree. That's my long term approach. And no doubt that body hairs are less cosmetically acceptable than scalp hairs. But I am positive that Dr. Umar will be throwing a lot of scalp hairs in the mix.
  16. A Zupan sighting! Thanks for the explanation Matt. It just goes to show that in the right hands a little can go a long way.
  17. Dude, you are set for life man. Still, glad you are being frugal with that treasure chest of yours.
  18. Looks like you are healing very well. Don't worry about the pinkness, that's normal for this time. Keep us posted.
  19. I've never seen an arm pit hair transplant. The most common body hair to use for transplantation is beard hair.
  20. You're right on that one. It's not an every day picture thread that is for sure. Very little glory if it goes right and a lot of blame if it goes wrong.
  21. Looks good. Very interested in how this case turn's out. There's been some skepticism on this board about the effectiveness of FUE into a donor scar. Thanks for posting!
  22. The placement of the grafts is a bit too uniform for my liking both in the crown and the front. The scabs do seem a bit large. Maybe they were chubby grafts? And maybe that'll help yield? Here's hoping. If it all grows well then it should be ok. It doesn't look like a hack job but it certainly doesn't look like state of the art transplantation either. Good luck!
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