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Everything posted by aaron1234

  1. Zenmunk, Are you implying that you'd like FUE extractions that go past and above the ears - like on the sides of the head? Some docs have done that. I believe Dr. Lindsey did that with Spex's 100,000th hair transplant. But it was a smaller session of about 200 grafts. Some docs might be wary of going out that far on the sides because it might not exactly be a safe zone. Depends on the patient. You do see a lot of temple point reconstructions for very good reason.
  2. 7K? Do you even have a neck anymore? Congrats on the MEGA mega-session with one of the best! Can't wait to see these results. All the best healing and growing. And remember, patience!
  3. Totally normal. Whatever our insecurities are we impose on others.
  4. This is indeed a great result. But also consider the hairstyle. It is grown out long and combed to the side. This is a layering effect which effectively creates the illusion of much greater density. Also, the patient is using some of his native hair from the lateral humps in combing it to the side. Not saying these pictures are dishonest or that it is a comb over - but the patient is wearing his transplanted hair in the best possible way to achieve the fullest density.
  5. Not a dumb question! You are correct that the new technology would probably have to be done in conjunction with HT surgery to construct a hairline. Theoretically, if the new product did grow back new hair it probably wouldn't be growing it all back in a perfect condition - without thin patches, gaps in hairlines, etc. This is probably more true for men with higher level NW's. But at this point, still, it's all theoretical.
  6. Good question Cant decide. Basically it was just to get more grafts. My scalp laxity is ok but my scars tend to stretch a little. We actually did remove a good portion of the scar - just not the entire thing. The two scars actually blend into each other pretty well right now. But it is wider than a typical scar. Dr. Shapiro said a scar revision would put me in a better position if I needed another strip session in the future. So that's the tentative plan for now.
  7. Zits are entirely normal. Usually a sign of good things to come. Just be sure they don't turn into folliculitis and you'll be fine.
  8. There's been no scientific analysis on the exact effect of scalp exercises. However, all doctors seem to agree that they are helpful. Check out Severn's story. He dedicated sometimes 2 hours a day to them and he practically doubled the amount of the grafts he was able to harvest in one session.
  9. Yikes! :eek: Horrible PR. :confused: How clueless are they?
  10. It depends on your point of view and/or personal preferences. I have three scars right now. One from my first surgery which was take too high out of the safe zone. And two from Dr. Shapiro - most recent one on top of the other. I don't scar very well and so a scar revision is planned in the future. Even with my not-so-great scar situation I'm not entirely bothered by them basically for one reason - I keep my hair long enough to cover them. But if I wanted a close cut/shave then they would be an issue. Everyone is different with so many variables; scarring, hair texture, laxity, styling, etc. So it really depends on what you bring to the table in those regards and you have to make the the best decision for yourself.
  11. For sure! Yes, 1 hair grafts are perfect in the hairline if done by a good doc. I've got to say that my 1 hair grafts from Dr. Paul look so natural in how they exit the scalp. I think most docs use 1 hair grafts for the hairline now. If they don't, then they shouldn't be recommended - like my first surgeon. :confused:
  12. Holding out hope for photos from the clinical trials...
  13. The difference between transplanted hair and native hair is most apparent at the bottom of the hair where it exits the skin. Levrais is right that it's probably unnoticeable to the untrained eye. I would also add that it is only visible to me with bright lights and an inch or so away from a mirror. Step back a half a foot and you can't really tell. And I still have some cobblestoning left over from my poor first procedure - but that's another issue.
  14. Ah, Brad Pitt. Lucky inglorious bastard! :mad:
  15. Yeah, absolutely agree with Sparky and lorenzo on this one. Not everyone is a candidate. We should be grateful he didn't go to an unethical surgeon. This guy has got bigger fish to fry then hair loss - i.e. ditchin' the smokes.
  16. @Hairi and orlhair - just pointing out that jmg7184 asked this questions about 2 and a half years ago. No worries tho...
  17. If he has diffuse thinning in the donor area then even FUE scars would probably be more noticeable than someone with healthy donor hair. Then you also take into consideration the risk of shock loss in the recipient region (because with diffuse thinning his native hairs all over are probably weak) & donor region as well. Too many risks. Not worth it in my opinion. Shave it and love it!
  18. If it's a baseball cap - good - just wear it loose. No fitted caps in my opinion. The larger the hat the better.
  19. I would wait as long as possible before dying the hair again. The hair would be fine - I would just be careful to avoid doing anything that might irritate the scalp during the early stages of growth.
  20. There are a lot of unknowns with scalp micro-pigmentation so tread carefully. I don't know of any in Chicago or Illinois. The closest I can think of is Good Look Ink in Minnesota. But if I were seriously considering SMP I would definitely visit with Dr. Rassman in California. Be careful with this. Don't just go to anybody.
  21. Great write up Baltobill! I hope for an amazing turn around for you. You definitely deserve it!
  22. What would Judge Nap give to have a mature hairline?
  23. Great work once again Dr. Simmons. HUGE difference! What an interesting case this patient brought to the table.
  24. Woah! Already? You wasted no time. Who was your doc? Got any pics?
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