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Everything posted by aaron1234

  1. Oh yeah, definitely possible. I'm about 2 and a half months now and I can see and feel tons of tiny hairs sprouting up!
  2. Yeah, doesn't sound like the SMG I know. Sure you weren't talking with Dr. Larry Shapiro?
  3. Such a great turn around. Dr. Bisanga did you very well! Congrats!
  4. These are interesting pics because I've never seen shock loss on someone who shaved their hair so short. Don't worry, it'll come back.
  5. It's too hard to say with those pics. The pre-op pic you are shaven and the other pics your hair is grown out. Also, do you have any immediate post-op pics?
  6. Simply killer results Johnny_B! My jaw just fell to the floor. Congrats!
  7. A visit after the new year is in my itinerary. So hopefully early January I can make a trip up to Bloomington. Good times!!
  8. Thanks for the link Hariri! Very good interview. However, the guy couldn't even say whether they grew hair or not yet. I will remain skeptical but hopeful!
  9. Sure thing. Pretty simple. It is because if you are balding, your hair is better off with finasteride. If you get a transplant and don't stabilize your loss then you could potentially look worse off then you were before the transplant. You could end up having an island of transplanted hair with nothing behind it. Furthermore, even though studies have not shown this, I believe that finasteride has shown to potentially have a positive effect on the donor hair in the permanent zone. So i think even some NW6's and NW7's could still see some form of benefit from the drug.
  10. Totally agree. That's my philosophy as well. What's a measly $60 haircut after two or three transplants?!? I'll definitely check out some of those shampoo's. I suspect I should be careful with shampoo's given my sensitive skin. Definitely worth a shot tho.
  11. Yah, you're right. My physiology stinks! Right again! Can't wait to share it!
  12. I know Spex recommends it. I started taking 5,000 mcg's of Biotin daily after my previous surgery. Being two months post-op and dealing with a little shock loss is making it hard for me to determine it's value. I would guess that my hair is growing back fast. But given that I'm also on 3000 mg of MSM daily, Folic Acid, Multi-Vitamins (and don't forget about finasteride) it is pretty much impossible for me to tell which supplement is working or not.
  13. Baldy, Good question. Here are some good reasons not to get a transplant: 1) If your expectations are too high. If you are hoping for a head of hair you had in your teens you will be disappointed. 2) Your supply doesn't meet your demand. Can your donor area can provide enough grafts for a substantial cosmetic improvement? 3) You have diffuse thinning. This is where the thinning exceeds beyond the typical norword pattern and sometimes into the donor region. 4) If you don't have the long term commitment for multiple transplants. If you get one you will probably need another. 5) You don't take finasteride. Granted, there are some decent looking HT patients who are not on the meds. But I believe they are playing with fire! 6) You don't like scars. My scars don't bother me but for some strip patients they do. 7) If you are not educated about hair transplants. Know what you are getting into. There are many other reasons why you shouldn't get a transplant but they all depend on the factors the patient brings to the table; i.e. physiologically, mentally, emotionally, financially, etc. It's a long journey that you can't possibly overestimate before you start. For me, I'm glad I got transplants. Yes, I'm not a finished product yet but SMG has me on the right track. If you do decide to get a HT the most important thing is to find a clinic you completely trust.
  14. Yeah, sleeping is not easy after a HT for at least a couple of weeks. And I think this is primarily due to the staples or sutures. The pain is not really bad during the procedure - though I admit I was quite squeamish this last time around. There are a lot of good/decent reasons why not to get a transplant, but pain is not one of them.
  15. Yup orlhair. The question is what makes one elite and I think Janna is right... it's loving what you do.
  16. Replicel's videos are nice - but they are just basically science cartoons. It'd be nice to see some clinical trial photos but I guess they are in the middle of them. At least Aderans gave us pictorial evidence that they are on to something. Replicel just seems to be theorizing at this point. I could be wrong - I hope I am!
  17. Spanker, she is totally right. I see this in my own profession and every other one as well. I also see it with competitive athletes. I think it's a general rule of life that applies to basically everything! That's one thing I noticed about Dr. Paul Shapiro. He really does have the patient's best interest at heart. I noticed the same thing in a consult with Dr. Konior. The guy really does have a passion for hair transplantation. It's blatantly obvious. I've been to some other docs that just seemed to have the attitude that it was just another day at the office. That's why I think in-person consults are so important.
  18. Even with some docs recommended on this site I would be careful with. There are some not recommended that do amazing work. Just be careful and do your homework.
  19. The latter. I know nothing of the doc. But one thing I will tell you is that a nice, conversant doc is not necessarily a skilled surgeon. Be careful! Like spex says, there are only a select few clinics in the world he would trust his head to right now. I would agree with that 100%.
  20. Haha, you can always count on Dr. Lindsey to give us all the blood, guts, and glory! UNCENSORED! Great stuff. Castlerock, looking good. The next few weeks will suck. But hang tough!
  21. I hope you all have done your homework. Good luck!
  22. The only surgical detail you gave us was 4 procedures over a 4 year span. How many grafts did you get each session? How many hairs each session? Was it strip or FUE? What portion of the scalp did each session address? What was the name of your doctor? Do you have any before and after pictures, including immediate post-op pics? You wrote a lot of words but basically said nothing of substance. Much like an infomercial. :rolleyes:
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