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Everything posted by Gatsby

  1. Would you be able to put up a couple of pics to give us an idea? Cheers!
  2. Who is the surgeon? I know WHEY protein is not recommended. Are you on finasteride?
  3. Jake1979 don't get locked into a contract, payment scheme, etc, etc. I wore a hair piece to hide two botched hair transplants and my baldness. I finally threw away the hair piece after 25 years of them about four years ago. I started with the hair piece 'glued' to my hair and as my hair grew I had the piece removed and reattached and glued to my hair again. After about six months I found this a real drag as it can get 'sloppy' on the scalp as your hair grows and eventually found a hair dresser who ordered the hair piece and then colored and permed it and then cut it into my own hair (my hair is/was very curly). Today hair pieces have come of age and with the internet have come down in price. I suggest you contact several 'ethical' hair transplant surgeons who have a contact with someone who can supply a hair piece, etc. An ethical hair transplant surgeon will want to help you and not rip you off/take commissions, etc. Keep researching and asking questions here. All the best.
  4. It's already happening and I feel that the use of current and potentially better future pipeline DHT blockers will become part of a hair transplant plan. What I hope does happen in the next ten years is that start up third world chop shops disappear and that more regulation becomes part of a hair transplant plan as well. I also see a need for better counseling to be part of this industry too and perhaps laws and better recourse for improper practice.
  5. A great looking natural head of hair. The patient must be very happy now. Thanks for sharing Doron.
  6. I’m looking forward to it Melvin. God it’s going to feel weird with hair again! Never say never! 😂👍
  7. I would just like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and let's hope next year will be a great year after this one! Also a huge thanks to Melvin for all that you do mate. A big thanks to everyone for sharing and contributing with often sage advice. For those that are in a darker place, you are in the best place, by being a part of this forum and their is always hope as so many before have proven. Personally a massive thank you from me to everyone for all the advice that has been given to me and the support you have shared. I love this forum and it's the people in it that make it what it is. Here's to a bigger and better 2020 for all concerned!
  8. Andy firstly welcome to the forum and by joining here you have made a great first step. Not only in being able to talk and discuss with like minded individuals, but also by avoiding jumping in head first into a marketing trap which could end in a massive regret. You are such an honorable person in putting your family first. However the pain you are going through will be of no benefit to them. Also it's great to see that despite your suffering you have waited to see how your hair loss has progressed. In my humble opinion I would definitely get in touch with Eugenix and also have a look at some of their results both here and on their website. They turn out incredibly natural results (at a very affordable price) which is their hallmark. But that aside do lots of research and 'talking' here on the forum. Wishing you all the best!
  9. That's a perfect skin color/scar color match! 👍 One thing to add though is if you are keeping your head or donor area shaved or buzzed short, keep the scars out of the sun for at least 12 months. When I had my first botched hair transplant I thought that the sun will promote hair growth!! 😬 It only made the scarring worse. All the best and I look forward to your future updates. Thanks for sharing!
  10. The crown looks incredibly impressive! Was the FUE performed immediately after the FUT surgery or was is over a two day period? Great results! Thanks for sharing!
  11. That's a fantastic result for all the right reasons! He must be extremely happy. Thanks for sharing!
  12. That advice is gold. To begin with nothing is perfect and we are our own worst enemies. To be able feel happy having tricho or SMP performed then you have to accept it's limitations (as you do with a hair transplant). I have a lot of scars on the back donor region of my scalp and also an FUT like scar along the top of my hairline. For me then obviously anything is better than walking around with a butchered scalp! I wore a hair piece for many years and I felt confident because it hid my scars, probably more so than hiding my baldness as well. There are some great artists around (and a lot of dodgy ones - no different to hair transplant surgeons). But at the end of the day if you wish to undergo tricho or SMP then you must be prepared for the reality that it is not replacing your hair and it is not 3D. Having said that, I think it really does have a huge role in helping those with scars get back into life and also for people who can't stand the idea of being horse shoe bald. Also remember that if people aren't looking for something then they often don't recognize it. All the best!
  13. If you have the right surgeon leaving the crown is often part of the plan and it can look very natural. Many men only lose hair in the crown yet retain the rest of their hair.
  14. To do anything surgical would be a huge mistake at the moment. I would commence finasteride. You have a great natural head of hair! All the best!
  15. Bromide is a salt (potassium) that was used as an anti epileptic. It can have sedative properties.
  16. I would consult with several of the hair transplant surgeons recommended on this forum and do a little bit more research (such as you have for posting on this forum). It never hurts to get a second and third opinion. When it comes to hair transplants of any type I personally see it as mandatory. Dr Nadami is a well regarded surgeon by the way. In my humble opinion I would opt for FUE as the number required is on the very low side. Wishing you all the best!
  17. Hamit38 since you first posted this thread have you read the almost suicidal posts from young guys who feel butchered from having hair transplants in Turkey. Do a search as they may help counter your impulsiveness for surgery now, increase your desire to do more research and prevent you from suffering the pain they are now in.
  18. Yes I admit 2,200 does sound light for coverage of a full frontal half however Eugenix appear to have nailed the art of using less grafts to achieve the illusion of more coverage obtained. Is Dr Pradeep planning to use grafts solely from scalp grafts? I know Eugenix heavily recommend the use of finasteride for life regardless of one's hair loss and I have noted you are unable to use this. Perhaps Dr Pradeep is thinking of retaining your finite graft supply for the future if required? The final point though is that you have to feel 100% confident and and on track with whichever surgeon you choose. So bear this in mind if you go ahead with a hair transplant and remember that you should be made to feel that you can never ask enough questions with your surgeon. That in itself is as important as the procedure itself is. Wishing you all the best.
  19. That's looking great Rolandas and also goes to show that total coverage of grafts isn't always necessary to give the appearance of full coverage. Your hair is looking healthy and for many people you could be one and done with a result like yours with styling, dermatch, etc. Wishing you all the best with your upcoming second surgery and I look forward to following your updates. Thanks for sharing.
  20. HCH you appear to have very realistic expectations and being able to have an in person consultation with Dr Pradeep is a big plus compared to online, etc. I think the plan that you and Dr Pradeep have is a very good one as you always need to plan surgery/s for over the lifespan and plan to being a Norwood 6 whether one will head that way or not. You are correct that Eugenix do great work in the higher Norwood end and you will be in good hands. Wishing you all the best whichever way you go.
  21. Nik it's looking really good, especially for only 5 months post op! The scar color matches perfectly with your own scalp skin color and blends very well. It will continue improving over the next couple years also. With your wavy styled hair pattern you can get away with some doubles in the front so don't be too concerned. Stay on the meds and I look forward to further updates!
  22. Eugenix have performed a case of over 16,500 grafts. Everything that I have to chime in in this thread will mirror everything that Melvin has already previously stated.
  23. Remember MNIK you are at the 12 week mark. Not the 12 month mark. I know it's frustrating but patience is the name of the game.
  24. Let yourself be guided by Eugenix. Stay in contact with them and let the process itself do it's work.
  25. No but I think it has more life changing results for those with scars, etc. Well at least it did for me as well as liberating me from wearing a hair piece after nearly 25 years of wearing one.
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