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Dr. Glenn Charles

Elite Coalition Physician
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Everything posted by Dr. Glenn Charles

  1. I agree with Janna. You would need to wait much longer than 3 weeks post op to determine if a patient has cobblestoning.
  2. Micro-follicular unit grafts (MFU's) and also be used to describe follicular unit grafts that are more trimmed of excess tissue.
  3. Are you talking about a FUE procedure were the donor hair is not shaven and the work is done with long hairs?
  4. I agree the key is just being very careful for the first couple of days. Especially the hairline which is generally the most delicate area.
  5. Even a hairline that is a little higher than you were thinking will still frame your face and can make a big improvement.
  6. Are you scheduled to have a FUT or FUE procedure? You should find out exactly what the doctor does and what the technicians do.
  7. That is a reasonable estimate of the yield of a second strip. Can be a bit higher or lower depending on the patients scalp characteristics.
  8. LLLT can be done with a portable home device and may help with quality of hair which is a benefit.
  9. If you post some photos I will be glad to give you give you my recommendation on the number of grafts. You can also email the clinic and I am sure they will do the same.
  10. You have no choice but to wait and see what happens. You can always do a little touch up if necessary.
  11. Most would agree that it is wiser to start off being more conservative before over committing. You can always get more aggressive at a later time.
  12. You definitely want to wait until the grafts have healed and all of the scabs have fallen off. At that time you would not be doing any harm.
  13. It would depend on your actual donor density, current scalp laxity, and size of current scar. Some of the newer suturing techniques do allow for larger strip removal that can result in a reasonable scar.
  14. I agree that this would be a reasonable plan of action at this time. You may also want to consider Low Level Laser Therapy.
  15. You can also try a loose fitting bandana. Two days post should be enough time to wear this safely without pulling out any grafts.
  16. This 47 year old patient has 2100 Follicular Units transplanted in his frontal area in one session. Patient is very happy with his result. Photos are showing his one year post-op.
  17. You should get continued improvement over next 5-7 months.
  18. That looks really imperssive. This patient has to be extremely happy with the results. He looks like a different person.
  19. This 60 year old patient had 2300 Follicular Units transplanted to his frontal and vertex areas in one session. Photos showing his before and six (6) months post-op. Patient is very happy with his result.
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