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Everything posted by Gatsby

  1. You chose the best in my opinion. At under one month I can already see where this is going to go! Well done and I look forward to your further updates. Thanks for sharing!
  2. You chose wisely for your surgery and I look forward to following your journey! Thanks for sharing!
  3. I can promise you that as a person who began suffering from baldness from the age of 18 that I have ALWAYS made it my business to have my eyes and nose close to the media when it comes to MPB. And I shit you not that 'roughly' around the five year mark the media has always spruiked and hailed a potential new 'cure' for baldness. I'm not a conspiracy nut or remotely interested in why the media tends to do this. But I have two things in this world. My word and my balls and I won't bust them for anyone!
  4. Who was your surgeon? Have you been consulting with him/her? Looks good!
  5. Any announcement has always been this. 'In five years we will have a cure.' I've literally heard this 'every five years' for the past 35 years! Lol!
  6. How old are you can I ask? If you are having the 'slightest' doubts now then cancel ASAP. You will end up spending thousands to repair a result that you will wish you never chose. Trust me! If you are young over time the loss of the deposit will be the best money you spent!
  7. The worst thing you could do now is get conned into a hair transplant for a million reasons. The advice above is sage advice. I had a hair transplant at 18 and it is possibly still my biggest regret in my life. All that I was left with was scars and for so many years the inability to have a hair transplant. Don't make my mistake. Learn from my mistake because it will save you not only money. But it will save you psychological damage, scars and regrets.
  8. Yes this is why I would recommend anyone who is considering having a hair transplant to trial finasteride 'before' the surgery for some time. Unlike many other medications (where side effects usually commence once you begin the medication) finasteride can take some time before any side effects appear (if they do at all). All the best and take on board the recommendations others have suggested re: lower dosing, topical, etc.
  9. nightowll thanks for posting and sharing your experience with finasteride. Can I ask how long were you taking finasteride before the side effects you experienced started?
  10. Looking forward to your further updates. One question I'd like to ask is did you find that finasteride has improved the quality (thickness) of your donor hair? Thanks for sharing!
  11. What I would give to have your pre op hair! 😀 Lol! Fantastic results and incredibly natural and unremarkable. Congratulations!
  12. Wow these are fantastic results Michael and such an early stage too. Congratulations.
  13. I hear you but personally think just be upfront and honest and hold these people accountable. If Knudsen wants to make money off a potential patient who has entertained no research and made an impulse decision on the spot then that is all you tell him and need to ask for your money back!
  14. At only 5 months (now 6) your donor has already started to improve as has the coverage which has started to kick in. If you compare your pre op pics to these one's there is a massive difference. Imagine the results in another 6 months! Remember that the crown always take longer to grow out. You've gone to the best their is in my book for high Norwoods. All the best and I look forward to your future updates.
  15. mmmvpn look up Caitlin James and SMPAustralia. I'm flying to Adelaide for a 4 year touch up this Friday and will upload some pics. Message her and ask her for some reputable SMP artists close to you. Like I always say approach SMP as you would a hair transplant surgeon. All the best.
  16. Totally agree Guano. Don't be fooled by the YouTube 'feel good/free advice' channel that they run.
  17. _Ishy that $2k deposit could be the cheapest lesson that has saved you from a botched hair transplant that will cost you untold emotional pain and thousands more in the future if you go through with this with Knudsen or Vikram. I have made many posts and replies on Dr Knudsen (and Dr Vikram which includes fraud which is well documented). If you were 18 (like I was with no internet at the time) I would be more humbling. But in 2021 with forums like this one and at 28 you should know that research is paramount. I keep stating for peeps to learn from my mistakes as it costs you nothing and won't leave you with scars or disappointment. If you have chosen an Australian surgeon because of the lock down then you need to remember that a hair transplant is for LIFE. Covid -19 is not! I myself have been waiting for well over a year and if it takes another year then all the better as it will give me more time to research even more. Personally I think that Knudsen should refund your deposit since it was pretty obvious that you made an impulse decision. An ethical surgeon would probably say think about it for a week or two. All the best.
  18. If this strikes up in you (with a surgeon) then that's telling you this surgeon/s is not the one for me. The only way you can resolve this is research, research and further research. Remember the old adage that you can always get a hair transplant 'tomorrow.'
  19. I wouldn’t be worried about not being able to have surgery if you are HIV at all. I would be extremely worried about having surgery in Turkey based on competitive pricing. Do lots of research on surgeons who turn out consistent, excellent results and worry about the price second to this. You can always wait to save up more money, etc. All the best.
  20. @mmmvpn which way are you hoping to go with this? If you could repair the recipient area with more grafts would you prefer to keep your hair? Or do now want to shave your head because that is the look you want? Both are achievable (depending on your donor if you are going for hair). I have some butchered scars (both in the donor and a strip scar in the recipient area) that I have had camouflaged with SMP.
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