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Everything posted by aaron1234

  1. Wow, great work again Dr. Cooley. You're delivering the goods today! The patient is fortunate to have retained that much hair despite not being on fin.
  2. How many months has it been exactly now?
  3. Good post corv. And I totally agree with you Cant decide about how people notice things that are important to them - or in other words things that they are insecure about. I am definitely guilty of rating other guys NW levels and estimating how many grafts they would need! An extension of your post corv would be for those patients who have an idealized picture of what they want to be and won't do anything socially until that is accomplished. For instance, someone who just had a surgery and is waiting for that perfect result before they ask a girl out. What if, what if they never get that result? Then they are basically putting themselves off the market because of an idea they have of what they should be. I'm sure this could happen professionally as well.
  4. Last I heard it was $6 per graft at SMG for FUE. That is definitely on the lower end.
  5. Medication will not give anyone a new hairline but it may keep it from receding back further. Bowser, you do have some miniaturization up front. I don't see how it would be harmful. Definitely look into some clinics that do great hairline work (for instance, SMG or Dr. Feller). FUE may be an option for you.
  6. We all know that Dr. Wong is a honest doc and your story just proves that even more. I do agree with him that you were crazy to get off the Proscar! :eek: Stay on it dude! I'm just curious as to whether you have looked into Dr. Rassman's scalp micro-pigmentation and if you would ever consider it? If I had no hope with HT's I would personally take a serious look into that. But I understand if you aren't thrilled going the inking route. But taking your focus off the hair is not a bad thing. Quitting smoking would be even more kick ass then a 6K mega-session! All the best dude.
  7. The patient may be in his late 40's but he now looks like he just graduated from college. Just another example of Dr. Ron's efficient use of grafts. That's a large area to cover for 2,500K.
  8. Not necessarily. However, people with finer hair need more grafts to achieve a certain level of density. I'm definitely an example of that.
  9. Absolutely. And Spex, you must share that graph from your Maximum Hair series that shows a collection of dots metaphorically displaying the difference between FUE and Strip. To me, that's been the most compelling argument for strip over FUE for larger sessions.
  10. That is true but it also depends on the texture of the patients hair. If it is coarse then you are absolutely correct that FUE can serve as an equalizer between the top and back/sides. But if you have thin textured hair to begin with then this should not be considered a reason to go FUE - even if you have other valid reasons to do so. All great points as to why avoid a neograft procedure.
  11. Yeah, I've carried on Toppik/nanogen before on flights. Let's just hope some terrorist doesn't use toppik to detonate a bomb or something. Then we're all screwed!
  12. I would talk to your doctor ASAP. This is not a common dilemma to find on the forums and blogs. Eyebrow transplants are quite rare.
  13. I use Proscar (5MG of Finasteride) and cut it into 1/4th's. So I end up taking roughly 1.25MG of Fin daily. The cost is extremely cheap this route. I get the pills from Walmart and for a three month supply it is only $9. I'm not sure the exact success rate of fin percentage-wise - but I've heard over 90% of men at least maintain their hair while others even see regrowth. Again, the mind is a powerful tool. If you are extremely worried about sexual side-effects then you might end up getting them anyways just from the placebo effect. So just don't buy into the "Propecia will make your penis fall off" hysteria.
  14. And we all know what happened to the last "great" strip doc to start doing FUE megasessions. A slippery slope in my opinion.
  15. Yeah, I remember my arms getting worn out too fast. That's cool you had a system. I did have an idea for a scalp exercise video with Richard Simmons or P90X but they rejected it. Yeah, we just missed each other again. I believe last time you were there in 09 we were only a month apart.
  16. I just looked up an old post by you on scalp exercises. Dude, sometimes 2 hours a day? You're an olympian! I was bitchin' about 15 minutes.
  17. That's incredible Severn. Wow! From 1,200 to 3,000. Just curious, how much time a day did you do those exercises?
  18. Really it just boils down to whether you can handle a scar or not. If you are willing to risk less grafts, less yield, and a thinned out donor region to avoid a thin lined scar that is entirely your own call. To each his own.
  19. That actually sounds very frisbeephobic to me! No worries losingslowly. You sure got the speech police after you.
  20. All the side effect fears you have from finasteride are grossly exaggerated. I've been on it for 5 years and no problems. One member here has been on it 15 years no problem. Side effects can happen just like any drug - but they are so rare. If you are serious about keeping your hair then get on ASAP. Otherwise, I wouldn't be so quick to get a HT. Regarding grey hair - the color of your hair has no correlation as to whether it will fall out or not.
  21. Are you on Fin? Get on that ASAP. You have tons of hair to keep. I'd do that before any surgery.
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