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Dr. Glenn Charles

Elite Coalition Physician
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Everything posted by Dr. Glenn Charles

  1. I did speak with this patient today. I told him I agreed that there appears to be sub optimal growth from the procedure that was done in May of 2012. I do have immediate post operative photos that clearly shows the large number of follicular unit grafts we transplanted. He agreed to come to clinic for follow up visit to determine what options he has at this point. I assured him that I am seriously concerned about his situation and will try all I can to make him as happy as possible under the circumstances. The reality is that hair transplant patients do not all get great results and unfortunately most of the time we do not have an exact answer as to why this happens.
  2. Dr. Paul Shapiro also does very nice work. He learned from the best, what else would you expect. You will be in good hands.
  3. Dr. Knudsen, Dr. Martinick, and Dr. Marzola are all very experienced and well respected hair restoration surgeons in Sydney. I would start be visiting these clinics in the process of doing your necessary due diligence.
  4. There are several very good hair transplant surgeons in Sydney, but not sure if they do FUE. You will need to call all of the reputable clinics there and inquire about their FUE experience.
  5. The term we often use to describe the hairline approach is creating a regular irregularity. Meaning there has to be a certain degree of randomness to give a natural appearance. However, there also has to be some method to the madness. You could also call this Zig Zag hairline design.
  6. When I perform a hair transplant to the side burn area I usually find the part of the donor area that has the most coarse hairs. I have not done beard hairs to the side burns, but I do see why this could not be tried. However, I do not think that body hair transplants including fro the beard are as successful as grafts obtained from the scalp.
  7. Great choice. Dr. Ron Shapiro along with his surgical team is always going to provide a super high quality hair transplant to each patient. Keep us informed as to how things go for you.
  8. Just for piece of mind, if you are not experiencing any bleeding from the recipient sites it is very unlikely that what your seeing is an important part of the graft. At this point post-op (13 days) there is not much you can do to help or hurt the grafts. Think positive.
  9. I am sure there are several good hair restoration doctors in the Chicago area. I have seen some very impressive results by Dr. Konior and he is a very personable and honest guy. Definitely make that one of your stops before making any decisions.
  10. I instruct my patients to spray a light mist over the entire recipient area 2-3 per hour until they go to bed for the first few days post-op.
  11. Folliculitis usually occurs 6-10 weeks post-op. I tell my patients how to handle this on their own, but that if they are getting more than a couple of scattered lesions they should call me and I will most likely but them on a short course of oral antibiotics.
  12. No big difference between 12 and 14 days. However, when you start wait any longer than 2 weeks the skin starts to grow over the staples and it can become more difficult and painful to remove them.
  13. If you apply some vitamin E oil or baby oil to the area that has remaining scabs for 5-10 minutes before you shower, most of the scabs will slide off with the shampooing of your hair.
  14. Nizoral is a very good shampoo but is not meant for every day usage. Better if used 2-3 times per week. Sulphate free shampoos are safe to use on a daily basis. Unless you are also considering using a Minoxidil shampoo.
  15. Now that you already have the swelling, sleeping upright would be the best thing for you. I generally have my patients sleep on back at 20-25 degree angle so if there is any swelling it will spread out and not settle only in the facial region.
  16. If things were tight they would have told you to wait a longer period of time before removing staples. you could take every other staple out at day 12 and wait 1-2 days before taking out the rest.
  17. Unfortunately, the hair loss process does not happen to patients in one day and you can to restore the hair in one day either. Since you are so young you should only consider hair restoration in the frontal part of your scalp leaving a conservative hairline.
  18. The grafts were all placed in the frontal and mid scalp. The crown appears to have better coverage because the patient was now able to comb the hair in the mid scalp towards the crown. The average hair count per graft was 2.4.
  19. This 29 year old patient had 2500 Follicular Units transplanted to his frontal area in one session. Photos showing his before and 11 months post-op. Patient is excited about his result.
  20. You cannot pull out the hair follicles at this point ( 1 month post-op). I do agree with gentle rubbing/ messaging to get the scabs off. Keep in mind that for the first few months after the procedure the original hair in the areas that were transplanted and close to donor wound are more fragile.
  21. I have never read or head of Melatonin playing any role in the hair loss process. Boosting the immune system most likely would not cause a Autoimmune disease or process to develop.
  22. I have seen very impressive results from all the doctors you listed.
  23. If the lesions cleared up in one day that it is very unlikely that your hair growth will be effected. If you ever are getting several of these bumps in a particular area and it is red and hot you should notify your doctor right away. This could be a sign of a local infection and may need to be treated with an antibiotic.
  24. I agree that moderation is the key. It is unlikely that small amounts of caffeine consumption will cause negative effects. On the other hand I do think that consuming significant amounts of caffeine on a regular basis will at some point lead to negative effects on the patient.
  25. I agree that the patient and the doctor should really plan out any area being transplanted. Hopefully this will prove to give the patient the most coverage and utilize the donor hair as wisely as possible.
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