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Everything posted by SLA

  1. @Rolandas Nice planning video. The results of your 1st transplant look absolutely perfect to me, so I see no work to be done in the area of what was previously done :). Looking forward to seeing the results of the mid-scalp and crown!
  2. I'd head straight to Eugenix. You could get a full head of hair with 5-6k scalp and 3-4k beard. They do this all the time.
  3. Great video @Rolandas I think he looked the best prior to HT #4 around 2 minutes in the video in which his hair is grown out a bit and donor seems not to show any signs of over harvesting. His hair color is also a bit lighter showing less contrast with the scalp.
  4. i remember @Zoomstertalking in the early stages about lack of mid-scalp density, however, it slowly improved. Hang in there- it is early!!!
  5. Results are all that matter and yours look good. Looking forward to learning the name of the clinic/doctor when ready
  6. Looking good for this amount of time in your journey. Feel free to share the name of the doctor when you feel comfortable.
  7. Beautiful results! Since I think I heard that ~25% of Eugenix patients are Caucasian hair types, it would be great to see more NW5-7 results with Caucasian hair.
  8. They claim results are equally as good even when done by the junior doctors.
  9. Eugenix all the way! We have seen them do great work with individuals with your level of hair loss. They will take a lot of grafts from the beard.
  10. See the post below for an example of chest and back hair. https://www.forhair.com/hair-transplant-patient-photos/patient-mbr/
  11. ..and finally... I have heard that graft transection rates at Eugenix is kept to around 2-3%. Since Eugenix has different packages with varying level of doctor involvement, is the graft transection rate still around 2-3% when extractions are performed by your senior technicians?
  12. Here is another, Melvin... In a video consult with Dr. Arika, said that when Eugenix 1st started they went even heavier on the beard hair, but they have scaled back a bit. She said 60% of people get great results with beard hair addition, 20% moderate and 20% disaster- slow growth. Is there a way to predict ahead of time what kind of results you might get with the addition of beard hairs?
  13. Thanks for arranging this, Melvin. Here is a question... Many with advanced Norwood, are concerned with maximizing lifetime donor grafts; it is this question on which many are trying to gain clarity. I was wondering if you have a stance on this topic of whether FUE alone could harvest the same amount of grafts in a lifetime versus doing FUT or combining FUT and FUE over the course of more than one surgery? I have heard some surgeons say that with advanced hair loss, in order to harvest the most grafts in a lifetime, it is best to start with FUT and later do FUE. There was a study done by Ron Shapiro in 2019 which I believe confirmed this idea (although I was unable to access the full article to get the details) https://www.ishrs-htforum.org/content/29/5/177. Hasson and Wong's stance seems to be that you can harvest something like 1,000-2,000 more grafts with FUT, but others like Dr. Vories, Dr. John Cole and Dr. Bhatti, believe the contrary. What are your thoughts?
  14. The risk seems super minimal as they us around a .75 mm punch. Check out @Zoomster and @paddyirishman threads as they show a completely healed and undetectable beard donor area post procedure.
  15. This looks completely normal and on track to me. You are so early in the process
  16. @Wandererind Since the extractions and placement of grafts were done by the technicians, I was wondering how well you felt their skills were. Were they experts at their craft? Did Dr. Bansal check often to make sure extractions were being done with minimal transection? Thanks!
  17. This is going to be great. I also like how they originally thought 1,500 grafts, but only took 1,000 to be mindful of preserving the donor region for future use if need be (hopefully not needed).
  18. @juanjs84When I read your write up of your experience, it seemed that most of the extractions and implantations were done by the technicians. Did you find that they were well trained and experts at extraction and implantation? Was Dr. Arika checking in periodically to make sure everything was going well? Thanks!
  19. As for fine hair, here is a result of a transplant doctor who was an NW5/6 with baby fine hair after 2 strip procedures. I think his results are very good considering the hair type. Huebner at Natural Transplants is not super highly regarded in this forum for using outdated methods including multi-follicular units, however, I think the multi-follicular units may have suited this patient well given the super fine caliber of his hair.
  20. Another fantastic video on your surgical experience posted on the Eugenix Youtube channel, @juanjs84! Thanks again and looking forward to seeing further growth in the coming months.
  21. It's challenging because we have seen several Eugenix patients exhibit early growth, however, remember that 4 months is usually the start of seeing growth. Hang in there as this is just the beginning of good things to come!
  22. Hi Everyone- Dr. Arika made this video the other day on hair transplantation in old age. You can see Dr. Anil's result at both 1:57 and 3:04 in the video. I think it looks great! I think how only had slightly over 4k grafts over the course of his 2 sittings and he was grade 7. Enjoy!
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