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Everything posted by Gasthoerer

  1. Wow, >8500 FU with FUE. Looking forward to the result! Interesting that for the crown a smaller punch was used! Is this from getting more confident with the WAW and therefore go more aggressive? LOL, home office here we come 😉
  2. LOL, anyone? EVERYONE! 😉 I am at 2.5 month and it is my second procedure. The waiting kills me and I cannot believe it will ever grow.
  3. This microscope thing is overblown. All good clinics have the surgeon (and his team working on your head) using magnifying glasses. Most good clinics have their techs inspecting the grafts under microscopes to detect sleeping multis. But some of the very best don't and still achieve great results. Of course all former FUT clinics use microscoped as they required them to trim the grafts after the strip. Anyway: This is not a Keser case for me: too large! 4 days surgery is not a great idea to me. BY the way: Donor looks thin too. You have to check this in a personal consultation first.
  4. @Portugal25gave you good advice. Do not go to a hair mill. Maybe your friends hat good results with a hairmill by chance or maybe you are not expereinced enough to judge the result. Who knows? But I do know that one has just one head of hair. The only thing I do not agree with @Portugal25 is the view on DHI: I do not think it is in general better than pre made slits. It is better suited for certain types of surgery and pre-made slits are better for others. Examples as counter arguments: Scaring from a clean slits via blades is much less than from the holes produced by an implanter. The loading of the implanter can also lead to stress on the grafts. It is important understand what @Melvin-Moderator mentioned_: There is only the best clinic for you particular case. Without knowing your case it is hard to recommend a clinic.
  5. Yes, totally normal. But didn't you read some reports before you had a transplant or talk to the clinic about it? This is basic knowledge everyone should know before having a transplant.
  6. The pics are blurry and it is hard to judge...but what you can see looks great: Natural, healthy and dense.
  7. Almost all top clinics have techs extracting the grafts. The top clinics who have the doc doing the entire procedure are countable on 1-2 hands. It has been discussed here 1000 times and the clinics are mentioned even more than that.
  8. No, not the spikes. You NEED those spikes due to the way Diep designs his hairlines. The issue is clearly visible on my post at the first page: Besides the spikes Diep does not use any micro irregularities. The grafts are all planted in straight lines like little soldiers. This does not mimic nature. This results looks still great DESPITE this issue, as the density is great, but it is still visible in certain angles. But it is not state-of-the-art work and an unnecessary risk IMO.
  9. Guess, I am the one you are referring too. But I did not criticise the result: The result and the density is great. But all clinics have great results just as they have bad ones. What I criticise the technique of Diep in creating a hairline in general and his punchsize and extraction pattern in FUE. The first thing can be seen below. Anyway, Neither my critic on the hairline nor the rest of the case matching yours. You would not rebuilt a new hairline (if you do not lower it, which you shouldn't) and hence would not face similar issues. And you are also not going for FUT, I assume. The bigger punches of Diep maybe are even better for you, as this will create less stress on the grafts and this might be one of the reason for the poor result with ASMED (as the using very small punches). But in anyway, larger punches will affect you donor more and might make it more difficult to wear your hair short. I still recommend: Go in small 400 FUE sessions with someone like Konior etc. and do not (!) lower your hairline. There is no guarantee that the poor growth is a clinic issue, it can easily your physiology.
  10. This is a great result (density etc.) and in the video you cannot see what I am talking about, but at 1:41 there is again a (the) picture and it is obvious.
  11. Was this done with the Artas machine? Cause this rectangular shape of the donor extraction area is quite typical for ARTAS. That you do not have clear pics from the surgery by the clinic is NO GO for a clinic for me.
  12. I did not mention it yet as I did not wanted to spoiler 😉Gonna sent a PM.
  13. Hard to tell, 80 to 90 % of my result came in between month 3.5 and 4.5. The remainder around 6 to 8. Hard to tell which was the native hair and which was the transplanted. But after 3.5 to 4 month I was looking better than before with month 3 being rock bottom.
  14. Even though the first result was great I normally would have preferred a surgeon who does more of the procedure himself. Also feriduni switched from CIT manual to the WAW system in between my surgeries, which made me a little nervous. Konior using the system himself gave me a better feeling in a way 😅
  15. Not sure if I got your question right: in my first procedure I had quite some shock loss in the recipient. Pic from month 3 is very telling IMO. In my second procedure hairline was untouched and there is no shockloss. So far also not much shock loss in the crown... Fingers crossed 😉
  16. Thanks for your interest in this "old" case. Actually, I had surgery with Feriduni again in January. Konior was the only other option I considered. I tackled the crown only but used more grafts than initially thought with a semi shaven procedure. This gave me the opportunity to go back to work after 14 days without looking like a fool. I will give a full report again after the results are there, just like last time. If anyone is having a similar decision to make, I would share some pics via PM in advance.
  17. I am really happy that you enjoy your result. Personally, I think it is great especially considering your status and amount of grafts used. Just want to add, that I am not affiliated with the clinic and even went to another clinic for FUE (feriduni). But there are not many great FUT clinics in Europe left and this is one if them. One has to know: this is from my point of view a rather conservative clinic regarding hairline and amount of grafts for first surgery. But for high NW this is the way to go. Easier to be more aggressive after a successful first pass than looking for a rescue after going all in.
  18. Your crown will dip a little and the remainder is stretching (thinning) of the donor. There was a sketch from Dr Batthi in the famous FUE vs FUT thread. The hairline is not affected.
  19. Like stated by me already in the thread you have linked: This is a result with great growth but technical issues in the hairline, which seems a general issue with this clinic from my personal point of view. Combine this with strange FUE (I know this is about FUT) extraction pattern and large punches sizes...to many "no go"-points to me.
  20. I think the most critical points are, that you can easily run of grafts with crown cases: - If you repair the crown an lose in similar fashion you will end up with a unnatural donut look. - If you double the balding diameter of your crown - you need 4 times the grafts to fill it (or additional 3 times the grafts after you initial surgery)
  21. Really? Can you elaborate on that? Melvin's result is great but Diep has to many "no go"-points to me.
  22. The question is: Do you have links to 10 patient reports of Couto and not to the same clinic results which are shown in any thread all over the net? And no, I do not have searched for average or poor Couto results. I believe he is great, but also believe that he is human. Here are links to 2 reports which are shared by some of his supporters (so I assume these are some of his best patient reports). Great result, but not heads and shoulders above results from other clinics: https://foro.recuperarelpelo.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=73683&start=255 Great result, but hairline is not 100 % natural to me. https://foro.recuperarelpelo.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=71184 Great result, but patient pictures clearly showing less perfect density than clinic pictures.
  23. Aha, it is the secret FUE technique 😉 Please enlighten me, how with FUE a better coverage is possible than the best FUT (with best cases having > 90 % growth rates) can achieve? Do they achieve >100 % growth with this secret FUE method? But one thing is correct: Only results count. Results by real patients not clinic posted results, with optimized light, hair characteristics and pseudo wetting.
  24. What is going on here? What is more realistic me being a shill for an US clinic or you be a troll? Lets see: - I am here for years and have > 1000 post - I have documented my case with a Belgium clinic - I have a proven track record of recommending different clinic around the world for different cases (please check my posts or ask long term users) - You have 10 post with mostly nonsense comments But even if we leave all of this aside and think you are more than a troll: - Do you really believe there is one clinic in the world which can achieve significantly better with less than all (!) other top clinics? If you are so naïve and you think one clinic can beat the math (HT is all about math), go there. No one stops you! - How many real patient reports (not clinic reports) anyone of you has seen from Couto? 100? 10? 1? 0? Here are links provided by the Couto bandwagon in another thread. So not selected by me as bad ones, but by supports as good ones. That are very good results, I do not deny that. But are they outstanding? Better than anything I have ever seen? Natural density? Total natural appearance? Not for me: https://foro.recuperarelpelo.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=73683&start=255 https://foro.recuperarelpelo.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=71184
  25. Minox is a heart pressure medication which is hardly used any more due to the severe side effects including heart rhythm issues etc. I am not saying you should stop using it, but FIN is more effective longterm and side effects are not as common.
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