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Everything posted by hairlossPA

  1. big difference from where you started. do you mind taking some without toppik?
  2. I've been going in a lot of shedding cycles, then regrowth. I currently think I am exiting a shed, and going into the re-growth phase. It's hard to say. I should know more in the next month. The cycles seem to be getting shorter. Hair is not 100% back from where it was in the first wave, but its still better than baseline at the start. For what its worth, I have been on finasteride for 2 years and 1.5 months now. I will be posting an update soon.
  3. I've come across his cost as well and it also caught my eye... he's been putting out good results lately. he doesnt have the deepest patient result portfolio I've seen, but its definitly a nice option
  4. wow this is an amazing result. congrats man it looks awesome
  5. I'd say 3,000 grafts for a pretty bad NW3. I figure 3k for the first 1/3 of the head. 2k for the mid scalp. 2k for the crown. This is all subject to change based on the individual person, but this is a common structure I've seen.
  6. everything looks right on track. excited to see the end result. please update us
  7. not only do you guys put out great results, you post the most results of any clinic on here... I don't get why other clinics can't do this. great work
  8. Although the patient is “always right”, I don’t think this is a totally fair representation of your results at the moment. half (or even more) of the pictures you posted are with wet/damp hair and you separated the hair under bathroom light... of course it’s not going to look great. but the pictures with dry/semi styled hair, it looks right on track Edit: not to mention, the grafts that were placed are not an absurd amount. 1) 2544 grafts (~4847 hairs) into front third Day 1 - 2500 grafts isnt a crazy amount compared to other numbers I've seen H&W pack into the front 1/3 2) 2355 grafts (~4776 hairs) into crown Day 2 - we all know the crown takes much much longer to produce results
  9. will be following. dont see many patient results from Vories. Edit: wow I just looked up his website/prices.... has to be the most reasonable prices in the US I've seen/heard of... FUE ranging from $4.30 - $5.00
  10. any concerns with the crown at the moment? you can clearly see the cutoff from where the transplanted grafts are, and the non-transplanted. not that it looks bad, just noticed it
  11. amazing result based off where you started. great first run
  12. his results are very good and very impressive. I actually had a consult with him myself. I may just have a high bar set for the word "homerun" I chose to go with H&W whenever they open back up.. this would be for FUE though
  13. they’re all very good options for FUT. if you’re headed towards a NW6, Dr Bloxham is probably the most conservative when it comes to design of hairline and lifetime grafts. If you want to try for a homerun/knock it out of the park, I would lean towards H&W or Diep
  14. wow that is a very interesting case. really cool to see the approach and results. do you plan on doing any more?
  15. how old are you? be careful chasing the crown also who was your surgeon?
  16. assuming you aren’t on finasteride or any medical therapy? this is the risk you take with your nontransplanted hair. I do agree the hairline should be better. unfortunately one of the first poorer results i’ve seen from his clinic lately
  17. thanks for showing. will be waiting for the final result. Dr. B always puts out great results
  18. first off, I think you are getting confused on beard "hairs" and beard "grafts". these are very different. second off, you may not be the "average man" third off, if everyone had 30k or even 5k beard grafts to use, we would see a lot more use of the beard in hair transplants. You may be able to get upwards to 1000 grafts out of your beard to use for your scalp if you want to totally deplete your beard. But if you want to leave some beard for the future and facial hair, I think you're looking at 500 grafts like I originally stated. Unless you post more pictures indicating a fuller beard
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