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Everything posted by Gasthoerer

  1. This is a great result! The patient should be very happy. But it is in no way a stand out results from thousands of other clinic posted results in here. Neither density, nor naturalness are astonishing. The only crazy thing is the HGI of 2.9 for a hairline case. I am not sure if I have seen a higher value in such a case before.
  2. Very good pictures! Thank you. I also think this is a great result! Natural, dense and no technical flaws. If you want a better result in one pass - do not have a HT.
  3. WOW, this might well be the best 4 month crown result I have ever seen. I am at 4 month as well, and still below baseline.
  4. FIN usually should work for DUPA as well. Of course, with 19 oral minox and oral FIN is an aggressive regime. Unfortunately, I do not know much better (other than the even more aggressive DUT). Anyway, it appears that you have quite some dandruff and I recomment Ket or PO Shampoo.
  5. I had a small test procedure with Feriduni (400 FU) as seen by my signature. Bisanga and Lupanzula did not like the idea. I think it is a mixture of many things: Business case and risk vs. reward for the clinic. At the current situation maybe more clinics are having open spots and therefore are also more open to this idea. The best way is to simply contact the clinics you are looking for and have a personal consultation like you are planning anyway. Special topics like this are very difficult to discuss with a rep or by mail. For Lorenzo and HLC (at alopezie.de) I have seen below average results, no butchering of course. But poor growth and some small issue like I have seen with any (!) clinic. They are great nevertheless. For Couto I have not seen many patient posted results. The very few I have seen look mostly good but not flawless either.
  6. Please keep in mind: There a bad results (=poor growth) from any clinic in the world. If you rule them all out, you have nowhere to go. Of course technical mistakes (wrong angles, hairlines with thick multies, poor hairline micro/macro design etc.) are a no go. If you are a repair case (and suffering from poor growth) it is important, to rule out physiological issues IMO. Discuss this with your initial (maybe they have an internal rating of the procedure) and your new clinic. I recommend to have a small test procedure with your new clinic to check it is not your own body causing the issue. This gives you options to change something e.g. switching to strip or to another implantation method (forceps to implanter pen or vice versa). Donor resources are limited and more valuable then money or time in that matter.
  7. You should trust NO ONE. It is your head and your live. Look into real patient posted results in forums and follow the discussions. Avoid Facebook, Instagram and clinics who advertise with celebs. After a few weeks you know the good clinics. Some have already been mentioned in this thread. Do not rush into surgery. It is a live altering procedure not a hair cut. All the best.
  8. Your plan is not good. This sources are not reliable. That Cinik did not provide you with before pics is alarming too. If you have only 1800 Grafts left this is alarming considering your age and status. You should think about medication and not about the crown. What if your sides drop?
  9. Unfortunately, the other members are right. With the current technology you are not a candidate for HT. Please avoid cheap clinic who might promise you a solution. I am no expert on hair systems, but with your level of loss at the back and the sides only a full cap might be a solution. Also, your loss is that bad, I would not bother with medication like FIN etc. in your case. My recommendation: Look into SMP and all this stuff. With your beard the shaved look with a shadow effect could look awesome. But be careful, like HT business, you have to chose you clinic wisely as the are many butchers around. Good luck!
  10. 1) At the moment the focus is on "Doc only" clinics mainly driven by the discussion about ASMED 2) People start focusing more on youtube/facebook/instagramm videos or pics
  11. Most of us would kill for such a messy head of hair 😮
  12. If this is your goal, then the number of clinics to chose from is very small and most of the clinics on your list have to be excluded. Starting points for DOC only: - Heitmann - Keser (there are some discussion about his technique but he is doing every step himself) - HLC (but they have several Docs performing the surgery) - Konior and his apprentice Nadimi - Ferreira (Seems good and fairly priced but not many published results) - Not sure about Couto, Gabel, Vorries, … Personally, I still think it would be good to have a small test case (< 500 FUE) and switch to FUT if the test is not successful. All the best.
  13. 0) Unfortunately this assumption is wrong. There is a reason almost all high level clinic got rid of the Artas. 1) Yes, but depends on your situation and has nothing to do with Artas as it is only used for punching. 2) There are some clinic shared results and most of them show already the issue with the extraction pattern.
  14. Well, at least on this very topic we agree...I do not like people who fail to look in the mirror and judge other people exactly for what they do themselves.
  15. Well, we are not talking about hairline design. But in terms of growth there are so many results with similar or even worse growth from top clinics. If you haven't seen them then you have not done your homework before having a transplant. This is not subjective by any means. Just look at this case. There are no guarantees in HT business:
  16. While the most part of your comment (about hairline design) is spot on, this one is misleading. Of course, a good clinic will rule out poor candidates (e. g. candidate with insufficient donor or even donor thinning etc.). But to believe with a top clinic you have a growth guarantee is wrong: No one can tell before how much grafts are going to grow in a particular case. The proof: Thousands of poor results from top clinic documented in this and other forums. There has been more than one result with poor growth from H&W even using strip surgery documented here. Therefore you always need a plan B.
  17. 1. Hard to believe honestly. IMO it doesn't suite you at all: Neither your facial features nor your transplant result. But well, you see yourself everyday and not only via pics. 2. Sorry, my mistake, "08/15" is a common phrase in my country for a "cheap and standardized (in a bad way)" product. One hairline for all, so to say. 3. I agree with the first part not the second. Most great clinics have different waiting list: One for consultation and one for surgery. E. g. for all the 3 Belgium clinics I visited waiting time for consultation was 1-4 month while waiting list for surgery was 3-9 month. This is what I did. I had several month between consultation and the surgery. And: I ruled out 2 of 3 clinics mainly because, I did not agree on their view on my particular case. (Hairline-)design is a very personal thing. You will have to live with your hairline design for years to come. 4. Good decision. Do not do the same mistake twice just because they offer you sth like free surgery or reduced prices. 5. There are of course more options, somehow you seem to be focused on turkey or spain (strange combination anyway), but the clinics you mention are good starting points for your research. Keep in mind: If you go for small procedures like recommended by me - this will cost more (per Graft) and many clinics might reject you cause it is a poor business case. I wish you all the best. You certainly deserve it after such a long road.
  18. We feel with you! HT is a difficult experience: Spending a lot of money and much worse, educating yourself and then wait and wait and wait...and hope for a great result. I think you pics are not great to make a final judgement. Pics showing your entire facial proportions and a profile view is required. Also more post OP pics would be great. Anyway, from what I can see this is my call: - Typical 0815 standard hairline macro design (typical for this clinic IMO, long before all the complaints came up, maybe even a little bit of a cultural thing) - Density is unfortunately below average especially considering this amount of grafts - Not sure, but if this (spiked up) hairstyle is your standard one, it is amplifying your issues. Neither style nor length are in the sweet spot in my opinion. Longer hair, with a side part would go a long way IMO. - I would not consider to go back to the same clinic after this result. Same path, same outcome...better go to a new clinic dedicated for cases like yours and proceed in small steps of 500 FU to see if growth is better. Your next step can be your final one if you go again for a big surgery. - It appears that you have quite some dandruff - I recommend using KET/PO shampoo. Might also slow the loss down a tiny bit. Final thoughts: - A lot of patients request an "explanation" from the clinic for their subpar results and get angry/disappointed when there are only excuses. Unfortunately, if you do not go to a butcher and there are clear mistakes made - NO ONE has an explanation why some results are poor and others aren't even from the best clinics. It seems to be mainly from physiology. - This is exactly why I always recommend to have a F2F consultation prior to have surgery. Have the surgeon draw a hairline for you and take some pics home. Then you have time to look at your future hairline for some time without pressure from the clinic personal around you.
  19. Well, I agree that the data from China is not a valuable source. Your number is way to high and I have seen no data to back you claims up. Also you logic is flawed IMO. Yes, some people might die and the virus is undetected. But much more people are infected, survive without symptoms and are never tested.
  20. You are welcome! But just to avoid any confusion: It is standard to discuss hairline etc. on the day of surgery, but I do not like this approach. I recommend to have a F2F prior to the surgery and make a plan including hairline etc. Take pics from all angles home and look at them without any pressure. You will have to live with this hairline for the rest of your life --> Better to take more time than for a haircut. And everyone is nervous at the day of surgery.
  21. My five cent: We had a video conference consultation... Many people go for surgery without any pre-op consultation except sending some pics and most of them discuss hairline etc. at the day of surgery --> I always recommend to have a F2F consult as everyone is nervous at the day of surgery. It is a personal decision though. The number of grafts seems very high since, to be honest, he uses .9 to 1 mm punches …. You mix up several things. The proper amount of grafts is calculated via area x FU/cm2. Punchsize has nth do to with it. If you do not have particular thick hair 1mm punch seems big compared to the standard especially for hairline cases. He said he would insert some grafts where there was already hair to anticipate future hair loss... This is 100 % normal only the amount depends on your type and speed of loss When I mentioned I was considering trying topical finasteride with minoxidil, he said topical finasteride doesn't work. … The data on this is very poor. There is no clear evidence IMO for lower side effects or efficacy. Anyway, there is a huge discussion about oral FIN even though there are a lot of studies. I mentioned using Rogaine (5% minoxidil). He said it might work for the crown...You are right. Tests where only done on the crown of men with dark hair. More likely (to say it in most neutral way) it works also on the front and for blond, only the effect is stronger in areas with minor loss. Most have the strongest loss in the hairline, hence it works worse in the hairline. But how can I schedule an appointment for my surgery in less than a month when the only thing substantiating … See Question 1. I asked about specifics, and he said it would be determined the day of the surgery....See Question 1 I asked if he would do the surgery. He said he would,... Many top clinics use techs during surgery. This is not an issue per se. But if it is not clear who does what during surgery: Not good.
  22. The quality of the pics are poor, so it is hard to judge. From what I can see: - It looks perfectly natural --> This is the most important - There are no holes or gaps --> Growth seems to be good This is a very good result. Maybe there can be very minor improvments possible with a < 200- 400 FUE second pass in certain areas, to achieve perfection. But this can be said about every HT. I am sure, we can make a video/pics in the right lightnig and styling and people would celebrate this result. Summary: If you expect a better result, you should never have surgery IMO. I also do not understand the 20 k$ comment - Is it worth the Money or not? Of Course if you achieve this result with 10 k$, this would this be better! But what if the result looks unnatural and you cannot slick back for example? Would this be worth a lower price? Enjoy your hair, you have all the reasons to be happy about your decision. Edit: Looking again at the pictures - The density of the transplanted area matches also with the non transplanted area behind. Another sign that this is a very good result.
  23. How can you be happy with the result after 11 days? You will have to wait for several month to have a first result. My honest opinion: 3500 FU are usually not enough for the area covered (even though your pics showing not the entire area of treatment so it is partly a guess). But looking at the pics AND doing the math (FU/cm2) I do not think that a man bun will work.
  24. It is surely less critical but: - Singles and multies have to placed to different regions - Grafts should not be mishandled - And almost forgotten: Almost all grafts have a bend/curve, therefore the direction of the graft in the slit still effects the growth of the hair and have to be placed in the proper way (so that the bending goes towards the head and not the other way around for example). Personally, I think experienced techs should handle this task well, but … only the best clinics have the best techs. A tech can come and go and surgeon can't (in most cases).
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