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Dr. Glenn Charles

Elite Coalition Physician
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Everything posted by Dr. Glenn Charles

  1. I would like to set the record straight. This is a situation I was involved in in 2011 that is just now being settled. I had a patient who was a Nutritionist and health counselor who ended up renting the available space directly next to my clinic. Shortly after he obtained a Naturopathic medical degree online which is not recognized in the state of Florida. He was seeing clients and providing advice regarding general nutrition (improving diet), supplements (vitamins, mineral, and protein), and exercise programs. He came to me and asked if I would be interested in seeing some of his clients who would become my patients that might need medical attention. For example to help treat Thyroid dysfunction, patients already on several medications, or may need hormone replacement therapy. At the time I was already doing some Anti-Aging medicine which included hormone replacement therapy. So I agreed to do this and allowed him to put my name on his door as Medical Director. This was my critical mistake because I did not know the implications of having myself listed as the medical director. From the very start I made it perfectly clear to him and his employees that he was not allowed to diagnose or treat and patients medically and certainly not prescribe any medications. For he has no license that gave him those capabilities. He told me he totally understood. Unfortunately, I trusted someone and got totally taken advantage of because it turns out he was trying to diagnose and treat some patients without my knowledge. In other words he used my name on his door to validate himself as something more than what he was. He eventually got caught. I got caught up in his whole scheme because I was listed as the medical director. I had to take responsibility and was fined and received a letter of concern (not reprimand). This was the hardest lesson I've ever had to learn. Thankfully there was never any patients harmed in any way. This had nothing to do with my Hair Restoration practice and I will no longer associate with non physicians.
  2. ARTAS - This 22 year old had 922 FUE grafts transplanted on 6/17/13 in the vertex area in a single session. Photos show before surgery, and then 6 months post surgery. Patient is very pleased with result. ARTAS male 922 grafts comparison for websites.pdf
  3. This 39 year old patient had 4000 FUT grafts transplanted to his frontal area in 2 sessions. Patient is very happy with his results.
  4. I had a patient that had a hair transplant 3 days before Halloween and went to a big party dressed up as a hair transplant patient. I even gave him some extra patients gowns and caps for his costume.
  5. One of the methods I have used in my RUE ARTAS cases is to make the recipient sites first. The two main reasons I do this is to know exactly how many extractions I need and as soon the extractions are finished we can place the remaining grafts. I have also instituted another technician that is placing the grafts that were extracted first into the recipient sites while we are still extracting grafts. This significantly reduces the time out of body in an attempt to increase graft survival rates.
  6. I herd the announcement came along with the statement that this would not likely to be available to the general public for 10 years.
  7. Most organic shampoos that are Sulfate free are adequate. In general you want to use products that have fewer chemical and more natural products.
  8. It is nice to see people willing to volunteer in these trials. We are all hoping for more advancements in the field of hair loss prevention and hair restoration surgery. Without these trials it would be impossible to improve upin our current technology.
  9. Whether or not the longer hair style works can only be determined on a trial and error basis. Several factors may also play role including hair color and texture, skin color, and the facial features of the patient.
  10. Another think to keep in mind is that when a lab value falls just outside the normal range that may actually be normal for that particular patient.
  11. Some of the values are out side of the normal range. What did the ordering doctor have to say? Generally it is recommended the test be repeated to make sure there is no lab error before any action would be taken.
  12. When it comes to hair strength, longevity, and male pattern baldness science has show that it is the type of follicle and whether or not it has DHT receptors not the location that makes the difference.
  13. It is recommended by some physicians. I offer this as an option for my patients, but tell them it will likely have more of an effect on quality of their hair as compared to quantity of hair. Although improving the quality of a persons hair can give the appearance of more hair.
  14. Do not think a reputable clinic could stay in business here in the states at those prices.
  15. That's great. A lot of my patients say the same thing after they start seeing the results. " I should have done this sooner".
  16. It sounds like you know the risks and are willing to take the chance that the results may be sub optimal or may not last a lifetime. These areas would still need to be evaluated to determine if the is 500 follicular units per side.
  17. You should already be exercising at this point. You will also increase your metabolism by eating smaller healthy meals more often. So I guess the answer to your question depends on what you mean by going on a diet.
  18. That was a very thorough answer Spex. I would have answered the question in a similar fashion. Just glad I did not have to type it all out. Nice job.
  19. Just make sure if you decide to proceed with a hair restoration procedure that you use a conservative approach that includes a plan if you have more hair loss in the future with aging. Also consider preventative measures.
  20. Unfortunately this does happen on occasion. However the good news is that does not mean you will have a poor result from the procedure. You just have to remain patient and confident that in time your situation will be improved.
  21. This 44 year old patient had 2500 FUT grafts transplanted to his frontal and vertex areas in a single session. Photos showing his before and 7 months after. Patient is very happy with his results.
  22. Dr. Josephitis doe really nice work. He will give you an honest assessment of your situation.
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