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Dr. Glenn Charles

Elite Coalition Physician
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Everything posted by Dr. Glenn Charles

  1. I would be glad to give you my recommendation if you can provide some good photographs. Can also speak with directly or via Skype.
  2. I tell my patients that they may experience shock loss up to 1 month post-op and will start regrowth 90-150 days post-op.
  3. Hairline placement should be more than just a measurement in centimeters. You should also take into consideration patients age, amount of hair loss, potential future hair loss as well as the shape of the forehead and facial structures.
  4. If you are going to experience post operative shock loss it would generally occur in the first 3-4 weeks from the day of the procedure. Healthy hairs that fall out will grow back and weaker hairs that were going to fall out soon anyways will be lost permanently.
  5. I agree that you should consider trying Propecia to try and get control of the situation by slowing down the progression of your hair loss. Doing a few consultations with hair restoration physicians is also a good idea.
  6. You may want to consider cutting your daily dose of Finasteride in 1/2 and see if this allow the side effects to dissipate.
  7. You can speak with the physician that performed your procedure and compare current hair situation to before photos. Then the doctor can let you know what your options are.
  8. This 30 year old patient had 2100 Follicular Unit Grafts transplanted to his frontal area in one session. Patient is very happy with his result. He said he will come back to see us for all future hair loss needs.
  9. I do not see any harm in using fern roller 5 months post-op
  10. This is a really nice result. This make this patient look at least 10 years younger. He must be very happy. Nice job Dr. R.
  11. I do not think that smoking a few cigarettes 3-5 days post op will have a profound effect on results. Patients who are long term heavy smokers may have compromised circulation which can effect wound healing and possibly graft survival.
  12. I like the idea you have and the survey is a good way to get started. I would be and I am sure most of the other physicians on this forum would be interested to see your findings.
  13. Try to plan on spending a few extra days in Bangkok before your procedure. It is an amazing place with a tremendous amount of culture.
  14. I do not think clinics here in the US could stay in business if they were charging $1-$1.25 per graft.
  15. I agree that you will get high quality work at either clinic. Sometimes you have to go with your gut feeling. DFU's used in the mid scalp and crown can be very effective. There is definitely more than one path way to get similar good results in hair transplants.
  16. 1500 follicular unit grafts to an area in the crown the size of a tennis ball should make an improvement. How much of an improvement may depend on other factors including hair characteristics such as caliper, color, and straight versus wavy.
  17. Previously transplanted hairs tend to me more stable than a weak original hair but still could in some cases fall out from the stress of the surgery (shock loss). However, for the most part this should be a temporary situation and those hairs should grow back before or at the same time as the newly transplanted hairs.
  18. The lower line that you drew comes to more of a peak that the upper line. The overall shape of your face and nose should be considered when deciding on the shape of your hairline. The photo does not show this.
  19. This is also why I do not over pack the scar area with grafts and let patients know they will likely need multiple procedures before the results will be satisfactory.
  20. I tell my patients to expect about 50% but that grafting into a scar is very unpredictable and it could be lower. If we get better than that which I have in some cases it is a bonus for the patient.
  21. I am seeing what I believe to be closer to 90% yield on many cases using the ARTAS robotic assisted FUE devise.
  22. There is only a few listed hair restoration physicians in South Africa. Make sure you do your due diligence and are comfortable before making any decisions. If nothing seems suitable for you there then pack your bags and take a trip. Remember results are for the most part permanent.
  23. I have had a few patients that had prolonged numbness after the first procedure and regained normal sensation within 24 hrs after the second surgery. I have also had a few patients with no numbness after the first procedure and prolonged numbness after the second surgery.
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