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Everything posted by MrGio-WHTCClinic

  1. Help Hair vitamins & whey protein can also improve the caliber of your hair. Also, check with you doctor and be mindful of the amount of biotin that you intake each day.
  2. Hi. Your nape hair appears to be natural-looking. Are you expecting it to grow thicker and longer?
  3. With the products and PRP, you are stimulating hair growth (anagen) and strengthening the caliber of your hair, so you may want to include the b vitamins (biotin) too. As a male, your hairline will naturally recede to some extent as you continue to age.
  4. Are you looking into FUE or FUT? Do you desire to have donor restocking as well?
  5. Typically, you won't have any issues at three days post-op other than some possible swelling on the forehead.
  6. It should matter for the surgeon to train and educate all medical assistants so that results aren't compromised.
  7. Try not to go too cheap or too expensive in price searching.
  8. This appears to be a natural-looking whorl, hair growth occurs in 360 degrees. Thanks for sharing but don't be concerned about it at this point.
  9. You should consider how your donor region might be affected along with your ability to wear preferred hairstyles. At this point, you want to consider a solution for the crown and planning to get maximal coverage for ten years from now.
  10. Does he have a diagnosis or any medical condition besides hair loss?
  11. Try to find a place that might work with your budget. FUE on the hairline and temples is not easily accomplised; repairing them with certainty involves significantly more than 3 euro per graft-expensive. Even a 3-hair FUE graft on the hairline or temples could cost you 25 euro to repair.
  12. Did you get a post-op instruction guide with medication? Are you sleeping? At one-week post-op FUT, you really have two problems, but you should notify your hair transplant clinic for proper resolution. Are you near a pharmacy or in touch with your general physician's office?
  13. Hair loss treatment can be difficult if you don't know medical history and family history of hair loss. Get multiple hair loss consultations and do actual research for the problem of hair loss and how to treat it.
  14. You appear to be a potential Norwood III. How is the coverage in the top looking right now?
  15. Men who will lose a large amount of hair will see the signs in ages of about seventeen to twenty-five. There's no one hundred percent guarantees in any androgenetic hair loss although air loss in its nature is progressive. Without regimen, there is less of a chance to stabilize for a longer period of time.
  16. In yield of regrowth or aesthetic quality based on the design? Hopefully, the growth seems acceptable for the patient. Generally, many single-hair follicular unit grafts are used in hairline and temple work.
  17. There may be additional hair loss occurring. What density was recorded on the patients' recipients prior to surgery? And are both cases taking meds, and what specifically are their medical histories and goals?
  18. Take a memory note to compare the area of concern by recording consistent photos to show the actual yield from the surgery. You have quite a bit more time to determine what exactly might be occurring since the 3rd month post-op.
  19. Toppik should be used as the scalp continues to be well-maintained and closely attended.
  20. Maintenance and proper post-op care are crucial to minimizing the risk of infection during the immediate post-op period.
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