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Everything posted by hairlossPA

  1. its very hard to give an estimate based on these pics for a few reasons: we cant actually see the beard hair. you mentioned they are gray, it seems you may have just recently shaved? growing it out a bit would give us a better understanding where you put the red arrow is probably too far south for a doctor to take from. its possible, but they usually take the bulk of them from directly below the chin. assuming your density is greater below your jawline as compared to your cheek, and is like most beards I've seen, I'd guess anywhere around 500
  2. i mean from where you started it’s a huge improvement. is it perfect? no, but many hair transplants aren’t perfect, especially on the first pass
  3. the way he speaks reminds me of Trump. Uses a ton of superlatives and just immense exaggeration
  4. I agree in the sense that finasteride is the main player in retaining hair, but I do not agree in the sense that the side effects are psychogenic. Everyone's genes are different. Everyone reacts to medication differently. Hence why some people experience regrowth on finasteride, some people maintain, and some people continue to lose ground. The same can be said about side effects.
  5. huge transformation already... congrats
  6. its hard to say.. my initial thought was "you dont need a hair transplant"... what are you most concerned about? hairline? I'd say you're a NW2. Personally I'd wait until there's a bit more damage and you can clearly see an issue with it. Right now, I dont think you are at that stage but to each their own..
  7. Thanks Bill. I confirmed my new date of 10/5. I wanted to stay away from this month due to some events already planned, but I can't keep pushing this out and will have to bite the bullet. I asked the coordinator to put me on the wait list for possible dates if they become available. I would've preferred a full 12 months, but 9ish months should be good enough I hope...
  8. It's not bad. a lot of people would be envious for your head of hair at the moment. You're doing the best you can do by taking fin. The rest is genetics. You can try minoxidil or dermarolling as well but finasteride is the heavy lifter to stabilize hair loss. Good luck
  9. yeah i don’t think I can risk it at this point... pretty bummed about it
  10. “Dr. Hasson has made the decision to keep his clinic closed until at least August. I am very sorry but we will have to move your surgery scheduled on July 30th and July 31st. Is there a time in the early fall that would work for you to reschedule your surgery? This was a very difficult decision for Dr. Hasson to make and he appreciates your understanding.” I originally had a surgery scheduled for 4/20, then rescheduled to 6/4, then rescheduled to 7/30. I’m not sure if it’s worth getting a HT at this point before my wedding next year in June.
  11. H&W is closed until August. I received an email asking to reschedule my procedure on July 30-31
  12. @Melvin-Moderator i made a thread about some forum suggestions more than 2 years ago (wow I’ve been here for that long lol). doesn’t look like it picked up much steam but i think the suggestions I made are solid/valid. take a look when you get the chance. https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/topic/50774-suggestionsfriendly-feedback-on-the-forum/?tab=comments#comment-468813
  13. its a great transformation. its a good first pass that has given you a foundation to work off of and tweak. I'd go for a second pass to add density to the hairline and midscalp and leave the crown alone
  14. excellent result. I think you have some of the best documentation on the site when it comes to showing results
  15. very nice result. I love that Eugenix puts out tons of results weekly to showcase their clinic. Other clinics dont show half as many results as you guys do when they easily could do the same...
  16. if he recommended 800 grafts to fix the hair in the pictures you provided, that is insanely wrong and his recommendation here should really be in question. no doubt about that. also LOL to the fact he calls this a "repair"
  17. wow just read this thread. nightmare situation and totally unacceptable. this is really scary to be honest even if @Shera explicitly said he acted alone, can you honestly believe him? its like domestic abuse and blackmailing as they say... chances are they've done it before and will do it again. this isnt the first time. i wish you luck @Badresults. hopefully you can get your hair as you wish in the future
  18. I'll be following your progress! I had one scheduled with a similar plan in April but got pushed back due to COVID.
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