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Dr. Glenn Charles

Elite Coalition Physician
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Everything posted by Dr. Glenn Charles

  1. I do think that many patients expectations going into the first procedure are a little over inflated. Which is understandable. Also if there are any weaker existing hairs in the transplanted area, which there usually is, there will be some shock loss that does take away from the net gain . Keep in mind these hairs would have likely fallen out soon even without having had the hair restoration procedure.
  2. The only think you can do now is hope everything turns out well and consider doing more research if you ever decide to have another procedure.
  3. Age alone should not be the determining factor. Only one of many factors that should be considered before deciding if a patient is a good candidate for hair restoration surgery .Dr.Yates will give some solid advice. He is an excellent doctor and very honest. Keep in mind that even though you feel the Finasteride has kept you steady for the past few years you could still have some shock loss after the surgery and may not end up with a significant net gain and density may not appear that improved.
  4. There is a device called Hair Check that I have used to help calculate donor density.
  5. I understand that hair restoration physicians often use consultants and/or patient advisors. But I do not think they should ever be drawing hairlines and/or recommending the number of grafts necessary in any case.
  6. I have never made that claim but I suppose anything is possible. Are you talking about transplanted follicles or existing hairs?
  7. No I do not recommend putting ice directly on recipient area. It can cause vasoconstriction and possibly decrease the blood flow to the grafts.
  8. Looks like he might have some decent donor hair available
  9. I'm not really sure if he has had a procedure or not. But I do not like the look of it and I would do it for free so I would not to have look at it anymore!! He does not live far from my clinic so getting here should be no problem. Probably could afford it even if I was not offering it for free. Lol
  10. I agree and have never suggested to patients to apply heat to an area that is still red or inflamed. You may want to try cooling the Aloe Vera or Vit. E oil before applying to affected area. Time is probably the best thing for removal of redness but I understand that everyone would just like a way to make it happen sooner.
  11. Dr. Gillespie is a great hair restoration surgeon. He happens to be a really nice gut too. There are so many factors that need to be considered when figuring out how many grafts to extract with each procedure. Many times the actual grafts count is controlled more by donor density, amount of current hair loss and family history of hair loss/ potential future loss more than how many grafts did doctor want to get. So it is really difficult to compare yourself to other patients who have posted on the forums.
  12. We discuss some patients concerns in heightened testosterone levels from working out causing hair loss
  13. I have been offering Viviscal to my patients for many years. Both surgical and non-surgical and I have seen no evidence that would indicate it has any effect on the speed of hair growth following a hair transplant procedure. I do believe that it can improve the hair quality which is also very important.
  14. This 60 year old male underwent 2 FUT procedures. One in 2013 for 2676 grafts and the second in 2015 for 2256 FUT grafts in his frontal and mid scalp areas. The photos show before each procedure and 1 year post-op each procedure. The patient is very pleased with the result. mc 2676 & 2256 FUT grafts before, 1 year post & 1 year post 2nd SX.pdf
  15. This 28 year old male had 1756 FUT ARTAS grafts placed in his frontal and temporal areas. The photos show before, immediate post-op, and 1.5 year post-op. The patient is very pleased with the results of his procedure. gr 1756 FUE ARTAS grafts before, imm post, & 1 year post-op.pdf
  16. I agree that 2 weeks is more than enough time to resume exercise after a FUE procedure. A little numbness and/or tingling is a normal occurrence and does not indicate any problem. Be healthy and continue to exercise regularly.
  17. Wow that is really sad. A young boy going to medical school. Still cant wrap my mind around how the hospital let a person leave when they knew he needed to be admitted. Couldn't get away with that here in the States.
  18. Very impressive result. Feels good to make someone that happy and change a life in a positive direction.
  19. That is inspiring. Please post the link or site to make donations. We all need to help these warriors fight this battle.
  20. Did you have existing hair in the transplanted area that shocked out? I tell patients as a general rule that healthy existing hairs that fall out from shock will grow back a little quicker than the transplanted hairs. However, this is not always the case. You should see continued growth for several months. Stay positive and enjoy the growth.
  21. With the technology that is available to the hair restoration physicians today a natural appearance should not be an issue. The cost of the procedure varies depending on the type of surgery FUT or FUE and the amount of grafts needed in your case.
  22. This can only be done on identical twins. I performed a FUE ARTAS procedure from one identical twin to the other identical twin a few years back and the results were very impressive. In fact , we did a second case later that also was very successful .This can be viewed on my website www.charleshair.com You can physically take hair from one individual and place them on another but the hair will not grow as it will be seen as a foreign object and attacked by the immune system.
  23. You need to use all available information to create a plan. One that will make a nice improvement now while you are young and will also take into consideration the possibility of additional hair loss with aging. What is your family history of male pattern hair loss? If you could post a few photos even with lower face blocked out I could give you more specifics on how many sq cm of area to be transplanted and grafts per sq cm.
  24. This 47 year old male had 2577 FUT grafts transplanted in the hairline and frontal areas. The photos show before, immediate post-op, and 1 year post-op. The patient is extremely pleased with the results of his procedure. ja 1775 FUT grafts before, imm post, & 1 year post.pdf
  25. This 40 year old male had 2017 FUT grafts placed in the temporal and crown areas. The photos show before, immediate post-op, and 9 months post-op. The patient is very pleased with his results.
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