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Everything posted by hairlossPA

  1. i had some dizziness and balls aching in the beginning 2 weeks but it went away and never came back. been on fin for 3.5 months now and have gotten great results.
  2. bro your hairline looks amazing. density looks fine. don’t sweat any of it at all
  3. i don’t get why it’s so terrible to grow your hair out for 2-3 months and show us...
  4. can you please post pics of your hair grown out at-least a little? you're giving us very little to work with here. do you want to vent to us or allow us to give you our feedback?
  5. only 2100 grafts? are you sure? I've NEVER seen a result like this for that few of grafts
  6. grafts are lodged in the scalp after about 4-10 days. you’re fine
  7. okay yes i agree significant improvement based on that pre op pic. congrats
  8. from my own experience and research on here, when there is diffused thinning over the entire scalp of someone young, it usually stays the same pattern
  9. I would love to know an update on this case... OP?
  10. any update OP? your photo album with your latest pic on sept 10th doesnt seem to have much improvement.. how are you feeling? hard to get a sense of your pre-op pics. the result looks ehhhh
  11. i don’t think people are understanding. i want to know if there’s any correlation to the results of using a forcep vs implanter pen
  12. bump. I see Dr Yaman recently posted about his implanter pen.. Seems like the elite FUE surgeons are moving towards these. anyone have any comments on the subject? It seems logical.. less trauma to the follicle..
  13. how old are you? I have a similar diffused pattern and I got on finasteride and have seen good results. probably looking at 3000 to fix the front half. you may want to split it up in 2 procedures unless you go FUT and can get a lot of grafts
  14. i was possibly thinking about getting a HT around january/february, so about 7-8 months of finasteride. do you think this is a suitable timeline? i think if my progress continues to improve, i’d look to rebuild my frontal 1/3
  15. i mean.. it can’t hurt. if you have the money go for it, but the chances of that being your savior is quite slim. can you post pics?
  16. I want to be happy with the progress and want to believe it, but most of what I’ve read is that it really takes around 3 months to start seeing results for fin. Hair needs to shed and come back stronger, etc.. thoughts? is it possible for the DHT to be reduced already and the follicles/hairs are seeing the benefits already?
  17. See pics. I will admit the hair length and lighting are different from pic to pic. I kind of just took these spur of the moment throughout the months. I started finasteride July 1st, 1mg per day, so over 2+ months now. Trying to see if this is just the difference in the lightning and hair length, or actual promising growth between my finasteride and rogaine use. June 1st, July 11th, August 30th (last 4 pics)
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