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Everything posted by hairlossPA

  1. i always wondered how surgeons get to these “garaunteed” numbers lol. you implant 3000 grafts, you’re going to individually look at all 3000 to see? yeah right. BS stuff in general
  2. i’m interested to hear how you decided on H&W. i’m assuming you’re going FUE? I have nothing against H&W FUE results, just curious because they’re more known for FUT
  3. First off, you’re hair looks great. I can see your concern with the hairline but it’s really not bad yet. I don’t think it warrants a HT but if you want to buy time and a few more years of a rock solid hairline then go for it. Your crown is a bit of a bigger area. Did either suggest what the split of the 3000grafts would be? 1500 for the hairline and 1500 for the crown? You might be looking at multiple procedures down the line depending how much further the hair loss progresses.
  4. getting on fin has been the best decision i’ve had. i’ve had significant regrowth
  5. too long didn’t read. can you summarize?
  6. if you’re on fin, which you say you are, and plan to stay on fin, I say go for it man. Tons of people say it’s the best thing they’ve invested into theirselves. Rebuilding the hairline would do wonders for you. Like you said in the 2500-3000 range
  7. looks like a classic asmed case. will be interested in following. please keep us updated
  8. I’ve had signifficant improvement with my hair (specifically in my crown) after taking finasteride for only 4 months now. It was the best decision I’ve made in a long time and only wish I hopped on it sooner. Until something extremely alarming comes out from scientific studies, I will continue taking it.
  9. i started fin in july and it was the best decision i’ve made. never looking back. check my results in this same section of the forum
  10. back of head and crown after a haircut and a #2 clipper on the side.
  11. if that is at 6 months this is already a homerun! looks great. i got a little worried we stopped hearing from you lol
  12. great result. great scar. any plans for the future or does this satisfy you?
  13. Payam - instead of me going through 13 pages of this thread, can you summarize the time from pre-op to current? Pic 1: pre-op. best your hair can look at the moment Pic 2: imediately post-op Pic 3: 6 months Pic 4: Current. best you can get your hair to look at the moment. Dont brush it all over the place so it looks worse than it actually is. style it the best you can
  14. I've asked this same question before on the forum and didn't get much of a conversation... In my opinion an implanter pen makes more sense and while I have no data to back it up, it seem's like there would be less stress on the grafts, providing better growth. Forceps, you tend to see the grafts pinched and who knows how the grafts react to that sort of trauma.
  15. Thanks everyone. I definitely wanted to share my experience to help others. I will admit I had aching in the first 2 weeks of taking it, but I wanted to fight through it and as expected, it subsided and hasn’t returned. It wasn’t unbearable, just slightly uncomfortable at time but I read that is my body’s sign of adapting to the medication. I will try to take more pictures in a similar angle as the “pre” pictures, although the pre-fin and post-fin pictures are probably taken within 3 feet of each other, just different angles.
  16. First 2 pictures are July 1st. Next 2 pictures are today, October 18th. I started 1mg of finasteride a day on July 1st, along with 5% minoxidil twice a day (once in the morning, once before bed). I had previously used minoxidil alone but did not see any results like these. I credit the finasteride for the thickening and regrowth of my hair (mostly in the crown-mid scalp, although i think my hairline is better as well). I look forward to even more/better results in the coming months. My only regret is I didn’t get on finasteride sooner. And to think I was getting consults for a 4500 graft FUT procedure.. man am I glad I hopped on finasteride first. If I continue to see improvement and hold onto what I have here, I think i could get away with a FUE procedure of around 2500 to rebuild my hairline. Thanks for reading. Any comments are welcomed.
  17. if you think you’re a NW3... then I am a NW100. i understand you want to rebuild the hairline but to what others have said.. you don’t look like you have receded/balded at all in your lifetime. Perosnally I would wait on the procedure until you have more prominent hair loss
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