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Dr. Glenn Charles

Elite Coalition Physician
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Everything posted by Dr. Glenn Charles

  1. How long after the procedure did this occur? Why did he put concealer on if he was going to take it right off?
  2. If you say they go away then hopefully this is a temporary situation. Did you ask the doctor who performed the surgery what they think this is?
  3. A standardized format or template would be of great value in our field of medicine. I do offer a touch up if a particular area doesn't grow in as well as the other areas transplanted. I do this even though the consent form the patient signs states we cannot guarantee hair growth. I try very not to let patients expectations get beyond what is achievable. You can explain the best and worst scenarios and tell patient they will likely be somewhere in between .
  4. I doubt this is a result of the FUE procedure. Especially since you are already 3 weeks post-op. It is more likely an existing condition that is just more visible now that the hair has been shaved. Once hair grows back in it should return to same as prior to your procedure.
  5. At 6 months you should be safe to be outside without a hat on. Especially if your only talking about 30 minutes or less. It is more about the skin exposure not so much the hair exposure.
  6. There are some very important questions that should be asked of the clinic and doctor by the potential patient before choosing clinic to have procedure at. 1) How many procedures are performed each day at that clinic 2) How many technicians are involved in the procedure 3) How many years of experience do the techs have and how long have they worked at that particular clinic 4) What parts of the surgery does the doctor perform and what parts do the techs perform 5) No Hair restoration physician should guarantee and specific percentage of growth because every patient responds differently. They can tell you what they generally get with majority of patients. However, you can have two patients with same hair loss pattern , same number of grafts are placed by the same doctor and the results come out very different.
  7. A slight elevation of the nape area is probably more likely what happening and would be very hard to detect. I often get patients who ask if they will be getting a face lift from the FUT transplant and I tell they are getting a minor rear neck lift not a face lift.
  8. There is no problem dying the transplanted hair once it starts growing.(4-6 months). Just make sure you are using one of the newer dyes that are safer and less harmful to the hair. ( Ammonia free, organic or plant based)
  9. Crown stretching is minimal unless scalp is very tight. If a larger amount of grafts will be needed over time , multiple FUT cases will give more coverage and have donor area appear more similar to before the procedures compared to multiple FUE cases. I would recommend being cautious taking advice regarding FUT vs FUE from a doctor who only performs one of the two procedures. They may be more inclined to say negative things about the procedure they do not perform.
  10. Love the Wings logo Dazed. I am form Detroit. I still play on two hockey teams and am a die hard Red Wings fan.

  11. In general previously transplanted hairs do not shed as easily as a weak original hair. if you do experience some shock loss of the old transplanted hairs that should be temporary and they will likely grow back.
  12. You are welcome. Always willing to help out members of this community
  13. Patients with fine hair and below average density in the donor area are generally not good candidates for FUE. Does the doctor you are seeing offer both FUE or FUT?
  14. I have had some patients who used a small amount of Vaseline or hydrocortisone ointment in a similar situation as you with good results.
  15. If you have continued male pattern baldness in the future and desire more transplants there is a point for every FUE hair transplant patient when you really should not do anymore extractions because the donor area will appear too thinned out. However, it is sometimes an option for patients to do an FUT hair transplant after maxing out of FUE's . They would just be aware that they may need to keep donor hair at different length to cover scars.
  16. Some patients are able to get decent density with a single procedure. a lot depends on if the patient had any existing hair in the transplanted area, what type of hair does the patient have ( fine vs course / straight vs wavy/curly) and what percentage of the grafts survive the transplant and grow successfully.
  17. You can also consider LLLT (laser therapy) to strengthen donor area. Most patients do not experience side effects from Finasteride, but for those who do it is dramatic for them and they discontinue immediately.
  18. Doing 100-150 FUE grafts should not be that traumatic. You should be able to keep your original travel plan to get home.
  19. You should be able to get a breakdown of how many 1, 2 and 3 hair follicular units you received. I have never seen any studies that show multi hair follicular unit grow slower than single hair follicular units. However, it is also possible that not all the follicles in a particular follicular unit all start growing at the same time . Keep in ming 17 weeks is way to early to determine the success of a hair transplant procedure.
  20. A little asymmetry can sometimes give a more natural appearance . There is also a good chance that you will want some additional grafting in the future to increase density and a adjustment could be done at that time also. However , if you think this is going to drive you crazy then insist that the doctor address the situation.
  21. I doubt that the pressure put on that area from lying on it would cause any damage to the grafts. In most cases only if they were dislodged would a graft be lost.
  22. Waiting a little is never a bad idea. Are you currently taking any hair loss prevention measures? ( Rogaine , Propecia, laser treatments)
  23. I think that most honest and qualified hair restoration surgeons would actually be very happy to have a patient like you who wants to be conservative, at least to start with. Your approach should be more of the norm. Unfortunately, it is not and many surgeons try to give the unrealistic patients exactly what they ask for and fall short.
  24. I most cases if significant bleeding did not occur then the likelihood of losing grafts is minimal. One graft/hair falling out should not effect the overall results of a hair restoration procedure.
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