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Everything posted by hairlossPA

  1. Hair transplant results pending... will report back in 8 months... *nervous laugh*
  2. Just making a note that I've noticed transplanted hair starting to shed exactly at the 10 day mark. Not a lot, but enough to notice on my hands in the shower.
  3. i mean tons of people get hair transplants at your age. you don’t NEED to wait a year. it’s just recommended you wait to see how you respond to finasteride first. but you’re hairloss is moving really really slowly so i think you would be fine pulling the trigger
  4. stay on finasteride for 1 year and see what happens. if you tolerate it well, you can think about a HT if you want to fix your hairline. I agree your hairloss seems to have stopped between pics, but that doesnt mean it wont progress further.
  5. it would be an interesting case study to see if you can accurately define the length of time for a follicle in each phase. example: Magnify on the same follicle each day. When you notice it shed, count the days until you see a hair sprout. See the same hair get thicker and mature. Do this for a handful of follicles and average the growth time. Time consuming but would be really cool lol
  6. you really need to start scrubbing those scabs off in the shower when they are soft and damp. do not scratch or scrub when your head is dry. the scabs aren’t just going to “fall off”
  7. you already had what some would say a really nice head of hair. and in these pics your hair is wet/gelled. would you say you’re happy with the results?
  8. hey man. can we get an update? I just had my procedure with Bloxham so am doing my rounds of previous bloxham patients haha
  9. https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/topic/58261-2561-fut-dr-bloxham/
  10. correct. I only used a cup up until today (day 10). My shower head is pretty aggressive with water pressure so I just didnt want to risk anything, plus my head is still numb so it just all feels very strange. I just let the water hit my back and chest, while pouring water on my head. I took a normal shower this morning and it all seemed fine
  11. to remove my scabs, in the shower I literally filled a big cup of warm water and poured it over my head probably 20 times to get the scabs/grafts soaked, then I would rub the scabs with my fingers, take them off the scabs to see what came off, wash off the scabs, and repeat. Honestly 90% of my scabs came off within 1 shower that lasted maybe 30 minutes lol. At day 8, don't be modest, really scrub them with some force
  12. I just had my staples removed at day 9, and I still had to use a neck pillow to sleep that night. I wouldn't say it's "painful" when I lay my head on the pillow, it's just uncomfortable... Hard to explain. Also my head is still pretty numb from the procedure (top of head and above the incision line)
  13. Staples came out at day 9 since they were in their Philadelphia location and that is closer to me. Here are pictures after staple removal. Couple notes: Dr. Bloxham was really impressed with how fast I healed. He said the way I look right now is how he would expect his normal patient at the 14 day mark, not the 9 day mark. He said I did a good job cleaning and getting the scabs off. It's obviously early, but I'm very happy with how the incision is looking. I took the clippers to my head at a #2 guard and carefully tried to even it all out. The top of my head and above the incision line is still very sensitive/numb.
  14. here is what I will say... I’ve been on this forum for 3 years. 3.5 if you count the time I didn’t have an account. People come and go in waves. They do their research, they have their procedure, and then they leave. Maybe they come back, maybe they don’t, but then a new wave of guppies come in asking the same basic HT research questions. The most important thing you can do is document your journey if you want to make future patients aware. If a future Diep prospect is searching his name here, he will come across this 11 page thread and many others that show the bad (and good) of the surgeon, and they will read and take that into account in their decision. There is no convincing the current wave of people on this forum. You can only hope to inform the future patients. It’s pretty clear Diep won’t be removed from the recommended list. There is no end game with bashing Diep over and over. Yes he puts out great recipient results. Yes he has failure cases. Yes unhappy patients can voice their concerns and potential/alleged ethical issues. So let’s all just move on, hope @jimcraig152 gets a killer recipient result, and he can make his own informed decision going forward with future surgeries and addressing any donor repairs. PEACE
  15. honestly I'm very unimpressed with Arocha's results, besides @Steeeve. I'm not sure if it's due to how the clinic photographs their results, but they're all subpar to me. like @JohnAC71said, everyone's case is different. FUT vs FUE, how many grafts you need, etc... are you looking to stay in the US?
  16. @Melvin-Moderator are you still using this? is there any update to results or still too early to tell
  17. kinda comparing apples to oranges. with H&W the plan was to do 3000-3500 FUE. Dr. Bloxham went 2600 FUT. also it’s hard to compare because i don’t know how far back to my mid scalp H&W would’ve gone. with that being said... yes I am very please with how the grafts are packed from Dr. Bloxham. the front 3-4 rows of the hairline are super densely packed
  18. those latest pics are without toppik? this is literally the dream
  19. Picture of scar morning after surgery when the bandage came off. It pretty much goes ear to ear or temple to temple if you wanna call it that. I am getting my staples removed on friday when they will be at their Philadelphia location which is closer to me.
  20. Hello everyone - I've been on this site with an account for almost 3 years now, and I honestly can't believe I actually pulled the trigger haha. It still hasn't hit me yet. Some of you might be aware of the amazing results I have received from finasteride alone (here), but over time, those results haven't really held up, so I decided to get a hair transplant to rebuild my frontal third. I was originally planning to see Hasson and Wong in Canada earlier this year, but due to COVID and travel restrictions, that was no longer a possibility and I was losing valuable recovery time as each month passed. I am still working from home, and laying low as we get ready for the winter months is just too perfect of a time to get a transplant for me to pass up. I already had an in-person consultation with Dr. Bloxham last year, so he had already seen me, and I was comfortable going with him. Luckily he was able to get me in on such short notice. I won't bore everyone with the regular details, but overall the procedure was pretty smooth. Here are some quick notes: Procedure Date: 11/4/2020 Total Grafts: 2561. Singles: 1051. Multi (2s and 3s): 1510. I was kind of disappointed to learn I had so many singles, but oh well... When I asked him how my laxity was he responded "very good". A tech said I have "beautiful grafts". Fingers crossed that means a good result The numbing injections hurt much more than I thought they would. I would say 7/10 on the first pass, and then 3/10 on the later passes. The years of experience of all the techs working on me ranged from 20 years, 10 years, 10 years, 6 years and 3 years. So that was comforting that they had been with the clinic that long. They were all very nice. In the hotel after the HT: In the bathroom at the clinic. Last pic pre-HT😅
  21. what sort of hair style do you think you would have after a procedure? I think you could have a nice size FUT procedure to rebuild a hairline and work back to the mid-scalp. You'd have to wear your hair a bit longer on the sides to then cover the scar. You could then FUE to get some light covering into the mid-scalp and crown down the road. If you went FUE from the get-go I think you'd really limit the amount of grafts you'd be able to get and limit your "full head restoration". You also have a thick beard so I'm sure if you are willing, you cold use those as a last resort.
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