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Everything posted by MrGio-WHTCClinic

  1. No, don't stress yourself at five months post-op. At this point, all you can do is maintain a healthy diet and wait. Thanks for sharing. All the best
  2. Buzzing may merely be a matter of availability. As a witness of countless surgeries, I haven't had the pleasure of seeing the majority of FUT procedures where the recipient is shaved. I have seen the donor strip shaved prior to excision. Some clinics offer options of recipient area preparation methods. For example, there is a partial shaven and fully shaven option available.
  3. The number can depend on the type of work being done, but you could easily have about 2800 to 3000 hairs with 1400 grafts.
  4. Donor resources are surely finite whether or not you manage the economic factor. In order to know which surgical method is best, consider which hair styles you would prefer if you achieved your hair loss goals. Hairline work is special.
  5. A donor area examination and analysis for hair density can be useful at some point in the future. For now, your approach to capturing great photos is sufficient as long as the length of the hair is consistent as well. Thanks for sharing. All the best -Gio
  6. The hat should not cause any traction alopecia unless you are wearing it in a fashion that creates tension on your scalp.
  7. The scar will determine the viability of the grafts. Can you provide any characteristics and details of any particular scar?
  8. I look forward to the outcome and photo update at some point in the future.
  9. Some grafts will die if you have a spot of blood in the first hours after placement in the recipient area. The guidance of the post-op instructions is very important.
  10. The ultra-violet radiation can still penetrate through an overcast. That said, the tissue damage isn't always visible in the form of sunburn. A cover from a thick material is always a good idea.
  11. You could buzz the donor area, but you should avoid shaving and cutting with a razor blade.
  12. Temple peaks are more important if you have a hairline that has been transplanted. The crown gets less attention when you're being seen in public. If you are taller, the crown is going to be much less noticeable as well. If you have a Norwood 3v pattern, you should add very little density to the crown and put more focus on the temple peaks. With temple peaks, you won't need to use as much of your donor area resources to achieve the appearance of coverage.
  13. There are several things to consider: long-hair FUE is the preference of those who desire to eliminate all chances of being detected, and the patients who have results do not wish to release their photos because of many reasons. We could speculate about many of the reasons and one or many reasons could legitimately apply.
  14. Hi, have you seen the immediate post-op photos and followed the post-op instructions precisely? Thanks for sharing.
  15. Hi. Did you get any other post-op meds with your water spray? Are you scratching? Thanks.
  16. The hair characteristics play a huge roll. With any hair transplant, the surgeon is merely using artistry to create the illusion of coverage. Remember, there are groups of clinics that seem to focus on the patients' goals rather than their ability to deliver what they deem as appropriate for one type of group of patients that share many physical qualities. Oftentimes, it's a matter of the surgeon knowing the expectation of one patient, and the patient knowing which surgeon is straight-forward about performing a surgery that will not be any exception to the rule of his or her ethics. Some doctors utilize the latest proven treatments that yield the greatest benefits for their patients, but some we can't believe. Some won't get trained and don't care or use compassion for patients.
  17. Some dermatological conditions (e.g. fungal) can indirectly cause hair loss when an individual scratches and creates traction on the skin on the scalp.
  18. What a significant improvement with FUE and SMP. Congratulations to Dr. Wesley and staff. JeffC45, Some strip surgeons perform the surgery with multi-blade scalpels so many patients find more than one linear scar. Some patients heal poorly, but some closures and sutures can also leave distinctive scarring. It's a possibility that 'stretch-back' occurred over a period of years, however, there is also a chance that the scar widened from subsequent excisions from the initial excision site.
  19. Your photos look great. Thanks for sharing. Placement and extraction look acceptable. Do you have additional plans for the future? Lower density could be very beneficial for your case, especially if any scarring exists in the recipient as a result of the bad procedure from the previous clinic. The donor area could also possibly benefit from a donor recharging session with your best source of body hair (e.g. beard). You seem to be one step closer to positive improvement.
  20. If you must have a hair transplant to lower the hairline, pursue a hairline specialist who has produced consistently natural-looking hairline results. You may need two surgeries to be happy. Measure your current hairline and the density that exists. Get more than two consultations for good measure. Find out why there are still many hairline repair cases being performed by the small group of hairline specialists. Your hairline is maturing, but you do need to manage your resources as if you will recede to a class 3v. Whether you become aware of any hair loss is a probability based on time. Try to delay having the procedure by educating yourself and becoming more aware of the permanent effects that are associated with hair transplant surgery. Firstly, you need to consider what hairstyles you would prefer if indeed you do achieve the primary goal of building a new hairline. Secondly, consider how you will heal after a surgical procedure and whether or not the possibility of unnoticeable scarring is consistent with the goal of going undetected as a hair transplant patient. Lastly, search and research what density is appropriate, and ascertain which method best accommodates your individual preferences, but also compare your case to those involving hair characteristics most similar to your hair characteristics and forehead shape.
  21. A general inquiry about your preferences, hair characteristics, and the amount of density is important when assessing the probability of one specific clinic delivering results to your expectations. Have you found the recommendations to be the exact same?
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