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Dr. Glenn Charles

Elite Coalition Physician
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Everything posted by Dr. Glenn Charles

  1. It really depends on the patient current hair situation heading into the procedure, what they feel comfortable with and if they intend on trying to camouflage the post op transplant as much as possible. Some patients are lucky and work from home, can take time off work or can wear a hat for 7-10 days.
  2. I have had patients that had tight scalps with very little elasticity who I recommended we try FUE and got good results. The best way to determine if your scalp is too tight for a strip/FUT procedure is to visit a hair restoration surgeon. Sometimes a patient will describe their scalp as being very tight and upon physical examination the scalp has good elasticity.
  3. This 33 year old female had 1879 FUT grafts places in the frontal and temporal areas in a single session. The photos show the patient before, immediate post-op, and 11 months post-op. The patient is pleased with result.
  4. This 52 year old male had 3491 FUT grafts placed in the frontal and mid scalp region in a single session. The photos show the patient before surgery, immediate post-op, and 6 months post-op. Patient is extremely pleased with results. 3491 FUT grafts male cs.pdf
  5. Pictured is a 39 year old male who had 2521 FUT grafts placed on the top region of head in a single session. The photos show patient before, immediate post-op, and 1 year post-op. Patient is very plesed with result. 2521 FUT grafts in a single session.pdf
  6. This 42 year old male had 2450 FUE ARTAS grafts transplanted in the crown and frontal area in a single session. The photos show the patient before surgery, immediate post-op, and 1 year post-op. The patient is very pleased with results of surgery. 2450 grafts FUE - ARTAS ms revised.pdf
  7. Pictured is a 23 year old male who had 2099 FUT grafts implanted to the frontal and mid scalp area in 1 session. The photos show before, immediate post-op, and 18 months post-op. The patient is extremely pleased with results. 2099 FUT grafts - 23 year old male - 1 session.pdf
  8. This 42 year old male had a total of 3117 FUT grafts transplanted in the frontal region, in a single session. The photos show before surgery, immediate post-op, and 3 years post-op. The patient is extremely pleased with results.
  9. Pictured is a 31 year old male who had a total of 1791 FUT grafts transplanted in the frontal area, in a single session. The photos show before surgery and 8 months post-op. Patient is very pleased with results. 1791 FUT grafts 31 y-o male.pdf
  10. This 35 year old male had a total of 2063 FUT grafts transplanted in the vertex and crown area in a single session. The photos show the patient before surgery, immediate post-op, and 1 year post-op. Patient is very pleased with results. 2063 grafts FUT -35 year old male 1 session June 2014.pdf
  11. This 43 year old male had 2717 grafts transplanted in a single session. The photos show patient before surgery, and 1 year post-op. Patient is very pleased with results. 2717 FUT grafts 43 year old male, 1 procedure.pdf
  12. Dermmatch might even work a little better because you can carefully place it directly on the scar. If you are going to use a microfiber product you will also need the holding spray.
  13. Some patients have diffuse thing I all areas of the scalp. Generally these patients are not good candidates for hair restoration surgery. However, you should visit a hair restoration physician to determine if you are in this category.
  14. Don't see why there would be any harm in combining Propecia and Saw Palmetto. I have never seen any studies showing the efficacy of the combined use of these two DHT blockers.
  15. I would say you have some early thinning in the crown area. Also looks worse in photos that in real life. The flash magnifies the problem. Also with darker hair and lighter skin the cowlick or swirl area tends to look a little thinner.
  16. Don't know if skipping entire season is necessary. Maybe let some injury heal up for a month or so just to give grafts best chance of survival. When you do go back use some sunblock on sunny days.
  17. I have never seen any legitimate scientific data to support that it has any benefit. Cannot see it causing any harm, but couldn't say it helps.
  18. A person can inherit the hair loss gene from either side of the family.
  19. The safest way to insure the grafts placed into a donor scar stay put is to avoid the back of your head coming in contact with anything in first few days by lying on your side. If you do not have grafts placed in hairline or right up front you could also sleep on stomach.
  20. Never hurts to try and stabilize your situation for a year or so first and then get re-evaluated. Getting a second opinion is also a good idea.
  21. Seeing patients in person is also a very good way to get a realistic idea of what results can look like. However remember all patients are different and all the hair characteristics are factors in the results.
  22. This 43 year old male had 1762 FUT grafts transplanted in a single session. The photos show before surgery, and 1 year post-op. Patient is very pleased with results. 1762 FUT male , before & 1yr post-op.pdf
  23. It really depends on the type of hair the patient has on their scalp to begin with. I still think body hair transplants in general are more of a last resort when there is no scalp hair available for transplantation.
  24. I always thought that when casually dating someone you should be focusing on her not yourself. If things are getting more serious then you can let them know. It should not change the way they feel about you and if it does maybe they are not the right person for you.
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