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Everything posted by aaron1234

  1. I agree that temple points can make a HUGE difference. Zup, what do you think? Would it be a prudent use of donor for someone with my loss to get temple points done? The sides are still there but the points have miniaturized for sure. Especially my left side with the two rockin' moles!
  2. futbol, you are looking excellent for three months. Keep growing out that hair! There's more to come.
  3. Three transplants in the pass three years. Yes, I don't know if it is normal or how many other patients do it that way. It didn't help matters that I didn't do my due diligence and went to a cheap doctor for my first procedure. I might have only needed one or two surgeries if I did it right the first time around. Everyone is different. Some might get by with just one procedure but I think far more patients at the very least feel like they need more work even if they are happy with the results. I don't think your being naive... just optimistic. Just remember once you sign up for one transplant you need to be prepared for more when your hair loss progresses.
  4. You had quite the informercial going on for Dr. Pong in your post on a thread about financing transplants. Who's being the salesman?
  5. orlhair, Looks like you got a head start! Very nice for three months. The next few months are going to be fun! Quick question. You might have stated this before in another thread - but did you dye your hair blonde before? The grey/white hair might actually really improve the illusion of density for you.
  6. I think the grafts should be fine - as long as they have the blood flow to keep them alive. Shedding sucks around this period regardless of any external factors.
  7. They are probably all safe. But some docs warn against using dermmatch for a few months after a transplant. Toppik/nanogen would be just fine.
  8. That was a rough scar. Glad to see the FUE grew through the scar tissue. Well done Dr. Beehner. Thanks for posting. Like the others said we definitely need more of these B&A's.
  9. If you are pulling in 40K with a large family to support then I'd might reconsider getting a HT. And for one basic reason: you will most likely need another transplant after the first. Right now you think you are only signing up for a $10-15K commitment, but in reality it is probably double that if not more. I know how sensitive an issue this is. If you see my very first posts on this forum it is all about ways to scrap enough money together to pay off a HT. Short of male prostitution I was willing to do anything at the time. I went to a cheaper doc for my first procedure which I now regret.
  10. When you are dealing with different clinics that are as great as Rahal, H&W, Shapiro are, you are basically looking more at a difference in philosophy than results - because let's face it, they all get results. It's just the matter on how you want to go about addressing your hair loss. It's up to you to find out which philosophy you agree with most.
  11. Killer temple points Joe. Making me think about addressing mine - though they're mostly still there.
  12. Getting on propecia was my first effective step in fighting hair loss. I wish I would have started it sooner. It's really not such a big deal to be on it. It felt like a big deal when I popped the first pill... after that it has become the easiest daily thing to do.
  13. This technology hasn't been proven yet. Once it has then I will do about 30 victory laps outside in the buff.
  14. Do yourself a favor and type "Armani" in the search engine here....
  15. Let's be honest. All of us here probably suffer at least a little bit from OCD/BDD. For every one of us here on this forum there are probably 2,000 guys who don't give two craps about their hair loss. We just gotta do our best to keep it in check.
  16. Hmm... maybe you just caught Zup on an off day. He probably thought he just needed to educate you the patient on the practices and techniques utilized by SMG in contrast to those by other clinics. He's a very passionate guy and I know he goes the extra mile to make sure the patient knows what they are getting into. And, of course, he's proud of the work that SMG has put out. Why wouldn't he be? But at any rate, if you don't feel comfortable with SMG then no harm done. You do have quality clinics listed and I'm sure you'll get a great result with whomever you choose. This reminds me of a thread by an old poster by the name of pleasegrowplease. He was really put off by the consultant of Dr. Konior and let the forums know about it. Dr. Konior called him up inviting him back to the clinic, and PGP returned to the forums singing Dr. Konior's praises - and rightly so. Sometimes it all just boils down to a communication breakdown.... and sometimes a second look is warranted.
  17. Gee, this guy has perfect hair for transplants. Great job Dr. Konior. He had way too many 2 hair grafts in his hairline before. It's much improved now.
  18. FUE in the scar won't reduce the scar's redness, but it might help disguise it. Strip scars in fair skinned patients seem occasionally go pink for awhile.
  19. Stay on the fin. It's done well for you. You still have a lot of hair to keep. From what it looks like it seems you have pretty healthy donor hair - so I think you'd make an excellent HT candidate. Start consulting with the best. In the meantime, some concealers might go a long way for you with your hair at that length. Look into dermmatch and toppik/nanogen.
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