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Everything posted by Gatsby

  1. This is such a huge problem that affects young men especially in the late teens to early 20's and it certainly affected me terribly. At the age of 18 I was beginning to recede, slightly in hindsight. However, the fear of going bald took over to such an extent that I could hardly function socially. I always had a high hairline and sadly I chose to have a hair transplant at 18. What I was really trying to achieve was to have a low hairline with no understanding of the consequences at such a young age. I became more depressed and self conscious after this surgery than before! I keep telling people who are in the same shoes who pop up in this forum not to make the same mistakes that I did in the hope that they will learn from them. Firstly it's a lot cheaper, both financially and emotionally and secondly, it will enable them to remain with a scalp that is not left scarred for life. I'm fine now after many, many years. This is an extremely important topic. Thanks for putting it up Melvin.
  2. Whatever you do @Chances101 do not have SMP until after a year from when you have had surgery. The tiny scars will not be stable for at least 12 months and no decent SMP clinic would touch it during this time. If they do offer to perform SMP on you then stay clear of that clinic. All the best!
  3. What was the name of the doctor that performed the surgery on you? If you can I would definitely consider taking finasteride now and commit to it if you can tolerate it. You may find it may help in your donor region as well as your transplanted hair. Wishing you all the best and I look forward to your updates!
  4. Dalveer congratulations on a great result and you still have time for more growth ahead of you. With you FUT scar it takes at least a year for things to settle down and it will continue to improve in color and thickness even beyond this. All the best and I look forward to your next update! All the best!
  5. Congratulations. I was also offered this solution to my MPB a few years ago. The reason I opted out of this was because after 25 years of wearing a hair piece I was no longer interested in wearing one. This answer however does solve the hairline problems associated with hair pieces (although they have come of age recently). As long as a patient is willing to continue wearing a hair piece this is an excellent choice. Thanks for sharing.
  6. Brilliant result Mick. How far apart were the the two FUT surgeries out of interest? It just continues to show that naturalness is the number one goal that needs to be achieved. Thanks for sharing!
  7. You are in the same position I was in at 19. You have good head of hair and you are too you to 'psychologically' have a hair transplant at this stage in your life. However one thing separates us. You haven't been butchered yet and I have. Learn by my mistakes. You need to do two things now. One is to start finasteride now (and you could even add minoxidil now as well). Secondly, forget about Turkey, let alone a hair transplant at this stage! If any surgeon were to accept you now with the head of hair you possess at 19 you should be reporting them. Not paying them to ruin your scalp. All the best.
  8. This is EXACTLY why I have repeatedly replied in threads about why I would never recommend having a hair transplant in Australia. If young people are hell bent on not doing their research and are willing to accept these standards (or lack of) then I don;t know what to say. I have met with Dr Vik and a host of other hair transplant surgeons here in Australia and I will say it again from my own experiences (well obviously not just my own). Do not get a hair transplant in Australia. If you want the best possible outcome then you need to do your research and ask lots of questions and you will realise that you will need to fly. If yo had to had to have a surgical transplant of another kind would you do it because the operation is only 20 minutes away by cab?
  9. You are spot on MazAB. In fact the entire team are living at Eugenix at the moment during the Covid period to prevent any risk of infection. That's a very high standard in my book. They work as a family as it were and are highly qualified. They are not some Turkish group of tech's that work where work is.
  10. Dr Arika is right up there with all of them. In fact she is my choice for my surgery.
  11. @Davy that is a brilliant repair and you have a fantastic (natural) hairline that you could never pick out. The scars will continue to heal and disappear over time and your scars are imperceptible anyway. Great to hear a positive story and another lesson for those who are willing to make the same mistake. All the best!
  12. I would never consider having a hair transplant here. For the same money you could go anywhere and have surgery with someone who has the skills and ethics. It was only two years ago that Dr Rhett Bosniach who was a prominent hair transplant surgeon in Melbourne was found dead one morning from a recreational drug overdose with his wife. Can you imagine being operated on by someone high as a kite or coming down!!! Obviously this can happen anywhere but the consultation I had with him and so many others over the past 35 years have been very poor. The hair transplant surgeons here just do not have the skill set and in many other cases the ethics to warrant you handing over your hard earned money. The risk of your results are not up for debate. For the hassle of a return plane flight (apart from Turkey) will be forgotten in the years ahead when you look in the mirror everyday.
  13. Abr I wouldn't even dream of having surgery here in Australia! The prices are the same as overseas but that's where the similarities end. I've been in this game here in Australia for 35 years and I'm still not impressed by all those I have had consultations with. No one here has the skill set of surgeons overseas. I would be looking at places like Eugenix, etc. Yesterday driving to work I heard on the radio and ad by Dr Knudsen claiming to have a 'pill' that prevents baldness. It's just a marketing ploy to buy finasteride, oral minoxidol and vitamins for a lot more than you could yourself (which to me is highly unethical). If you or anyone is even considering surgery (and remember it is surgery) here in Australia it just means that you haven't done enough research yet. All the best!
  14. arpad in all honesty if it had any benefit everyone on this forum would be on it! All the best.
  15. ArkaZ definitely get onto Eugenix. However, 'IF' you are having 'ANY' doubts about having a hair transplant and currently are having thoughts of having a shaved head and SMP, then really give this a long, hard think! Remember the old saying. You can always have a hair transplant 'tomorrow!' You're young and your thoughts can and will change either way. All the best.
  16. Personally I would have Eugenix way up higher on that list.
  17. Some surgeons will do FUE with an unshaven head but here is my take on it. For the small inconvenience of people seeing you with a shaved head and maybe the donor and recipient region post surgery, I would much prefer doing everything I can to make the surgery as easy as possible for the surgeon. If he/she has to work around hair that I want to keep it could be my loss in the long run. A week or two of scabs, etc is nothing compared to maximizing the greatest results for the rest of your life. All the best!
  18. Bigjab I've just followed your thread. From where you started you are right on track! Everything needs time to heal and settle. In regards to your crown I think it looks really good and I certainly wouldn't be thinking about touching it at all at this stage. You still have a quite a few more months ahead of you for further growth and density coming through. Definitely stay on the meds religiously as you have been doing so. I look forward to your monthly updates! Congratulations and all the best!
  19. I've also just seen this post and I think that is an excellent result Belman. You obtained a lot of coverage from one pass. Your donor looks great but most of all I think the hairline is excellent. It's not only natural looking but the height of it is perfect! You look ten years younger and you will now be able to grow into that hairline for the rest of your life (as opposed to growing out of a low hairline). All the best!
  20. Abhinay I saw this video on YouTube. Yes it really is a fantastic result and highlights how the economical use of grafts can give the illusion of great coverage and density. Fantastic result!
  21. That is looking awesome Micky597! I would not be worrying about your scar at all. From my own experience it takes 'at least' a year for a scar to mature and then a scar will continue to improve over the years beyond that. The scar will soften and flatten also over time. All the best!
  22. At four months you already have very good growth. Remember you really need to wait until at least 12 months before making a call on your results. All the best!
  23. One option is to have a scar reduction as has been suggested. I have had several both in my donor area where your scar is and along my hairline. It will still leave you with a scar however the width of it will be reduced. A year after surgery with a thin scar you could then have SMP. I would not suggest having SMP on the scar as it is because as you have said, once you grow your hair out it you will notice the difference. All the best.
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