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Everything posted by Gasthoerer

  1. As you say it yourself: The extraction pattern appears to be poor. Both micro and macro pattern. But in the end, it is only 1500 FU and 10-20 % of the hair is typically dormant. This hair will grow and you donor will recover (at least partly). In the meantime all you can do is wait and trust the process. You were lucky that surgery was relatively small.
  2. Yes, looks like an amazing result. More pics (from the sides and with entire facial structure to evaluate rule of 3rd) are required. You can black out eyes etc. but eyebrows, tip of nose and end of chin are required. Anyway, you have to be very careful, there is a huge (!) probably you will end up worse than you are right now with a bad choice of clinic. How is the donor end the rest of the hair?
  3. There is a cure on the horizon since Julius Cesar used a laurel wreath to hide his balding...
  4. +1 for the pics! You are overthinking IMO. You mentioned a lot of great clinics. But no one can give you any advice as your case is very specific. Especially without pics. There is only one way: Visit some of your preferred clinics. Have them draw a hairline and take pics from al angles. Then take your time looking at the pics at home and decide with which clinic to go. Even though there is some scientific background in the end a hairline is also sth specific. I went to three top clinics in Belgium and only one of them shared my point of view regarding "design". Personally, I do not like Dieps "shortcuts" and would remove him from my list.
  5. I assume @Sijac09 referred to the clinic in the initial post 😉 And if price is your decisive factor (even though it shouldn't) Demirsoy is IMO one of the better options.
  6. If you are month 3, growth has not even started so yes, it should only get better from here. However, the area is quite large for the amount of grafts. You cannot expect your juvenile density to come back.
  7. Hey phil, I would be careful with such conclusions. I do not have seen any statistics that pre-made slits are worse than stick and place in terms of growth. I also have seen clinics claiming that the healing process starting after the slits are made helps promoting growth (or better: helps acceptance/connection of the graft with the body). Bleeding and connection of the grafts to the blood supply of the body is not the same as well. Excessive bleeding is actually a bad not a good thing as it can lead to graft popping. Bad and rushed procedure or mistreating of the graft on the other hand … I think no one denies that this affects growth.
  8. A) is what the clinics before the surgery with them wants us to believe --> Of course they will do everything right so you do not have to worry. B) is what the clinics wants us to believe after a failed transplant with them I have seen so many results with poor growth with literally any topic clinic, even with FUT. Physiology has to be a major reason. In the end a graft is a small organ which is first extracted and then implanted and finally has to accepted (and connected to blood supply etc.) by the body.
  9. I say: We need more pics. Especially from side and back of the head to assess your donor. Probably you have to grow your hair a little out too.
  10. Your result is amazing and it looks great! Average Joe should be happy with 80 % of your result. Therefore, I think, one can be honest about the donor: - Even when I put the bigger diameter aside (which has a plus and a minus) - Even when I put the asymmetrical extraction aside (which in your case with a previous FUE is completely nonsense IMO). - Grafts where harvested from an area which they should not have been harvested from. Diep went to close to the boundaries of the donor and particularly to close to the area above your ears. This area was either thin from your previous surgery or (this is what I actually believe) thin from begin with. My donor is far above average and still my clinic did not take grafts from one particular area as the bone there sticks out from the remaining skull which would make it look thin when buzzing the area short. It is the little things which separates good from great clinics.
  11. Is there any study or physiological explanation why the crown takes longer than the hairline? The grafts are the same (from the same donor area) and typically even more robust ones (thick multies) are planted. Do this multies grow slower than finer hair? Or is it just more difficult to create the illusion due to the whirl etc.? Or is it the lower density than in the hairline which requires the hair in each graft need to reach its full diameter and all hairs of the graft to grow to achieve the illusion? Blood supply is often mentioned but it this explanation does not sound logical to me. If there is not sufficient supply the grafts just would not survive to begin with.
  12. I really think you contribute a lot to this forum and I appreciate your knowledge, but in this we have disagreed before and we still do. It is not as simple as you make it: - DHI with implanter pen has also counter arguments (these are given to me by several surgeons I have spoken too): Loading the graft into the implanter puts stress on the grafts. The round implanter creates wounds which for many skin types lead to more scaring than a clean slit with a small knife Side note: You whole argument by pre made slits and techs doing the work is valid for DHI as well. Many DHI clinics use the techs to implant with the implanter, than the tech even controls the angulation which is normally given by the surgeon with the slid. - Stick and place has the advantage for smaller slits but: It is much more difficult to create an overall hairline on bald skin or a whirl in the crown if you create every slit by itself. Some clinics claim that the healing process in the pre-made slits helps graft survival (There was a discussion about it once here, but cannot find it anymore). I think there is only the right technique for a particular case.
  13. Thank you for sharing your story. I agree that this is nice growth early on and a huge transformation especially considering your starting point. You look like a new person. However, with the biggest respect, the hairline does not look completely natural to me. There are thick multis in the front. This can be fixed easily with another clinic however, but this is laziness from the clinic. This is not to insult you! You already have achieved a huge transformation, but I would not recommend this clinic based on this work.
  14. This is the video I know. I is very easy to re-engineer the excel. If you have some INFOS of your own hair status (density, diameter,...) your can make some calculations for yourself. With a conservative approach I came up with 12 k grafts for myself, which matches the Feedback of the three clinics which I visited. They used an even simpler approach and all came up with 10+ k grafts.
  15. I have not seen enough of Couto to make a statement an I do not even know what he is doing by himself. From Lorenzo I have seen poor results and he is NOT doing the procedure by himself anymore. I have seen several poor and average results from HLC.
  16. The way the grafts are planted in the hairline...only one clinic is doing that.
  17. Let me guess: Dr. Diep 😉 It looks all normal, do not be worried.
  18. This thread is very difficult to follow. How many grafts are finally implanted and how big was the area? What are exactly the before and what the after pictures? Some of the after pics look quite good styled. Even though the lack of density in the hairline is visible, the illusion is still good and it looks quite natural. What I do not understand: Why is the first 0.5 cm of the hairline not a little tighter packed than the rest? 300 more grafts in the first 2 rows would go a long way here IMO.
  19. Let us not go out of control. For most surgeries no one knows why the grafts fail to grow. Neither Bhatti know nor any other clinic in the world. I do not want to excuse whats happened and I think that if this was not a singular event the clinic should be removed from this forum, but HT are never a guarantee.
  20. Hairline design (makro and mikro design) as well as slits (defining angulation) are typically done by Erdogan or one of his associated surgeons not by his techs. Techs can only put large multies instead of singles into the front or have the curvature of the grafts wrong. HLC is a good clinic, but just like you said: No clinic can guarantee growth.
  21. Unfortunately, It is common practice that in many forums poor results are deleted (I am not saying they are deleted in here). However, this point about ASMED comes up time and time again. @LordBaldwin, did some statistics and the %-of failed results of ASMED did not change dramatically over times. It is a statistic based on poor sample size and it is highly subjective as well, but it is by far the best we have. Anyway, there is no clinic without poor results, and with the amount of results from ASMED being published it is not possible that there have been no poor results before 2016. In my opinion the discussion should be: Are ASMED results in general to often subpar or are HT in general more often subpar?
  22. Wow, this behaviour of the rep was not only inappropriate, it is borderline criminal. Being expelled from this forum is the right thing to do by @Melvin-Moderator However, the explanation and answers of Dr. Bhatti are not convincing to me and give me the feeling that the seriousness if this situation is not seen by him. If the rep was provoked or not, is no excuse at all. If a clinic would contact my employer, I would immediately hire a lawyer and sue the entire clinic. An employer should be fired immediately for this behaviour. Only one thing I want to ad regarding the result as this discussion raises in many threads: For most of the bad results (from the better clinics) there is no explanation. Of course, there can be an underlying physical issue or the grafts could have been mishandled but in most cases the body just does not connect the grafts. Grafts are little organs and sometimes the body does not accept them. HT is risky, that is way I always recommend to be cautious and not to go "all-in". I know it is hard to except, but it is the brutal truth: No one can answer the questions below.
  23. No, this is not what I tried to say. I wanted to say that 1500 FU sounds low, but it is 4350 hairs. For an average patient it might require 2000+ grafts to get the same amount of hairs (and therefore coverage). As you have the chance to split multies, more multies do not automatically lead to an unnatural hairline.
  24. Haha, yes it is. You can also do your due diligence and then make conservative steps. You cannot control the outcome.
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