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Everything posted by Gatsby

  1. Looks fantastic and most of all very natural. Imagine how much more improvement (if that's even possible) you have to look forward to over the next six months. Congratulations!!!
  2. Hi Igm524, First off well done on being patient on waiting to have a hair transplant. When H+W knocked you back did you ask them for their reasons? Over the lifespan as you know, MPB will continue until you reach a Norwwod6/7 at some later stage. This is just my 5 cents worth. If your preferred procedure is FUE then I would stick with FUE over FUT. Secondly 2,000 grafts will not be enough to cover an entire bald scalp (thinking ahead for the future). Try and find out how many scalp grafts you will have access to in total. Will this number be enough if you reach a Norwood 6 level? There are many excellent hair transplant clinics that pride themselves on performing incredible work on Norwood 6 patients. Eugenix being just one of them. I am in no way stating that you are a Norwood 6 but you have to have a game plan that will cover MPB over the lifespan. If down the path you ever decide to shave your head you will regret having FUT as opposed to FUE (from my own experience). Just something to think about but it may not be an issue for you. Keep researching don't be discouraged. I personally know of one hair transplant surgeon who only performs 1,500 FUE grafts. The sole reason for this is because he is now so old that 1,500 grafts is all he can perform in one session! Do lots of homework. Wishing you all the best.
  3. solidsn2004 you are very welcome. Joe Tillman has been in the industry for 30 years and his experience, knowledge and advise is fiercely independent of any kick backs and he will call out everything that is wrong in this industry. Furthermore he is very picky on which surgeons he will recommend according to his very high standards. If you hold these high standards for your own hair transplant surgeon that you may choose, you are doing the most to protect yourself from a bad result, etc. Also this forum is just a plethora of knowledge from equally knowledgeable people who can give you first hand advice on helping you on your journey. Remember there is no such thing as asking too many questions! I wish you all the best.
  4. Fluffhead apart from being so happy for you and watching an amazing result, you will also have to change your avatar from Fluffhead! 😉 Well done man and very happy for you. I'm waiting on flights to open up and book myself into Eugenix. If I have half the results you have achieved I'll be a very happy man!
  5. Going by your pics you are a great candidate for minoxidil and finasteride. Both have been clinically studied for years! It is true that you might have some side effects and from finasteride sexual side effects can happen but in a very small percentage. You can always lower the dose/stop the medication 'IF' you do experience side effects. You have so much hair that you could potentially keep what you have with the possibility of even improving it with medication. Again it comes down to personal choice. But the number of people who state that they were never aware of these medications until they had lost most of their hair is quite high. As to hair transplant surgery (and it is surgery) you really want to do lots of research . I highly recommend looking up Joe Tillman the Hair Transplant Mentor on YouTube and follow his story and watch his videos on how to vet out bad clinics and what red flags to look out for.As for Turkey, many clinics in Turkey have people performing hair transplants who are Syrian refugees, ex hair dressers and taxi drivers! Do not be guided by cheap prices and surgeons who take very little part in a hair transplant and opt to perform on more than one person per day (as in up to 10 or more!). There is no such thing as a stupid question to ask your surgeon or too many questions. Follow up care by your surgeon is equally important as the surgery itself. All the best!
  6. Jack dean did they recommend you to start on finasteride after the surgery? I know it's easy to say but patience is key.
  7. You're almost at the point of just trying a solid 6-12 months of finasteride and minoxidil alone. You have an excellent head of hair and I just wouldn't risk what you have now by choosing Turkey. I would be choosing a surgeon (as this is surgery) that has a solid history of turning out excellent results with the main feature of these being 'naturalness.' I agree with everything Melvin has said and Dr Bisanga is an excellent surgeon from what I have seen. All the best!
  8. Another Norwood 6 knocked out of the park! And with only three and half thousand grafts! Eugenix certainly knows the art of doing more with less. Thanks for sharing Abhinay!
  9. Congratulations Jron. What strikes me about your hair transplant is just how natural it looks. Personally, I wouldn't mess with the great result you have achieved. Also I think no matter how well the grafts grow we will always want more hair. I totally get it. But to achieve a natural look that appears like you never had a hair transplant is the ultimate which you have achieved. Well done!
  10. Petroholic that's an excellent result! Congratulations. Your hair is also very strong and thick and you have a great donor supply. But to be honest right now it looks great all over. Time to enjoy it!
  11. User0311 if you are having second thoughts and do not have confidence in your surgeon now my opinion is to cancel the surgery. The money loss can be changed. Regret and poor results cannot. Remember you can have a hair transplant 'tomorrow' once you have done all of your research and due diligence. I had two hair transplants that in hindsight were the biggest mistakes that I have had to carry with me all of my life. I'd rather you learned by MY mistakes (which will cost you nothing) than by making the same mistakes and having to live with them yourself. You not only need to have a surgeon (and this is surgery don't forget) that you have confidence in, but also someone who has a consistent body of work that meets your expectations. Finally you also want someone who is fantastic in follow up care AFTER your hair transplant. This is probably even more important. If you are having doubts before the surgery it will be a night mare once the procedure is over. If you are seeing only poor results in the last year and are asking to see good results over the past year that is a HUGE RED FLAG. Forget about the deposit for what could be something you may regret for the rest of your life. Just keep researching and you will find someone that you will be looking forward to be doing work on your scalp. All the best!
  12. Hi Krx. This is just my opinion. Is your scalp donor supply completely maxed out (as well as your beard donor area)? Body hair as you have stated does have a very high transection rate and has a different growth cycle, etc. Are you on finasteride or minoxidil? Another option to give the illusion of more density is to add SMP to your scalp. If you are happy with the results thus far it's really up to you. It's a lot of money (and time) to spend that may not achieve your goals. However this whole 'hair thing' is a mind game with all of us so if it makes you feel better off then it's definitely worth looking into. All the best!
  13. Mr Rolandos I've just watched a couple of your YouTube videos. Well done man!! Looks fantastic and I enjoyed your attitude and sense of humour. I look forward to seeing the results continuing over the next 6 months. All the best!
  14. At six months it really is too soon to make a final assessment which I would reserve at the 12 month mark. Who was the surgeon that did your hair transplant? Is the first photo in this thread the pre op photo? It appears from the post op pics that you are covering a large area with 3,200 grafts. The hardest part about this game (and the most important part) is patience. Especially at a time when patience feels non existent. Hang in there and anymore additional photos or information would be beneficial. Wishing you all the best!
  15. This is a fantastic result! Was he classed as greater than Norwood 6? Thanks for sharing!
  16. First of all I just want to say that I would genuinely be over the moon if I was able to achieve these results. I've watched many of this clinic's results over the past few years and they all look incredible. Who is/are the surgeon/s who perform hair transplants at this clinic? My only concern (well it's not really a concern I'm just curios) is why it took four surgeries? I imagine it was to gain greater density in the last two procedures. Also after the third surgery I thought the donor area looked over harvested (my biggest fear when I have my head done)? I'm just wondering what better informed people than myself feel? It's a fantastic result like I said though. Thanks for sharing Rolandos and I'd like to know more about this clinic.
  17. Incredibly natural results! The mark of a great hair transplant is looking as though you never had one in the first place! Well done!
  18. Yes Guy73. I just saw this before. Very encouraging for us Norwood 6/7 cases. @LFHT you are in good hands mate. Stay the course!
  19. Hi Sim. You are judging your results now at the 12 week mark. Not the 12 month mark. I can understand the frustration in wanting the new grafts to grow quickly but you have plenty of time. Did Eugenix tell you how many more grafts you have left to use from your scalp donor? You also look to have awesome beard donor. If you choose not to take finasteride I can respect your decision. I look forward to seeing your results in the coming months! You have gone to one of the best clinics in the world IMHO. I will be having my work done at Eugenix once flights resume after this corona virus settles down.
  20. What a fantastic result! Around 4,000 grafts just from the scalp donor region alone shows that Eugenix knows how to harvest donor grafts at any age. I remember seeing the results after your first procedure and this second procedure, at only three months post op, looks incredible. I look forward to following this thread in the months to come. It gives not only high Norwood patients hope but also us more senior folk that are follicularly challenged! 😉
  21. Hey Melvin! It's funny that from the age of around 19 I remember the media always releasing news of a new cure (stem cell, etc) for baldness. And then five years later I heard the same. In fact I've noticed that it seems to be in the media around every five years that we are close to a cure (however it will be five years away). Just a coincidence I know. I think their will be a cure but I think a prevention will arrive sooner than a cure. If we look at the evolution of hair transplants from the first punch grafts to today's best FUE work we can see the evolution in the art of surgery. Also we have minoxidil and finasteride, etc. I'm sure medications will improve in being far more effective with less side effects also. In the end though my hunch is that the solution won't be in stem cell research but in gene editing. That makes far more sense to me.
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