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Everything posted by hairlossPA

  1. agreed. i won’t give specifics but they’re clear and my second point was just an example. there are hundreds of people making threads about FUE vs FUT, or Surgeon1 vs Surgeon2, or What is the recovery time for X? Based on what Melvin said “Moreover, there is already an open thread that discusses Dr. Erdogan and his clinic's practices, there is no need for two.“ is just silly to make that comment. That’s basically saying “okay every topic has been covered already. do your research and don’t make the same topic twice” lol I don’t want to continue this so this will be my last post regarding the above. Good luck Payam
  2. Lol 2 things: 1. you weren’t suspended. I lifted the suspension so you weren’t suspended.. makes sense 2. I forgot that there are never two of the exact same threads in this forum. Once there is a thread discussing FUE vs FUT there can’t be and won’t be anymore! My 2 cents for what it’s worth being on this forum... the moderators do a little too much moderating on this forum
  3. There is not 1 instance in this thread where any of the posters thought a hair transplant is "charity". Just lmao at these moderators. They try to be so professional and politically correct all the time I cringe. Legend said he had the money, but the means to pay it were unavailable. Therefore, his surgery was canceled because his payment was going to be 1 day late. No doubt Dr. Diep has the right to run his business how he wants. I'm not denying that, but it's a bit ridiculous lol. Legend - I know you were second guessing some of your strategy for your HT (FUT vs FUE), so maybe this is a blessing in disguise before you go down this route.
  4. please keep us updated. did Dr. Gabel extract the grafts?
  5. almost at 6 months.. update? you had a ton of 2s and 3s. also.. did you have a little hairline before? or not? it looks like the hairline is growing good
  6. It's not a bad result. Some people like to take the slower route PeloDinero. Also his first surgery was in 2008. Hair transplants have changed a lot since then. Although I'm not quite sure what MFUs are or how they're transplanted
  7. what is the idea around nizoral? it makes a barrier around the follicle so DHT can't attach to it?
  8. confirmed. that left side is a failure (at this moment in time). save the BS for the hairs to thicken over the next couple months.. I feel your pain Payam. hang in there and do what you can to style it in a way that disguises it. good luck on a touchup in the future. check out Rahal
  9. it’s ultimately your choice. your donor looks fine even though the pics are blurry. Please keep this thread updated with your decision and progress
  10. can we atleast see pics of your donor? i agree with Jean
  11. finasteride prevents your body from making DHT. This is the main cause of hairloss. Day 1 of taking finasteride your body will begin making less DHT. As you keep using finasteride, your body will continually have a significantly low level of DHT. When you stop taking finasteride, your body will begin making DHT again and your levels will go back up to normal and your hairloss will progress again. Some people experience side effects that are short term and not permanent. It's extremely rare to have permanent side effects. Dont let the internet scare you
  12. looks amazing. would just need to touch up that one spot in front then you're golden
  13. no he PM'd me about a bad experience with Dr. Diep. hope you have a good result. please keep us updated!
  14. please keep us updated. that’s a lot of area to cover with 2500 grafts. very interested to see how this turns out. Dr. Diep performs miracles so I have my fingers crossed for you
  15. was the beard part painful? how do they numb that area?
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