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Gabreille Nelson Mukhia

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Everything posted by Gabreille Nelson Mukhia

  1. Absolutely. His career was terrific without the procedure as well. Lets just say that the procedure gave him satisfaction and more confidence. It was something he wanted and felt the requirement to get it done. Hair transplant is an elective surgery and it is something that people choose to get done for more than just physical appearance. It gives people confidence, happiness amd satisfaction. Sometimes people with no hair at all couldn't bother less about hair transplant. And sometimes people with a full head of hair are extremely worried about it. Do what makes you happy is the mantra I guess. If it madr him happy then nothing better than that.
  2. Absolutely. I am referring to the transplanted in my case as well as the others.
  3. A graft would contain multiple follicles. However, it is more important that the placement of the grafts are done intelligently. For example, single follicles that are slow growing, light pigmented and thinner in calibre are used in multiple rows on initiating point of the hairline. Usually doubles and triples or more are used on the forelock region or behind it to give a puff to the hair when styled backwards. Beard donor grafts are always single follicled and are used as filler in the mid scalp in a mixture with scalp hair. When there aren't enough singles available, doubles and triples are dissected using high magnification and then used on the hairline.
  4. By chemicals, I meant products used for hair colouring, hair straightening etc. Thats how I started losing hair in the first place so I am giving you advice from personal experience. Harsh chemicals on the scalp really wear out the hair and tje scalp health. Mild and safe products are always better. Minoxidil is, infact good for the hair so you can use it. It is good for you. But don't stop abruptly because you will experience withdrawel effects in the form of increased hair loss. I also meant that if you are experiencing Androgenetic Alopecia then you can take Finasteride and it will completely prevent any further progression of baldness. However, you can consult your doctor for Finasteride before deciding to use it.
  5. Usually when a large number of grafts are harvested for an individual, it is extracted from the beard as well. Since beard has a good survival rate too. For someone with a good scalp donor and beard donor, it is easily possible to cover even a Grade VII grade bald scalp. Needless to say, the expertise and skill of the doctor and the performing team dictate the whole procedure.
  6. Hey. With the use of scalp and beard hair used together, you can achieve a full coverage. Either in a single session or two, depending on the donor density available.
  7. No worries. You can share yoyr scalp pictures here and we can tell you more on it. However, I don't think there is anything that you should be worried about.
  8. I never had that problem with thin hair visible even when I had short hair. I have never heard of anyone complain of such a problem. Maybe styling can help if your density is lesser.
  9. True. If you are having hairfall then its completely okay. The roots are intact and the follicles will grow back. However, if the hair are miniaturizing then they will eventually disappear along with the roots. Therefore, you should consult your dermatologist and get a proper disgnosis.
  10. Finasteride does not grow new hair. It prevents further progression of baldness. It reverses the miniaturisation process for the miniaturizing grafts which makes them grow healthier. Nothig can groe hair where there is vellus hair or no roots at all, except for transplantation.
  11. Nope nope nope and nope. These treatments and therapies can have supplementary advantages for its users and nothing more than that. Infact laser treatments have such minimal results that its disheartening to even use them. Finasteride/Dutasteride are the only medications that can prolong baldness. When the above treaments and therapies are used added onto Finasteride then there is a greater scale of effects seen from them also.
  12. Planting beard and body hair into the donor areas for their reconstruction should be limited to patients who require to get it done for the sake of their donor aesthetics. For people who have a healthy donor/virgin and are planning for a procedure should avoid it. The body hair can easily be used as filler on the mid scalp. The available donor grafts should be optimised in their use by intelligent placement in the recipient area rather than planting more than required. 40 hair per sqcm gives a great illusion of density when 100% grafts survive. It is all about the intelligent placement of the multifollicular grafts in different areas of the scalp to give a full and dense look.
  13. The head size and hair calibre differ in each individual. An average pf 2500 to 3000 grafts would be sufficient for Norwood Grade III. However, it also depends on how low or how high the hairline is chosen. Also taken into account is the factor whether the patient is willing to take Finasteride or not. Depending on the patient's history, if there is a vast degree of baldness in the family then the patient would also follow in the same direction. Hence a comservative approach would be chosen to use less grafts and conserve for more in the future. The density of 40 hair per sqcm seems dufficient for the hairline zone. In the mid scalp, however? 30 hair per sqcm seems to do the trick as it is an aesthetically non important area.
  14. Drinking alcohol shouldn't have that much of a problem with Finasteride intake.
  15. Your donor looks fine. The hair on the donor zone are less prone to dihydrotestosterone. The hair on the temporary zone are more prone to it. Hence, taking Finasteride can definitely help in all cases. Provided you are willing to take the medication.
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