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Dr. Glenn Charles

Elite Coalition Physician
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Everything posted by Dr. Glenn Charles

  1. In my opinion back hair would be an absolute last resort. I have never seen any great success using back hairs.
  2. Sometimes the redness actually helps the appearence of density. You wont know if you can achieve the same look until everything heals up and the new hair grows in. Good luck.
  3. This 47 year old male had 2577 FUT grafts transplanted in the hairline and frontal areas. The photos show before, immediate post-op, and 1.5 year post-op. The patient is extremely pleased with the results of his procedure. ar 2577 FUT grafts before imm post & 1.5 yr post.pdf
  4. Yes there was a mix up on the sets of photos for these two patients. The corrections are being worked on and will be resolved promptly. Thank you for the heads up.
  5. This 41 year old male underwent a 1775 FUT graft procedure addressing his hair line and frontal areas. The photos show patient before, immediate post-op, and 1 year post-op. The patient is very pleased with the results. ja 1775 FUT grafts before, imm post, & 1 year post.pdf
  6. It sounds like you have plenty of laxity. I generally don't have patients perform scalp exercises unless they have already had a prior hair transplant procedure. It is the scarring that really decreases the laxity. However, occasionally I do have a patient that has a tight scalp and recommend the scalp exercise even for the first procedure.
  7. The amount of time between hair transplant procedures also depends on whether or not you are grafting into the same area as the first procedure or a different area. If attempting to graft into the same area you should wait at least on year damaging grafts from first procedure can be avoided. If grafting into a new area than the proper healing of the donor region is the main concern. I recommend 7-8 months.
  8. If you get a ride to the clinic I can heavily sedate you with oral medications. It is very difficult to get more than 3000 FU's using the ARTAS FUE device. The truth is that often we can do much larger graft numbers with FUT procedures in a single day. There is no maximum time for oral sedation. Only limits with IV or general anesthesia.
  9. Harvesting a couple of FUE grafts and placing them in a inconspicuous area and watching the healing process over a month or two will give you a good indication of how things will turn out.
  10. I have never heard of oils helping hair to grow faster. I have suggested it for short term use to help removal of the scabs only at least one week after the procedure.
  11. You should have no problem with cutting your hair 3 1/2 weeks before the procedure. In fact there is a good chance they will need to trim it down again on the day of your procedure anyways.
  12. I generally have patients wash both the donor and recipient areas 1 1/2 days post-op. This ensures that after 7-10 days all the crusting and scabbing with be gone.
  13. Having had a prior cranioplasty does not mean you are not a candidate for hair transplantation surgery. It would depend on where on the scalp it was performed and your individual circumstances. Definitely want to see an experienced hair restoration physician.
  14. It is always better to stay positive. I am wishing you good luck!
  15. How long were you instructed to wait to do your first hair wash?
  16. Not sure why they recommended an anti coagulant in the first place unless you have some bleeding issues. But once they saw that you were scabbed up one day post op they obviously thought you did not need that anymore. It is impossible to tell what kind of results you will have. Only time will tell. How many grafts did they tell you they put in? That is one negative about doing transplants so far away is that the follow up is very difficult.
  17. That is very possible. It depends on how soon the hair growth starts after the procedure. If you start right at 3 months then at 6 months you will have 3 months of growth already. However, if you don't start getting growth until months 4-5 then you will only have 1-2 months of growth at that point.
  18. It depends on what you are trying to accomplish with the use of the oil.
  19. I agree that the manufactures should be much more selective with who they sell their devices to. It has always been a concern of mine and many of the original group of doctors who purchased the ARTAS form Restoration Robotics. Bad results hurt the patient and the whole industry. At the very least they should require and provide a special training course for these doctors to make sure they have the necessary skills to achieve respectable results.
  20. This 63 year old male underwent an FUT procedure of 2404 grafts in his hairline and frontal areas. The photos show before, immediate post-op, and 1 year post-op. The patient is extremely please with his results. rv 2404 FUT grafts - before, imm post , 1 year post-op 63 y-o male.pdf
  21. At 13 months post-op micro-needling would be safe and may be of some benefit. How are the results of the hair growth? Can you show a photo of the scalp in the recipient/transplanted area?
  22. Most likely the scabs were about to fall off on their own and the friction of the helmet caused that to happen. Did you have any bleeding? Noe much you can do now but try to remain positive and wait a few months to tart seeing some new hair growth.
  23. This looks more like Triangular Alopecia to me , especially because of the spots location. Most cases of Alopecia Areata would have shown some new hair growth after that amount of time. I suppose you could try one Kenelog injection to see if it stimulated any hair growth. However, I would be more inclined to try and put some grafts in that area as I would expect better results.
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