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Everything posted by OliverAtom

  1. Sorry to hear about the $1500 deposit but I would email them an explain your case and situation. On the other hand I totally understand the clinics need to take deposits from possible "patients" to be able to have a stable way of work... if not patient would cancel all the time for sure. Hope you can reach them and get a reply! Good luck!
  2. That´s a pity, she could have been a great choice. Did you tell her you would take whole responsibility on the final result for not taking Finas?
  3. Growth is around the corner ; ) Good that you changed the aloe vera, all those products are also important in the post-op. Cant wait to see the 4 months photos
  4. Woww!! Could we borrow some of your amazing hair?? OMG!!! SUPERB result. Dr Freitas is a Magician.
  5. Man, this photos look amazing! Wet hair is complicated to see the "perfect" result that we all want but I could say checking your photos that your final result is a great one.
  6. Cristero, So, any news about who? What happened with Freitas? Did you get an estimate? About Finas, I believe most doctors would recommend you to take it ... which is good for them so that the final result looks great... however, as you say, woould be great to find another way... and the best option would just go for a second surgery after a few years I think.. Hope you find the best fit for you!
  7. Congratulations my friend, that looks totally amazing! What a change. Loving that new CROWN 😇
  8. That looks clean and really nice! Looking forward to seeing your hair transplant progress bro!
  9. Quite a result bro! You look like a totally different person 😇 CONGRATS! What are your impressions? You 100% satisfied? Would you go for a new one to touch-up anything? Also, could you share some photos on the outside? Or even indoors with the lights in front of you instead than on the back?
  10. Agree with CosmoKramer here, I dont think you needed a new HT. Being just 24 and with other HT already done (even it was just the temples) I would have waited till at least 30. Didnt in ASMED advised you to wait a few years? That been said, I envy that hairs of yours and your donor, woww!!! And now with that new hairline and temples, you are gonna look too good bro 😎
  11. Hey Bro, The ugly duckling stage will soon be over ... and then you are really gonna enjoy seeing all those little ones coming out 😁 It´s time to be patient now ... so as you say, work work work !!! Keep updating!
  12. Wow, thanks for sharing your experience and how everything happened. I´m sure at the end you will get THE LOOK 😎
  13. For FUT just go with H&W, no one better ... how much is the deposit you might lose? Good luck!
  14. Looking good and what I really like is that donor, it seems like no grafts were taken from there at all... This extraction was beautifully done!!! I am missing some more clear photos of the CROWN. Could we see more focalized crown photos? Also, could we get the data of how many grafts were used on the crown itselft?
  15. Oleee!! What a change my friend 😀 ... you really got the look you were looking for!!! Nice nice!! Congrats and now ... ENJOY IT!!!
  16. Kesser is a guarantee on this kind of work so I´m sure your hairline is going to look great for many years to come 😉 Congrats
  17. You are a fighter bro, I admire you for not giving up on this "hair" dream. I´m sure this time you will get a good result. One question, why after the 1st surgery with such poor results you went back to the same clinic? Where is the Clinic? Name? And how much did they charge? Best of luck!
  18. Looks really really clean. This promises to be a great result! Cant wait to see more photos.
  19. FUEblonde1985, All is looking great. Cant wait to see the final result at 12 months. It´s true that the light coming in on those last photos doesnt help but I´m sure it will look much better in person. Also, nice to hear that your donor is looking good, it´s important for possible future touch-ups. Any outdoor photos? Those would be nice to see. Many thanks for sharing 😉
  20. I was checking at this Post ... https://foro.recuperarelpelo.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=71184 and there are 2 interesting things 🙄 1. This is a touch-up from a previous op by Hasson. It´s a pity we do not have the result that the patient had in that time after Hasson operated on him so that we could compare. 2. This result is just with 2004 and only after ... 6 Months 🤩 and in my opinion it looks really good. A pity the patient has not updated the result to see the final look but it was looking very promising.
  21. Really amazing NEW LOOK! TOP work once again by Dr Diep, one of my favorite Doctors. One thing, have you noticed that the Dr is kind of scared to comb the patient´s hair? Ha ha, it´s funny, it does the same on almost all the videos I have seen from him. Is this because the respect he has for the patient´s hair being a very personal part of a person? Love seeing Dr Diep results ... keep them coming 😋
  22. Really nice work for just using 2208 Grafts! Congrats to Dr Glenn Charles and the patient who should be quite happy 😀 with his new looks!
  23. I agree with you, I would also prefer FUE than FUE due to the scar but in this case... Melvin might be right. And if you go to the right clinic, the scar might be almost invisible. I would schedule consults with different doctors both FUE and FUE experts and see what they have to say. What I do not recommend is going to Turkey, going cheap might end up being too expensive : (
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