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8 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:


I’m waiting for more information from OP. We take these concerns very seriously, I’m waiting for the email correspondence from the physician, to see what was said or offered. We will review the facts closely and make a decision based on facts. 

As previously mentioned, I will no longer tolerate behavior that undermines our credibility or integrity. I have not been silent or done nothing, but part of my job is making sure the appropriate actions are taken based on evidence. 

If there’s evidence that the surgeon was not standing by the patient or was aware of his rep contacting his employer, well have to remove him without a doubt. That said, we need to review everything before making a decision. 

@Melvin-Moderator Did you get the proof from Bhatti that he's been in touch with me recently? Or it's just what he told you verbally and put it here? Also I will send you the email I have from Bhatti where last I spoke to him. And yes I would want to see when did Bhatti spoke to me recently.. because 2019 is not recent.

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1 hour ago, Badresults said:

@Melvin-Moderator Did you get the proof from Bhatti that he's been in touch with me recently? Or it's just what he told you verbally and put it here? Also I will send you the email I have from Bhatti where last I spoke to him. And yes I would want to see when did Bhatti spoke to me recently.. because 2019 is not recent.

I'm surprised at your result since you seem to have a good donor area and you were just bald in the front - your case should have been a home run.

What do you think happened? Were the grafts out too long  and didn't survive or something else.

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5 minutes ago, Panamera13 said:

I'm surprised at your result since you seem to have a good donor area and you were just bald in the front - your case should have been a home run.

What do you think happened? Were the grafts out too long  and didn't survive or something else.

This I can't say anything because I wasn't aware that I would be given a general anaesthesia. I was told by one of this technician this is 'antibiotic' and after within few minutes I was knocked out. I would have never agreed for general anaesthesia. This make me wonder because I have seen a post by another patient of his which had the same experience. 

I didn't know in Darling Buds or 5 Rivers Centre, General Anaesthesia is called 'antibiotic'

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9 minutes ago, Badresults said:

This I can't say anything because I wasn't aware that I would be given a general anaesthesia. I was told by one of this technician this is 'antibiotic' and after within few minutes I was knocked out. I would have never agreed for general anaesthesia. This make me wonder because I have seen a post by another patient of his which had the same experience. 

I didn't know in Darling Buds or 5 Rivers Centre, General Anaesthesia is called 'antibiotic'

First of all most importantly I think your front can be fixed by some other doc since you seem to have a good donor.

On the bad result, are you saying hair didn't grow because of general Anaesthesia (I'm just asking, I have no clue)

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Just now, Panamera13 said:

First of all most importantly I think your front can be fixed by some other doc since you seem to have a good donor.

On the badresult, are you saying hair didn't grow because of general Anaesthesia (I'm just asking, I have no clue)

No, I'm saying I don't know what went wrong during the surgery, if the graft was left out for long, how was the extraction done, who did the opening of slits etc.. all this unfortunately I don't know because I was under general anaesthesia. 

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9 minutes ago, Badresults said:

No, I'm saying I don't know what went wrong during the surgery, if the graft was left out for long, how was the extraction done, who did the opening of slits etc.. all this unfortunately I don't know because I was under general anaesthesia. 

At this time - ask for full refund from doc in return for no more communication on this matter. See if he agrees. Anyway - he is still on the recommended list since he claimed he didn't know about the blackmail (which is a lie so Shera becomes the fall guy).

Use the refund money to fix the front and move on.

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Just now, Panamera13 said:

At this time - ask for full refund from doc in return for no more communication on this matter. See if he agrees. Anyway - he is still on the recommended list since he clained he didn't know about the blackmail (which is a lie so Shera becomes the fall guy).

Use the refund money to fix the front and move on.

Well I asked for a refund and he claim that its their policy no refund should be given. However before my surgery during consultation he told me that if any doctor which procedure failed should give a full refund. See how it change when it falls on himself? 

I know he is still on the recommended list, and Shera is just a temporary scapegoat. If Bhatti honestly wasn't aware of the blackmail, at least he would have come out publicly and condemn it and cut all ties with Shera. Did he do that? Why is he still hiding even after @Melvin-Moderator asked him to reply publicly? Why is he communicating through @Melvin-Moderator only. How would you trust a surgeon who behave this way, would you let him to operate you? 

Like I said, one don't have to be a genius to know what is going on. It is so obvious what is going on.

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6 minutes ago, Badresults said:

Like I said, one don't have to be a genius to know what is going on. It is so obvious what is going on.

Everyone knows what's going on. At this time work directly or through the forum to see if you can get a refund. I can't speak for anyone else, but see if Melvin can help (take it as advice). For now, don't create more negative press until you get a final reply on the refund after which you can sue/take him to court whatever.

For now, try to seek a refund and move on - your main goal is to fix your hair and move on with life. You have a good donor and you should be able to do it. 

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Dear All,

Sorry for the delay in replying.

The past 2 days have been hectic in trying to get the clinic onroad. With the lockdown easing out, equipment purchases are being made to comply with

strict governmental guidelines for surgeries in the post Covid era.

There is no doubt that Shera acted very impulsively in sending that mail. And I do not think he did the right thing.

After all such an e mail is only sent very impulsively and there must have been a provocation which made him act so. 

I am sure he  felt bad about it later. Shera surely did not consult me before posting the mail.

As for me and my representatives, we have been so busy in work, that if you see the forum, we have not been too active in the past around 2 years promoting the clinic.

Shera has been on the other hand following up on queries and lending support to those here who needed it.

Not that I have  not  been in touch with the patient personally.

We have several e-mail exchanges to-and-fro and I have supported him throughout the journey.

Cases do have outcomes like in his case and I have informed him that if ever he wishes, he could come over and I will do the repair.

Changing a surgeon every time you get a result which is sub par is not in your best interest.

Rest assured we do not work casually and do have a track record of giving results that have been praised very often on this Forum.

With one case a day, all care possible is imparted  to the patient.

And we do repair bad cases all the time. You can check-


His is a redo case and one cannot always correctly assess the level of scarring when a patient is from  abroad.

(Also, in such cases 100% satisfaction never happens, it not being virgin skin.)

I do now understand his case well and empathise with him fully.

The clinic he is presently consulting with and which guides him, will only win brownie points through him!

Also, it is me who is more pained for him than he himself is. An unhappy patient is not a good thing to have. But then there are limits to which we can go to help.

We do not do backstage deals with unhappy patients and move on. Every thing is in the open.

Such threads have great utility on this forum and help patients in understanding that surgical hair restoration is not a perfect science.

There are a host of parameters not in the doctor's control. 

This said, I apologise to the community that this sordid saga had to happen; and that it was a  genuine impulsive mistake on the part of Shera.

 I know it undermines the prestige of my clinic which has taken a nasty hit.

But we will work tirelessly to set our reputation back on rail on this prestigious highly regarded Forum.

For now, I have a governmental inspection before we start work and i have to leave.

I remain committed to my patients like always.

Stay safe.



Edited by Dr Tejinder Bhatti
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33 minutes ago, Dr Tejinder Bhatti said:

Dear All,

Sorry for the delay in replying.

The past 2 days have been hectic in trying to get the clinic onroad. With the lockdown easing out, equipment purchases are being made to comply with

strict governmental guidelines for surgeries in the post Covid era.

There is no doubt that Shera acted very impulsively in sending that mail. And I do not think he did the right thing.

After all such an e mail is only sent very impulsively and there must have been a provocation which made him act so. 

I am sure he  felt bad about it later. Shera surely did not consult me before posting the mail.

As for me and my representatives, we have been so busy in work, that if you see the forum, we have not been too active in the past around 2 years promoting the clinic.

Shera has been on the other hand following up on queries and lending support to those here who needed it.

Not that I have  not  been in touch with the patient personally.

We have several e-mail exchanges to-and-fro and I have supported him throughout the journey.

Cases do have outcomes like in his case and I have informed him that if ever he wishes, he could come over and I will do the repair.

Changing a surgeon every time you get a result which is sub par is not in your best interest.

Rest assured we do not work casually and do have a track record of giving results that have been praised very often on this Forum.

With one case a day, all care possible is imparted  to the patient.

And we do repair bad cases all the time. You can check-


His is a redo case and one cannot always correctly assess the level of scarring when a patient is from  abroad.

(Also, in such cases 100% satisfaction never happens, it not being virgin skin.)

I do now understand his case well and empathise with him fully.

The clinic he is presently consulting with and which guides him, will only win brownie points through him!

Also, it is me who is more pained for him than he himself is. An unhappy patient is not a good thing to have. But then there are limits to which we can go to help.

We do not do backstage deals with unhappy patients and move on. Every thing is in the open.

Such threads have great utility on this forum and help patients in understanding that surgical hair restoration is not a perfect science.

There are a host of parameters not in the doctor's control. 

This said, I apologise to the community that this sordid saga had to happen; and that it was a  genuine impulsive mistake on the part of Shera.

 I know it undermines the prestige of my clinic which has taken a nasty hit.

But we will work tirelessly to set our reputation back on rail on this prestigious highly regarded Forum.

For now, I have a governmental inspection before we start work and i have to leave.

I remain committed to my patients like always.

Stay safe.



@Dr Tejinder Bhatti 

Finally after numerous post here and email sent to moderator finally you came out and replied, which look more like you are being forced to. Just like how when Shera replied last year which was the only reply came from your side and said that he is not going to talk anymore after that (I'm sure you have read his post) and then that's when the threatening email went out. We know when shit hit the fans and we have to come out from hiding.

So let's address all your points one by one which you have mentioned here and let's see how clear have you made to this community here and to myself.

1. There is no doubt that Shera acted very impulsively in sending that mail. And I do not think he did the right thing.

- So since you don't agree with him sending out the email and you know it is not the right thing, are you still going to work with him? Are you cutting all ties with him? What action have you took after what he did? If you think that the temporary suspension only on this blog is fine, then it's irrelevant. In a real world, out there if someone did this he would face a legal consequences. 

2. After all such an e mail is only sent very impulsively and there must have been a provocation which made him act so. 

I am sure he  felt bad about it later. Shera surely did not consult me before posting the mail.

Now this is best part, what could have been the 'provocation' that lead to what Shera did? By me posting my results here? Or by me replying to each of his point here, which made him angry? Now, question to you and @Melvin-Moderator, How did Shera know about my real name? How did Shera know about my email address? How did Shera managed to find me on social media platform? How could he have all this detail when I have never spoken to him before this or known about his existence, so how? This could only be possible if he was given the details, and @Dr Tejinder Bhatti only you have this details because I was your patient. So you still claim you don't know? Do you really think everyone is so gullible? Or do you need a real lawyer to question you this? If you gave the details, wasn't you aware that why is he asking? And din't you know it is illegal to share patient details without their consent? 

3. Not that I have  not  been in touch with the patient personally.

We have several e-mail exchanges to-and-fro and I have supported him throughout the journey.

 Your several email exchange was last on June 2019. And before that, I would only send you questions on why is result so bad, and I'm sure you know what was your reply been. You yourself didn't;t know what went wrong, or all you could say you don't know and lets try for second time and hope for the best, if it's still doesn't work you would not attempt a 3rd time. Do you think with a reply and answer as if you would want to do an experiment on your patient it would convince them? And is that a support you called?

4. Cases do have outcomes like in his case and I have informed him that if ever he wishes, he could come over and I will do the repair.

Yes everyone know that not all surgery will turn out good. You offered a repair on me, but you could not answer me a simple thing, what went wrong and why it did not work. You could only tell me you would hope for the best the next round and if it's still doesn't work you won't try 3rd round. This is what you told me, and with this do you think anyone in their right mind will agree to go back to the same doctor ever?

5. His is a redo case and one cannot always correctly assess the level of scarring when a patient is from  abroad.

(Also, in such cases 100% satisfaction never happens, it not being virgin skin.)

I do now understand his case well and empathise with him fully.

So you are saying that you could not access the level of scarring from previous surgery I believe when the patient is abroad. So question, why didn't you access me before the surgery when we met in your clinic? you only spent 10 minutes looking at me and asked me to do a blood check and come tomorrow morning for surgery. If you know there is no 100% satisfaction why did you accept the case? And on top of it, you only understand my case now well enough and not before accepting my case for surgery? So why didn't you inform before I land in India that the result won't be 100%. What you said if you take finestride you could expect up to 90% growth. So why did you accept a case which you did not fully understand? 

6. We do not do backstage deals with unhappy patients and move on. Every thing is in the open.

What do you mean by backstage deals? Give a refund, is that a backstage deal you meant? Also, wasn't you the one who told me that I should go get refund from my first doctor? Wasn't you the one who told me that doctors should refund for failed results? Wasn't you the one told me that going back to same doctor who had bad results from previous surgery is not a good thing? Also wasn't you the one who asked me to share my results on this blog and introduce me here? All this was during the consultation.. if you can remember.. So what is the backstage deals you are talking? Everyone knows already what is happening, it's only to what extend you want to be responsible with.

7.This said, I apologise to the community that this sordid saga had to happen; and that it was a  genuine impulsive mistake on the part of Shera.

Blackmailing is not an impulsive mistake. It was a planned action, he got all the details from yourself. So my question to you, without my consent why did you share my details to Shera? 


And why are you talking about your clinic reputation now? We are not here discussing how badly has it hit your clinic image. 


Lastly, I would get a legal advise now with the emails I have and perhaps consult the Indian consumer rights after the entire lockdown ends.

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17 minutes ago, Abi28 said:

Why would a rep act alone and blackmail a patient? Not only he is risking losing his job but he will get sued and the Clinic's reputation will take a huge hit, no rep in their own mind would act alone, what exactly is the rep gaining from this? going behind the doctor's back and blackmailing a patient? it's guaranteed that the doctor and the rep are aware of this since they work as a team. If this has happened at another top clinic in a different country not only would the rep get fired but the doctor will be sued and will have to refund the patient and pay more in damages, blackmailing someone is not a joke, this is absurd, the rep still works for the doctor, this is mind blowing. 

@BadresultsYou should speak to a lawyer and seek legal advice, I think this whole back and forth thing on the forum won't take you anywhere plus anything you say might be used against you if you decide to sue the clinic.

Exactly. I wonder how can  @Dr Tejinder Bhatti claim he don't know what @Shera was doing. Did he not know that only he had my personal details? How much more of lie he wants to fabricate. Oh and yes, @Dr Tejinder Bhatti is black mailing what you meant when you told me that you would have to 'defend yourself' when I said I've been asked by bloggers, or youtubers about my procedure from you? 

I'm still surprised how is @Dr Tejinder Bhatti still a recommended doctor over here. 

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100% agree with @Abi28 and @Badresults here. No rep would go so far of their own accord. Medlinks Delhi tried astroturfing when I posted my thread but luckily the other community members quickly recognized the pattern and called them out right on the forum. If I had revealed my identity here I am 100% sure medlinks would have created similar problems for me. There are plenty of unethical surgeons who are unwilling to take responsibility for their bad work. We shouldn't get caught up in all the marketing bullshit. 
For the Doctor being mentioned here, it's really funny how the Doctor's response changed regarding refunds when it comes to his own work. 

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5 hours ago, Badresults said:

Exactly. I wonder how can  @Dr Tejinder Bhatti claim he don't know what @Shera was doing. Did he not know that only he had my personal details? How much more of lie he wants to fabricate. Oh and yes, @Dr Tejinder Bhatti is black mailing what you meant when you told me that you would have to 'defend yourself' when I said I've been asked by bloggers, or youtubers about my procedure from you? 

I'm still surprised how is @Dr Tejinder Bhatti still a recommended doctor over here. 

Well the doc came here and said - No Refund. wow. I didn't expect that.

Being a well known doc and having 1-2 bad cases out of 100's, not sure what he will gain by keeping that money. He'd probably lose more patients. So, I really didn't expect it.

Also, I thought the doc would explain the main ques - WHY are the results so bad? Was the procedure done incorrectly or OP had scalp issue or some other. I really would like to know why hair didn't grow.

@Badresults - What do you think went wrong and why hair didn't grow (other than anesthesia)

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20 minutes ago, Panamera13 said:

Well the doc came here and said - No Refund. wow. I didn't expect that.

Being a well known doc and having 1-2 bad cases out of 100's, not sure what he will gain by keeping that money. He'd probably lose more patients. So, I really didn't expect it.

Also, I thought the doc would explain the main ques - WHY are the results so bad? Was the procedure done incorrectly or OP had scalp issue or some other. I really would like to know why hair didn't grow.

@Badresults - What do you think went wrong and why hair didn't grow (other than anesthesia)

@Panamera13 this is what amaze me. If you look at his reply, he is trying to justify the action of his patient representative. Does he not know that only he can leak out a patient details to patient representative, who didn't know me.

Also, to answer your question, I have been asking him the same question before I started this thread 1 year ago, what went wrong? And he simply can't answer me and just ask me to come for repair and hope for the best. He himself doesn't know how would he answer. Also from his email above, he only understood my case now that is after 2 years of surgery, and when I made it public. 

I can't say what went wrong, because I was asleep 99% of time during asleep. So someone could have handled it differently or he could have assigned his tech to do whole procedure etc.. Which I don't know. Which is so strange, because he did not inform me prior to surgery that it would be a general anaesthesia.


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23 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:


I’m waiting for more information from OP. We take these concerns very seriously, I’m waiting for the email correspondence from the physician, to see what was said or offered. We will review the facts closely and make a decision based on facts. 

As previously mentioned, I will no longer tolerate behavior that undermines our credibility or integrity. I have not been silent or done nothing, but part of my job is making sure the appropriate actions are taken based on evidence. 

If there’s evidence that the surgeon was not standing by the patient or was aware of his rep contacting his employer, well have to remove him without a doubt. That said, we need to review everything before making a decision. 

@Melvin-Moderator I have sent you the emails yesterday and I'm you have seen the email where @Dr Tejinder Bhatti talks about defending himself. This is just before @Shera sent out that email. Also, as you mentioned before, he claim he was in touch with up to recent, did he manage to show you the proof?

Also the million dollar question, did you ask @Dr Tejinder Bhatti how my personal details reached to @Shera. He was not my patient rep, he did not know me, so do I.

You would get all your answers and you would have a clearer picture with just 1 question.

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54 minutes ago, Badresults said:

@Panamera13 this is what amaze me.

I can't say what went wrong, because I was asleep 99% of time during asleep. So someone could have handled it differently or he could have assigned his tech to do whole procedure etc.. Which I don't know. Which is so strange, because he did not inform me prior to surgery that it would be a general anaesthesia.


Maybe other doctors on this forum can chime in or even the patients who might have experienced it before. 

What are the reasons that transplanted might NOT grow? There's no point of a repair when you don't know what the issue was. You might want go for 100 grafts next time to make sure they actually grow to confirm it was an implanting error on the doc. Do you any other skin conditions? Folleculitis or Lichen Plaopilaris


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29 minutes ago, Panamera13 said:

Maybe other doctors on this forum can chime in or even the patients who might have experienced it before. 

What are the reasons that transplanted might NOT grow? There's no point of a repair when you don't know what the issue was. You might want go for 100 grafts next time to make sure they actually grow to confirm it was an implanting error on the doc. Do you any other skin conditions? Folleculitis or Lichen Plaopilaris


@Panamera13 exactly this is what I have been saying, why do a repair from same doctor when he himself could not explain the cause of failure or made any effort to know more. But over here I've been told that everyone deserve a second chances, which is mind blowing to know anyone could even suggest that a doctor deserve a second chance when the doctor do not know the cause of his own job failure.

On the question which you asked, no I don't have any skin conditions. The hair did grow on my right temple, but on frontal part there is just a thin hairline, just as how in the picture I posted. My crown area is all good, and I don't think I need a job done on it. Only the frontal hair line.

I was also told by one of the doctor who saw my results, its likely that it is not 2376 graft planted, much lesser around 1500 only which is why the density is low. However I can't take his word 100% until I get my self shown to few other surgeons,

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Dear Community,

After reading the patients email string, and carefully reviewing both sides, I will say that I'm thoroughly disappointed by Dr. Bhatti's rep, what he did was completely uncalled for and in my opinion, his suspension is justified. I haven't seen any evidence that Dr. Bhatti was aware of the email, the dates are different, and it appears that Shera sent that email when he was mentioned in this thread, it seemed like an impulsive reaction.

I do see that Dr. Bhatti mentioned defending himself after the patient commented about speaking to YouTubers about his results. I don't like the choice of words, and I really think this could have been handled a lot better. I will need to speak to Dr. Bhatti about this issue. That said, I don't agree with refunds, especially when they're attached to non-disclosure agreements. Every hair transplant patient agrees to the risk of a failed procedure, there are no money-back guarantees. That is one of the reasons why I deter so many from having a hair transplant, because there is always a risk of looking worse and losing money. 

I will need more time to gather more information, I have been extremely busy, as I work a full-time job, and this has taken a large chunk of my time. I still have questions that need answered, so I will notify the community as I gather more information.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

View my thread

Topical dutasteride journey 

Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

Follow our Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.


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7 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

Dear Community,

After reading the patients email string, and carefully reviewing both sides, I will say that I'm thoroughly disappointed by Dr. Bhatti's rep, what he did was completely uncalled for and in my opinion, his suspension is justified. I haven't seen any evidence that Dr. Bhatti was aware of the email, the dates are different, and it appears that Shera sent that email when he was mentioned in this thread, it seemed like an impulsive reaction.

I do see that Dr. Bhatti mentioned defending himself after the patient commented about speaking to YouTubers about his results. I don't like the choice of words, and I really think this could have been handled a lot better. I will need to speak to Dr. Bhatti about this issue. That said, I don't agree with refunds, especially when they're attached to non-disclosure agreements. Every hair transplant patient agrees to the risk of a failed procedure, there are no money-back guarantees. That is one of the reasons why I deter so many from having a hair transplant, because there is always a risk of looking worse and losing money. 

I will need more time to gather more information, I have been extremely busy, as I work a full-time job, and this has taken a large chunk of my time. I still have questions that need answered, so I will notify the community as I gather more information.

I don't think the refund now should have any NDA attached to it. The refund should be an action taken by the doctor after what has transpired. Now we are not only talking on the horrible results BUT with the black mailing, disclosing patient confidential details to patient rep. Yes every hair transplant patient agree that there is no money-back guarantees, but does every hair transplant doctor and their team threaten and blackmail the patient employers? Does every transplant doctor can share their patients personal details without their consent? Is this justified?

Also, How did Bhatti's rep got my personal details? why is this not being answered?

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50 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

That said, I don't agree with refunds, especially when they're attached to non-disclosure agreements. Every hair transplant patient agrees to the risk of a failed procedure, there are no money-back guarantees. That is one of the reasons why I deter so many from having a hair transplant, because there is always a risk of looking worse and losing money. 

Refund should be voluntary on part of the doc in "goodwill". Even BMW has a goodwill program wherein if an expensive part fails just outside warranty, they still take care of it (legally they don't have to and that's why it's called goodwill).

In US, refund for signing an NDA is called "settlement" and is legal and happens thousand times a day across US everyday. 

If @Badresults were in the US, he could've gotten refund + damages for blackmailing + potential jail time for the rep for criminal intimidation. 

Also, in US doc can't share patient details with anyone outside without their consent (not even with the wife unless specifically mentioned). So there's an extra malpractice suit there as well. Dr Bhatti is lucky he's not in US.

Also none of my business and this is me being nosy @Badresults - What did Shera say to your employer? I mean if someone called my boss/company and said - hey this guy got an HT at our clinic and it making noise on social medial - they'd hang up and probably say someone stupid and crazy was asking for you and that's it. I'm wondering why would someone reach out to one's employer - what were they trying to do?

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I am literally disgusted at Dr. Bhatti & Co behavior !!!!!

Like @Panamera13 said, Bhatti is lucky to be in India because in some other country he wouldn't go away with it so easily.

Refund should be given in goodwill!

I didn't quite understand what @Badresults 's employer has to do with all this? Can someone explain?

If everything I read is true, this is a great opportunity for the forum to gain trust and reputation and remove Bhatti from the recommended surgeons asap.

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12 hours ago, Badresults said:

I don't think the refund now should have any NDA attached to it. The refund should be an action taken by the doctor after what has transpired. Now we are not only talking on the horrible results BUT with the black mailing, disclosing patient confidential details to patient rep. Yes every hair transplant patient agree that there is no money-back guarantees, but does every hair transplant doctor and their team threaten and blackmail the patient employers? Does every transplant doctor can share their patients personal details without their consent? Is this justified?

Also, How did Bhatti's rep got my personal details? why is this not being answered?

He was an office employee who worked for the office and collects, collates and marks mails and other queries on social media for me to answer. He is privy to all information of international clients other than North America and Australia.

He also handled the chat bot on the website for 2 years.

I have explained the position to the Moderator fully.


13 hours ago, Panamera13 said:

Maybe other doctors on this forum can chime in or even the patients who might have experienced it before. 

What are the reasons that transplanted might NOT grow? There's no point of a repair when you don't know what the issue was. You might want go for 100 grafts next time to make sure they actually grow to confirm it was an implanting error on the doc. Do you any other skin conditions? Folleculitis or Lichen Plaopilaris


Its a mystery why it did not grow like was anticipated. The scarring was there but not dense as is common in repair cases & in this condition we  grow hair routinely well.

And he says he took Finasteride, so I am not sure what it actually was.

He should be taken up next only after test grafting

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12 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

Dear Community,

After reading the patients email string, and carefully reviewing both sides, I will say that I'm thoroughly disappointed by Dr. Bhatti's rep, what he did was completely uncalled for and in my opinion, his suspension is justified. I haven't seen any evidence that Dr. Bhatti was aware of the email, the dates are different, and it appears that Shera sent that email when he was mentioned in this thread, it seemed like an impulsive reaction.

I do see that Dr. Bhatti mentioned defending himself after the patient commented about speaking to YouTubers about his results. I don't like the choice of words, and I really think this could have been handled a lot better. I will need to speak to Dr. Bhatti about this issue. That said, I don't agree with refunds, especially when they're attached to non-disclosure agreements. Every hair transplant patient agrees to the risk of a failed procedure, there are no money-back guarantees. That is one of the reasons why I deter so many from having a hair transplant, because there is always a risk of looking worse and losing money. 

I will need more time to gather more information, I have been extremely busy, as I work a full-time job, and this has taken a large chunk of my time. I still have questions that need answered, so I will notify the community as I gather more information.

@Melvin-Moderator, Do you know any other clinics that do this or have done this in the past where the patients are paid off to not report their negative experiences.

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