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Everything posted by CosmoKramer

  1. Work looks good and clean, hairline design too, good luck healing and with progress!
  2. In regards to @dust78‘s donor concerns....my take is...everyone heals and progresses differently...and at 4-months post-op it’s not uncommon for the donor not to have fully recovered...and having the donor area hair grow long makes any lagging gaps appear much more obvious. It could take more time to recover properly....and in all honesty (I don’t believe I’ve really mentioned it much) but I had an area in on the left side of my donor area that did concern me as it looked like a thin “over-harvested) patch...I was concerned but didn’t stress about it and thought to just let time pass and see if it would recover. I even showed and mentioned it to Dr Erdogan this past September when I was back in Istanbul for Dental work (was my 15th month post op) when I paid a visit to the new clinic and let them take some “after” photos...Today is literally my 18th month post my procedure and the donor area I had a concern about looks to have recovered finally...I had a fade haircut recently and I used 2 mirrors to evaluate my donor and I’m happy with it....point is...give it at the very least a year and even then it may need more time...if after the 15-18th months you see it hasn’t improved and recovered then I would say there can be things done to help fix it if needed.
  3. Right. I didn’t have a chance to catch up on my emails until tonight, I haven’t ever reported anything about anyone on here...I like to confront their bullshit headfirst if they pose utter bullshit and lies but some trolls need to go back under their bridges and stay there.
  4. Damn! @Melvin-Moderator, you banned the f*cking lying imbecile troll named John Henry when I didn’t even get a chance to call him out for his lying moronic bullshit! 🤣 Just saw in my email the notification email to this thread and this dipshit troll claimed that I was an ASMED paid shill whom had 4,200 grafts in 1 procedure then another 2,000 grafts in another procedure 🤣🤣🤣 when my original progress post states 5,000 grafts,....what a sad pathetic lowlife loser, whether he’s a former patient or a shill for a competing clinic. Pardon my French! 🤣 “Paid shill” LMFAO....somehow my bank account short the $13,000 I paid to ASMED for my procedure disagrees. 🤣
  5. Try microneedling in addition to the Big 3...you may get some nice results....check out my microneedling thread in the Open Topic section. An example of someone whom got some nice regrowth in photo below.
  6. Yeah....although, AA is a drug that requires a prescription so the FDA does regulate it. IMHO I think it should be sold OTC.
  7. Good video @Melvin-Moderator, I stopped using Minoxidil foam (that I started with my microneedling routine 6-months ago) about 2 months ago and shed a bunch daily the past few weeks, I was sick of the dandruff it caused so wanted to give “Zix” a try but stopped that after a month as it’s yellow color was annoyingly staining on my scalp & grey hairs. I have noticed some of my crown slightly thinner as I likely lost some microneedling gains so now I’m back on Minoxidil foam and keeping the dandruff at bay by applying my oil mix about 1-2 hours after Minox.
  8. Congrats man, looks great @ 2-years still!
  9. Hi Work and hairline design looks good to me, hairline should be a little “irregular” to make it appear natural....too straight a hairline and it could look fake and unnatural and when your hair is longer you likely won’t notice much. Good luck with your progress!
  10. Interesting. Maybe if it was more than the 0.1% they used that there would less net shed loss hmm..
  11. Hard to tell but if it dramatically progressed into 4th month then you could be.
  12. If you are willing to try everything then you should take the time to read all the post on my thread...all the info is on there. Dr Pen A6 derma pen, 12-Pin needles cartridges, stamp all over my scalp 1x @ 2mm every 7-9 days and 1mm every 3rd day. Minoxidil foam applied an 1-2 hours after. I stopped Minoxidil foam 1.5 months ago but now contemplating using it again as I’ve shed some. Also using castor/coconut/emu/peppermint oil mix 2-3 a week and Nizoral shampoo 2x a week.
  13. Yeah, looks as it should and some nice growth coming in for you already, not familiar with the clinic though.
  14. I bought some Everclear grain alcohol for its high alcohol content to help better dissolve the crushed Finasteride and bought on amazon propylene glycol for absorption. I crush up to a powder 30 1mg Finasteride pills and in a clean dropper bottle combine 40ml everclear alchohol + 40ml PG + 20ml distilled water, essentially 100ml mix, shake it up and leave overnight to better dissolve.
  15. I didn’t see any progress from taking and using Finasteride and Minoxidil on and off over a 15 year time span...until I started microneedling w/Minoxidil. Go check out my thread...info is all there: r
  16. If that’s seems like the case then and you’re going to stick with medication after an HT and for 41 I say life is too short so go for it if it will make you happier.
  17. Depending on your age and if you think your hair loss has stabilized and if you’ve had it confirmed by a professional surgeon that it’s stabilized...then I don’t see an issue to worry about getting your temples filled in and being sure to inform your HT doc not to touch your center area of hair if it is nice and dense as it appears in your photos.
  18. Yup! The past 2 weeks I’ve shed about 30-50 hairs a day with shower/shampooing and I believe it’s because I stopped Minoxidil 1.5 months ago as I wanted to see if I could try another more natural topical (Zix) and if I would loose any hair gains from my microneedling & Minox routine...and I do think it’s a slightly thinner in my crown due to this. I also noticed that when I was using Minoxidil foam the hairs on my forearm and knuckles was much more and thicker and longer...and now shed as well....I’m considering getting back on it but not looking forward to the effing dandruff flakes from it. At least now I know definitively that stopping Minoxidil for more than a month that some gains from my microneedling & Minox routine would lessen gains.
  19. Damn! I was pulling for you but now that you’re at almost at your 7th month, I have to be honest, it’s not looking good and disappointing to see, especially for 2,700 grafts, and yours is not the only Rahal case with an issue like this that I’ve seen on this forum sadly, I’m not going to assume and make comments on what is going on with the clinic but I hope you do see more improvement over the next 5-11 months, and you just may.
  20. You’re welcome! i originally started using Emu oil years ago when I read that it was good for skin and hair as well as healing sun burns/burns/skin issues and read that it was also beneficial for hair growth so I used it almost nightly post my HT, about 9-10months in i mixed in some coconut oil and feel it helped as well, most recently I’ve seen some guys’ results from their Castor oil use (mixed/diluted) and the scientific research on Castor shows that it benefits the good hair growing Prostaglandin in the scalp PGE2 so now I’ve made a mix of all three as well as including peppermint oil in the mix to get better blood flow to the scalp and apply this 3-4 nights a week before bed then wash out in the morning, it’s been about a week with this new combo so I’m hoping to see more improvement in conjunction with my microneedling routine.
  21. This is true...although, the diameter of your transplanted graft hair follicles could thicken, possibly double in thickeness so while all the hairs have sprouted out you could see improvement further out, as I did at around my 15th month, and I similar to @Kraistoff recent update, so I hope it gets better for you, and in my honest opinion it looks good thus far, could you use a bit more density in the front, yeah, but see how it plays out in another few months. Your haircut currently with it looks good though.
  22. Looks great @Lennney, congrats! And yeah, I’m a big fan of coconut, emu oils and now castor.
  23. Everyone who’s undergone an HT procedure has likely felt the same, and time will start moving fast before you know it.
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