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Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Country
    United Kingdom
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Hair Loss Overview

  • Describe Your Hair Loss Pattern
    Thinning Hair Loss All over the Scalp
    Patchy or Total Hair Loss (Alopecia Areata)
  • How long have you been losing your hair?
    10 years +
  • What Best Describes Your Goals?
    Maintain and Regrow Hair
    Considering Surgical Hair Restoration

Hair Loss Treatments

  • Have you ever had a hair transplant?
  • Current Non-Surgical Treatment Regime
    SocialEngine Value 23
    Generic Minoxidil 5% for Men
    Nizoral Shampoo

mark86's Achievements

New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. Hi, I have read that scalp thinning happens as hair loss progresses (is that a fact, not sure?). This I guess may contribute to the hair loss as the layer of 'fat and tissue' that the hair follicle sits in is lost by some unknown mechanism. I wonder though if this process is reversed when hair is transplanted? Mark86
  2. Hi, As well as the TTA I have (previous posts) I also have significant balding on top (age 48 now). Have been on Fin and Min for 20 yrs+ now and i'm sure it has slowed my hair loss down a great deal (no effect at all on the TTA). However, I am noticing now (first time today!!) that whilst a lot of the top is almost bald now, there are some areas that still have hair desperately clinging to life!...what this means though is that a non-uniform pattern is forming on the scalp of hair in places which look out of place (such as islands of hair - really don't think this is AA). So I am right in thinking that for those that don't treat their hair loss, it will progress in largely a uniform pattern with no 'strange' islands of hair appearing, however, I am now wondering whether fin has run its course for me and is now giving me more problems that benefit...time to quit maybe ? Have tried Hairmax Laserband for 6 months - no effect (could be because I am too far gone) Also, on Neogenic ampoules Thanks,
  3. Thanks, I have also been advised on line to see ht doctors who have carried out triangular alopecia repairs as these can look unnatural if not done well. Is there something special about these kind of repairs? Thanks Mark86
  4. Thanks for the replies everyone You are right that I posted this 3 years ago and I guess I'm still unsure what to do but I know it does bother me. The spot opened up at the same time as normal balding started age 20ish. There was no problem before that. It quickly took the shape it is now and has been stable since. I thought most triangular alopecia cases happened very early in life and not from early 20s????.... I have seen a dermatologist and had some steroid injections some ears ago but no response. I also have significant balding on top now.
  5. Hi all, I've had this bald spot for many years and swayed between doing something to fix it or leaving it. Can anyone confirm or otherwise whether this is Triangular alopecia and if an attempt to fix it by hair transplant would be cosmetically very good or if actually it would just would not look too good. Photo should be attached! thankyou
  6. hello all, after some advice over what i believe i have is triangular alopecia. a 1 inch bald spot on my right temple surrounded by normal hair which appeared during my early 20s along with my normal balding. i am 45 now. no treatments have had any effect on it. have been on minoxidil and propecia for 10yrs + i actually am only interested in fixing this and so in hair transplant terms must be small . However, is it easy to fix a side bald spot convincingly and what kind of surgery is best, strip or fue? thanks, mark86
  7. Welcome to our Hair Restoration Social Community and enhanced discussion forum. Feel free to customize your profile by sharing your story, creating blogs, sharing your treatment regimen, presenting your hair restoration photos, and uploading videos. You can also join groups and interact with other members via public chat and instant message those you add to your friends.

    Feel free to ask questions and interact with our members on our new and improved hair loss discussion forum.

    If there's anything I can do to help or make things easier for you, don't hesitate to send me a private message or post on my wall.

    All the Best,

    David (TakingThePlunge) – Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant of the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the new Hair Restoration Social Network and Discussion Forum

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