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Everything posted by aaron1234

  1. It's best to have a wash one day post-op. It's helps prevent against scab formation and the techs can check to see if any of your grafts have slightly popped out. It's totally fine if done in the right hands.
  2. Nizoral can help but don't use it daily. Try to include some tar based shampoos in your circulation (T-Gel). We aren't dermatologists here so we probably can't help you much with itchy scalp. And I see you went to four different dermatologists and still haven't gotten to the bottom of this. You might just need to trial and error a few medications to see which one works and stick with it. Prednsisone (a very powerful drug but with many negative side effects) really helped me with the psoriasis on my scalp. You may want to try a small dosage of that. But again, I'm not a dermatologist and I can only guess what you have. As for the hair loss it sounds like typical MPB - though hopefully the dermatologists you visited with confirmed that it wasn't anything else. At this point you might want to consult with a hair transplant surgeon and get a density bulk test and miniaturization test done. If the itching is really bad then I wouldn't recommend Rogaine Foam. I also have sensitive skin and after a month on it my scalp had a bad reaction to it - my ears also became extremely chapped! I would personally make sure that the hair loss isn't caused by any other medical issue and then get on Propecia. Side effects are extremely rare and there is no evidence to support that it may harm your girlfriend as long as she doesn't handle the medication.
  3. Corv - you're such a tease! I'm trying to brainstorm about what Dr. Wesley could possibly be up to and I'm coming up empty. Can't wait to see what this is all about.
  4. It's not that we're being obsessive, it's just not everyday where we read a complaint about SMG's consultations. But hey, just because Zup has helped educate thousands of prospective patients for over 2 decades doesn't mean he's going to click with every balding man on the planet. No problem, that's to be expected - to each his own. Why do some people I meet think I'm a nice guy and others think I'm an asshole? :confused: You seemed to have had a good connection with Rahal and that's fantastic! And I'm sure you'll be in great hands with whomever you choose. I hope nothing but the best for you in this battle we share!
  5. ukpatient, Looking so much better... and it's only 7 months!
  6. Yeah, I know the disappointment in finding out that there is no such thing as one and done in hair transplantation. The good news is that you haven't been butchered. Density can easily be increased with another procedure - but even still it might not be to your liking. There's no way to know. But you are still 7 months which is early. So give time, stay in touch with your doc, and start looking into other clinics in the meantime.
  7. I've seen so many Rahal patients like you who end up looking like a million bucks afterward. I'd say good luck but you really don't need it.
  8. Great work Dr. Feller. And it's nice to see patient hasn't had any noticeable additional loss in the past three years.
  9. Go see a doc and get a miniaturization check. He'll be able to tell you if you need propecia at this point. It's hard for us to say if you are actually balding or not.
  10. Did you get strip or FUE? If strip, then why would you keep it at grade 1? The scar will be very noticeable. Cutting your hair won't affect the growth of the grafts. Just don't aggressively rub your shaved noggin!
  11. Dear God don't get a HT now. You're too young and have tons of hair. If anything just get on propecia!
  12. I didn't use it but I will for an upcoming scar revision.
  13. SMG charges whatever it costs to restock the ACell. I believe it was around $400-500. They don't profit from it. I looked into it for my last procedure.
  14. Jackthehat, You sound like me! I tried Rogaine Foam for a month and my sensitive skin couldn't take it. I still get the occasional red blotches, scaling (psoriasis? eczema?) on my scalp. In fact, the day before my most recent HT, Dr. Paul noticed a couple on my scalp. He gave me a heavy dose of Prednisone the night before and it went away the next day before the surgery. Prednisone is effective but has some nasty sides. I was one it for over 2 months post-op. But he did say that these patches could affect growth. So yeah, go see a dermatologist asap. But in the meantime, try some topical hydrocorstiones on 'em and see if that helps.
  15. Dude, do it. You got sooo much good hair left to keep!
  16. Wow, great photoshop work there Joe! My hair-greed-ometer just went in the red! I was actually thinking about addressing the temple points for my last procedure but I just thought that at the time the top needed the grafts more. It's definitely something I'm considering for the future. That's very interesting about the right side receding more than the left. I really haven't noticed it. In fact, I thought the left was a tad worse - maybe because I was incorrectly using the moles as a measure mark rather than my eyes. Thanks again for putting that together. Very, very helpful.
  17. Yikes! Sounds like a threat. It looks like you had perfect yield from your transplant. The work looked refined from what I could tell. I don't particularly like the planing involved though. The front of the hair line sticks far out beyond the corners. They really need to be brought forward to balance out the hairline. It could be that your hair is slicked straight back though.
  18. Hmm... you've got me thinking about what to do with those spare grafts from my pending scar revision. Thanks Zup!
  19. Yup, an initial decision based on price eventually becomes more expensive in the long run.
  20. Saw Palmetto was the first supplement I took for hair loss years ago. I actually was on Procerin (main ingredient SP) a year before I ever tried Finasteride. Why? I wish ! knew. So I was on it for about a year but didn't notice any difference in my hair. Granted, I was shaving my head to about a 1 or 2 guard at the time but I still couldn't see anything change when I grew out the stubble. On the good side I didn't notice any sides either. I really wish I would have started Fin during that time. I would have a much stronger crown and bridge today for sure. Ah, the folly of my youth!
  21. Thanks Lorenzo! Appreciate it... And I hope nothing but the best for vanman. But I definitely was a victim of thinking cheap for my first procedure. I was better off waiting another year or two when I was better able to afford it.
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